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Daar Cheeni/Cinnamon Benefits And Its Side Effects

Cinnamon Benefits
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Daar cheeni, also famously known as cinnamon, has always been an essential ingredient in Pakistani cuisine.

 It is a well-known spice that is added to many dishes or even sprinkled on toast. 

This spice adds an amazing flavor to your food but do you know about the benefits of cinnamon to your overall health?

Daar cheeni has been used in traditional medicines and is known for its medicinal properties. You may find its different types, including:

Darker color cassia contains more health benefits as compared to Ceylon. It is basically found by cutting the stems of the cinnamon tree. The next step involves the extraction of inner bark by removing woody parts.

A teaspoon of ground cinnamon contains about:

Scientists are still searching for more facts. However, for now, we will discuss some of its amazing health benefits.

Health Benefits of Daar Cheeni 

1. Cinnamon Rich in Medicinal Properties 

No one can deny its delicious flavor. But we also cannot neglect how it works for our health. Researchers say that the inner bark of trees provides you with magical health benefits. According to experts, it’s been used as medicine in Ancient Egypt as it is highly rich in a compound, Cinnamaldehyde.

It impacts your metabolism as it contains both antifungal and antibacterial properties. Cinnamon compounds reduce the risk of infections. If you have a bad breath issue, try daar cheeni for its amazing benefits.

2. Cinnamon Controls Blood Sugar Levels 

My father is a diabetes patient, and I can understand how it feels to live with a chronic condition. But cinnamon has the anti-diabetic effect that manages your blood sugar level by leaving an impact on insulin resistance.

When you have your meal, the amount of glucose from your food that enters your bloodstream can affect your digestive enzymes. You can also enjoy cinnamon tea after having a meal.

Experts share that such interference may result in the slow breakdown of carbohydrates in your digestive tract. 

You can sprinkle cinnamon on your oatmeal or can have one-half spoon regularly. That is the best way to get positive effects on insulin resistance.

3. Daar Cheeni Reduce Heart Diseases Risk 

According to a recent analysis, heart failure is one of the leading causes of death in Pakistan. Healthy blood circulation is possible when you intake half a teaspoon of cinnamon. 

People with diabetes type 2 can also get benefits from cinnamon.

Daar cheeni reduces the bad LDL cholesterol level but results in stable Good LDL cholesterol level.

Its intake also affects heart disease-causing factors, such as cinnamon lowers blood pressure, and maintains your cholesterol level.

4. Daar Cheeni May Prevent Cancer 

We all know that cancer is a life-threatening disease that occurs due to uncontrolled cell growth. 

Well, it provided some limited evidence that supports its positive effects to prevent cancer and also treat such life-threatening conditions. 

Cinnamon kills the cancer cells that reduce the growth and formation of blood vessels.

A test-tube experiment revealed that daar cheeni activates antioxidants that provide protection. Some animal studies also support its prevention properties against cancer.

5. Cinnamon as Antifungal and Antibacterial 

According to experts, cinnamaldehyde is an active component of cinnamon. It contains antifungal and antibacterial properties that fight off infections. You can add this spice to your daily diet for the best effects, but its oil is also beneficial. 

People with respiratory tract infections (caused by fungi) should intake cinnamon. Its antibacterial properties reduce the growth of bacteria.

It is beneficial for your overall health from head to toe. Well, it also works for bad breath and tooth decay.

6. Cinnamon Benefits for Neurodegenerative Diseases

Neurodegenerative diseases, like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, occur due to the loss of brain cells function. 

Daar cheeni contains some beneficial compounds that work to slow down the buildup of the protein tau in the brain. Adding it into your diet can minimize the risk of Parkinson’s disease as it protects neurons and results in better function.

7. Cinnamon for Weight Loss

Some studies do support its positive effects on weight loss, but experts also believe that it cannot help all alone to lose weight for a long time. Its anti-diabetic properties affect the blood glucose levels in your body that result in weight loss.

8. Daar Cheeni with Anti-Inflammatory Properties 

Temporary inflammation is not a big deal as it allows damaged tissue repair and fights off infections. But If it is chronic, you need to get help from a healthy diet, like cinnamon. It reduces the chronic inflammation that can damage your body’s own tissues. 

Its anti-inflammatory properties also lower the risk of many potential health diseases.

9. Rich in Antioxidants 

Free radicals cause oxidative damage that you can prevent with antioxidants. Well, cinnamon is here to fight off free radicals with its power pack antioxidants, which are known as polyphenols. 

You can use it in a different way or can also preserve it for a long period.

10. Cinnamon Treats an Upset Stomach 

A study reveals its beneficial properties that work for an upset stomach. If it is morning sickness or diarrhoea, you can add it to your daily diet. 

Sprinkle on your chicken for its spicy taste that will also treat your stomach issues. People with chronic gas issues should try a small dose of cinnamon powder daily to break up gas bubbles.

11. Cinnamon Gives a Healthy Skin 

Its antifungal, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties can give you clear skin as it is effective for pimples and acne scars. The intake of its powder form improves the blood flow in your body. 

You should consult with a dermatologist if your skin type is good for a cinnamon honey mask or not. 

People with sensitive skin should not apply its mask as it can cause irritation and redness.

12. Daar Cheeni Reduces Headache 

You can reduce the high frequency and severity of headaches by applying cinnamon. Experts say that giving a gentle massage on the forehead with cinnamon can help to get rid of headaches (sar dard) and migraine.

13. Cinnamon Work Against the HIV Virus 

Studies reveal that daar cheeni extracted fights off the HIV virus and proved as most effective medicinal properties against such virus. It does increase the effectiveness of other prescription medicine treatments.

Cinnamon Side Effects

An excessive dose of cinnamon may result in toxicity in your body that can damage your liver and other organs. Breastfeeding and pregnant women should avoid its intake.

Some people may be allergic to daar cheeni, which can cause mouth and lips irritation. You should try a small dose to check if you are allergic or not. 

Diabetics should also consult with a doctor to confirm the dose as excessive intake may result in low blood sugar levels.

Cinnamon benefits can help to deal with many health problems. Many dietitians recommend daar cheeni powder to increase the weight loss process with other diets. You can ask our best dietitians how much dose is beneficial for your overall health.

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