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How to Get Rid of Bad Breath? 7 Home Remedies that Always Work

How to Get Rid of Bad Breath
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Bad breathThe fault isn’t always yours!

Your favorite pasta can be the reason.. Or maybe the bacteria hiding in your mouth unknowingly could be causing the bad breath… The fact is that BAD BREATH is inevitable.

A Stinging Mouth – What’s the Solution?

In medical terms, bad breath is also known as halitosis…. Food choices, poor oral hygiene, dental diseases, smoking and many other things serve as the potential causes of bad breath. 

When we talk about oral health problems, the problem of bad breath is more common than we think. What causes it? We know that from oral hygiene practices you follow to your food choices, many things can cause bad breath. 

No matter what’s the cause, imagine the embarrassment it brings along, I am sure many of you can relate to this. But how to get rid of a bad breath? Home remedies are the answer to this.

Best Home Remedies to Fight Bad Breath

When it comes to treating problems like bad breath, some of the easiest home remedies serve the purpose. Here are  some of the best home remedies that can help you: 

Brush, Floss, Repeat 

Brushing your teeth right and twice a day.

Stick to good oral hygiene practices if you want to get rid of bad breath permanently. This is one simple rule that remains effective. Proper brushing can simply remove the bacterial accumulation in your oral cavity. Further, it tends to remove the leftover food particles from your mouth.  

Alongside brushing, flossing is equally important. Flossing is for the places that are not so accessible for your toothbrush…. Yes, the spaces between your teeth where your toothbrush can’t reach can be cleaned through proper brushing. 

So, try to maintain a good personal oral care routine to get rid of a stinging mouth.

2- Don’t Forget your Tongue

Cleaning your mouth goes more than just brushing your teeth.

This includes other mouthparts as well and your tongue is surely important in this regard. Your tongue’s surface is not so even and has spaces in between. These bumps on your tongue are the places where bacteria in your mouth can hide and can cause bad breath. 

So, whenever you are brushing your teeth make sure that you don’t forget your tongue and clean it properly. All you need is your toothbrush to scrape the bacteria off your tongue surface. 

3- Chew Some Parsley (Dhaniya)

When we talk about the ways that can help you to get rid of bad breath, the use of parsley stays important. This is one of the oldest methods that merely involves chewing a few parsley leaves. 

Parsley contains a good amount of chlorophyll in it. According to research, parsley can combat the odour-causing sulfur compounds in your mouth that enables it to fight bad breath effectively. So, after every meal chew a few parsley leaves and get rid of the bad breath permanently. 

4- Water for An Odorless Mouth

Want flawless skin? Want to shed extra pounds? Or even if you want to get rid of bad breath, WATER is the answer. 

Speaking of the facts, water holds nothing in it that can help you get rid of a stinging mouth. The reason water can be the right solution for your problem is that it prevents the dehydration of the mouth.

 When your mouth is dehydrated, you are going to breathe badly. So, drinking enough water can surely help you to overcome the problem.

5- Let your Food do the Job!

Does your mouth smell bad after you enjoy onion or garlic flavored cuisines? 

The answer is yes. This is because your food choices can significantly impact your oral health. Not only do certain foods smell bad themselves but can also cause bad breath by impacting the growth of bacteria in your mouth. So, make sure you make wise food choices if you want to get rid of bad breath. 

Some of the good foods that you should add to your diet if you want to get rid of bad breath include:

All these foods and many others can be one of the easiest ways that can help you to prevent and treat bad breath permanently without putting in too much effort.

6- Chew Gum or Seeds

You can have a fresh breath and a sharp jawline, that too simultaneously!

Have you tried all the home remedies that can help you to get rid of bad breath and still suffer from the same problem? 

The problem can come from saliva production. Saliva that is naturally produced in your mouth serves as your natural defense against plaque acids. When there is not enough saliva production, then you are definitely going to have terribly bad breath. 

No worries, you can stimulate your saliva production by chewing excessively. You can chew gum or fennel seeds after your meal or in between to ensure a fresh breath.

7- Visit your Dentist

No matter how many home remedies you try to find relief from bad breath, sometimes there are hidden and concerning causes behind it. For instance, gum diseases can be linked to bad breath. This is only possible after a proper dental checkup to figure out the cause behind your bad breath that is then treated accordingly. 

So, if you continue to suffer bad breath or experience a toothache, you should visit your dentist immediately. A dental visit in time can surely save you from the bigger troubles.

Are you Ready to Beat Bad Breath?

Bad breath can be embarrassing and is unavoidable in many cases. No matter where it’s coming from, home remedies always hold the cure for the problem. However, if none of these home remedies works for you, you should immediately seek out advice from your dentist. 

Now you can book an appointment with the best dentist in Lahore via to make an informed decision regarding your oral health.

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