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How to Heal Cracked Heels? Keep your Dry Skin at Bay! 

How to Heal Cracked Heels
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Different factors can contribute to making your feet look weird, but cracked heels can also cause pain. According to an analysis, 2 in 10 people experience cracked feet.

Untreated cracked heels increase the risk of skin infection. Once you start caring for your feet health, it will prevent skin damage and also reduce the potential risk of skin infections.

But you can prevent skin damage from happening only when you know the reasons that cause cracked heels.

Why Your Heels Become Cracked 

The basic reason behind your damaged heel skin is dryness. When your skin becomes dry, it results in cracked heels. Dry skin can occur due to different reasons, such as taking a hot shower, using harsh soaps, extremely cold weather, standing for too long, etc.

Researchers reveal some medical conditions that can also result in cracked heels, such as eczema, diabetes, athlete’s foot, heel spurs, hypothyroidism, etc.

If I share my experience of cracked heels, it happens usually when I take a hot shower and do not apply any moisturizer.

Home Remedies for Cracked Heels 

You can treat mildly cracked heels using some natural tips because such skin damages cause severe pain while walking or standing.

Let’s explore how you can get rid of cracked heels.

1. Soak Your Feet for Exfoliating Effect 

Have you ever noticed the skin around your heels? 

Well, this skin is different as it is thicker and drier. When you stand for too long or walk, it puts pressure on your heels. Such pressures result in cracked heels.

You should soak your feet in the lukewarm water but do not forget to add soap. Keep your feet in the tub for at least 20 minutes. Dermatologists suggest using a foot scrubber and loofah to get rid of hard and thick skin.

After removing the rough skin, apply a moisturizer that will retain the natural moisture. 

Always keep a pair of socks near you to wear after applying moisturizer.

2. Apply Honey 

I always consider honey as one solution for many skin problems. Honey is my first choice when I want to keep my feet’s skin healthy. It has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that give effective skin healing results. 

Applying honey can cleanse your heels and also leave moisturizing effects. When you soak your feet, apply honey as an overnight mask. You can see the noticing results the next morning.

3. Try Liquid Bandage

 Open wounds in your heels can increase the risk of skin infections. The liquid bandage lowers the risk of these infections and seals your wounds. 

If the heel cracks are severe, the liquids penetrate deep into the skin and provide effective results. But before you apply, clean your heels and exfoliate to get rid of rough skin. In case of bleeding, ask our best dermatologists for help.

4. Use a Thick Moisturizer

A healing balm is a good option for your cracked heels. To exfoliate the dead skin, apply a thick moisturizer like petroleum jelly that provides your skin with a soft touch.

Always buy a product with some quality ingredients like salicylic acid, saccharide isomerate, urea, and alpha-hydroxy acids. Such products give more effective results to fix your cracked heels. You may experience a mild stinging sensation while applying this type of product. 

People with sensitive skin should consult dermatologists before using any such product.

5. Apply Coconut Oil 

If you are dealing with dry skin problems, coconut oil is the right choice for you. Studies also support its use for psoriasis and eczema. It locks your skin moisture. You can also apply this oil to your heels after the soaking method.

Cracked heels are prone to skin infections and may bleed. But coconut oil works for the heel in the best way as it contains anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

6. Choose Shoes that Protect Heels

You may find this remedy a simple one, but it gives effective results. Shoes can protect your feet but only the right ones. 

Walking barefoot can result in rough heels and cause bleeding in severe damage. It also puts you at high risk of skin infections. 

Wearing the right size shoes that cover your feelings from dirt and extremely dry weather can protect your feet against damaged skin.

7. Wear Cotton Socks 

When you go to bed, apply petroleum jelly and cover your feet wearing cotton socks. Make sure that you buy a hundred percent cotton socks. It will lock the moisture in and let your skin breathe.

A study revealed that many people followed this remedy that provided effective results in the skin healing process.

 Wearing socks also keeps your bed sheets clean from stains.

8. Rub With a Pumice Stone 

After moisturizing your heels, gently rubbing the skin using a pumice stone will help to get rid of dead and hard skin thickness. If someone recommends the use of a scissor to cut your hard skin, never touch it as it can result in worse conditions.

If the wounds and cracked heels do not get healed and you feel no pain, it may be a sign of diabetes. A dermatologist can guide you better on what you should do for the treatment. 

How Dermatologists Treat Cracked Heels 

When I asked dermatologists about the treatment of crack heels, they shared some methods to remove dead skin. What are those methods?

Experts also advise avoiding taking long hot showers or baths because it can make your dry skin worse. 

Warm water is a better choice than hot water. You should not stay in the bath for more than 10 minutes. Avoid fragrance cleansers but pat your skin dry before applying any moisturizer.

Dryness is the leading cause of cracked heels which you can prevent by staying hydrated.

The Bottom Line 

Rough and flaky heels can cause pain and discomfort. But over-the-counter and some home remedies for cracked heels provide effective results. Some medical conditions can also cause cracked heels which you should consult with the best dermatologists.

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