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Expert Insights on How to Increase Your Sex Time!

How to Increase Your Sex Time
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Are you here in search of how to increase sex time? 

Well, you are not the only one. A lot of guys are looking for strategies to improve their sex life. They want to make relationships with their partners more pleasurable and satisfying for both themselves and their partners. 

So, how to increase your sex life? There isn’t a secret to improving a guy’s sexual endurance, but there are some easy things you can do to make your performance last longer and better.

This can involve finding fresh solutions to old issues or trying something different to keep your partner satisfied. Make sure your vascular system is in top shape and keep in mind that blood pressure affects your penis. Basically, whatever is healthy for your heart is healthy for your sex life.

Also, male enhancement medications are widely available, but there are numerous easy ways to stay firmer and last longer without having to go to the pharmacy.

To learn simple tips on how to increase sex time, continue reading. 

Minutes or Hours – Why Do Timings Matter?

Talking about sex, there is a lot more to it, far more than sexual arousal and ejaculation. Sexual activity is a complex behavior pattern consisting of four main stages, including arousal, excitement, orgasm, and resolution.

No matter what’s your favorite part of it, the fact is TIMINGS matter. Talking about timings, you will often find men wondering, what is normal and adequate? And how can I increase my sex time?

However, unlike this popular misconception, any sexual activity can take minutes for satisfaction. Hours of sexual activity are merely what you fantasize about!!!!!

Do I Really Need to Worry About Timings?

For men, staying longer in bed is an indicator of their sexual potency and of course, a female desire. But do you really need to be judgmental about your timings? 

Of course, not! Unless you face urinary challenges, change in libido, fertility problems, or difficulty with erection.

Read more about the best foods to deal with erectile dysfunction.

How to Increase Your Sex Time?

If you still want to spice up your sex life and have tried searching for how to increase your sex time or how can I increase my sex time? There is still hope. 

Male sexual performance depends upon many factors, from your diet to your sleeping patterns, be mindful that EVERYTHING MAKES A DIFFERENCE!

Here are the tips that might be the right answer on how to increase your sex time.

1- Let Your Food Do The Job

How to improve sex timing? Eat your way to healthy bones, healthy skin, healthy brain, and whatnot. 

Well, food is considered to be important for our physical and mental functions. There are foods that can help male sexual performance. The secret lies in the presence of certain ingredients in foods that can make them support your sexual health. 

Some of the key nutrients include;

All multivitamins or other mineral ingredients can be your answer to how to increase your sex time without medicine. 

2- Stay Hydrated to Increase Your Sex Timing

To maintain your endurance throughout any physical activity, including sex, hydration is crucial. One benefit is that you’re less likely to get impatient and get dehydrated halfway through a lengthy session.

But more crucially, drinking enough water improves blood flow to your penis. Water helps your blood flow through arteries and veins more easily because it increases blood volume.

Another crucial point to remember is that dehydration can cause your body to create angiotensin, which narrows your blood vessels. It may be more difficult to maintain an erection due to this restricted blood supply.

Therefore, men should consume 3.7 liters of fluid per day as a general rule, and maybe more if they engage in significant physical activity. 

Do you want to more about how much water you should drink per day? Click here!

3- Manage Your Stress

Next in the list of answers for ‘how to improve sex timing’ comes the role of stress. Stress management is important not only when it’s about your mental health but also affects your sexual activity. 

Stress can negatively affect your libido for all good reasons. Stress works on your HORMONES. Stress increases the production of cortisol or stress hormones in your body. 

In the presence of stress hormones, your sex hormones are either insufficiently produced or couldn’t perform well. This results in an overall reduction in your libido that is harmful to you and can be your reason for searching for things like how to increase your sex time without medicine. 

4- How to Increase Sex Timing for Men? Get Enough Sunlight

Sunlight is important. Not only does it affect your stress levels but it affects the production of sex hormones that are essentially important for your timings in bed. 

If you are able to spend some time in sunlight you will feel more satisfied, and energetic and observe a boost in your sexual activity. So, one answer to ‘how to increase sex timing for men’; can be getting enough sunlight. 

5- Start-Stop Technique is There for You!

People who have trouble with their sex life are more likely to try many different techniques. One of these techniques is the start-stop technique. The way this technique works is basically not doing the sexual activity on the go.

So, how to increase sex timing with the start-stop technique?

As soon as you are about to reach climax, you immediately stop and begin after a few moments. In this way, you basically split your sexual activity into phases, and that automatically increases your timing in bed resulting in a more satisfactory sex life.

Read more about how to increase sex time without medicine.

6- How to Increase Sex Timing? Gradually Build the Process

The reason that you are not getting enough from your sex life is that you are not paying enough attention to details. It may seem to you that penetration is probably the most important part of any sexual activity but clearly it isn’t. 

The reason is clear, sexual needs and stimuli are important and can vary from person to person. If you just focus on the genitals, there are chances that you achieve the climax in a few moments, and definitely, and it will reduce your sexual stamina. 

Be mindful that doing it gradually will make the process more pleasurable and increase your satisfaction, e.g. work on foreplay.

Work on Foreplay

Foreplay is important for all good reasons. Simply, it makes your sexual activity more fun and pleasurable. Foreplay has physiological and psychological importance

Not only does foreplay enhance the secretion, making intercourse smoother but it also connects you better. Scientifically speaking, it causes blood vessels to expand and increases blood flow to your genitals. All this makes sexual activity less painful and results in more pleasure.

7- Skip Sleep Cheat or Keep Asking How to Increase your Sex Time

How to increase your sex time! You may ask it a hundred times and the answers from the expert end will remain the same. 

Looking for a sleep cheat is more of a routine for us. But you will be surprised to know that sleep has a significant impact on your sexual performance. 

When you sleep for sufficient time, it automatically increases male sexual performance by affecting the production of sex hormones and limiting the impact of stress on your sexual performance. 

So, how to increase timing in bed? Work on your sleeping habits. 

8- Move More to Increase Sex Time 

Fitness is underrated, especially when it comes to your sexual life. Physical activity is known to improve your physical and mental health and act as a spark to your sex life. Here is how physical activity can work for you.

9- Try Some Pelvic Floor Exercises

According to Dr. Zubair Ahmad Cheema, a qualified Urologist with 20 years of experience, exercises for the pelvic floor make the muscles that surround your bladder, genitalia, vagina, and penis stronger.

Exercises for the pelvic floor may enhance sexual function and result in more enjoyable sex, according to experts.

To strengthen your pelvic floor:

You can perform this action as many times as you wish, but if you’re just starting out, it might be wise to limit yourself to 10 to 15 squeezes per day.

As your endurance grows, you can add more. Be careful not to overdo it and take a rest between squeezes. 

Get to know more in detail about exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor.

10- Pay Attention to Mindfulness

Being mindful of what you are doing is important to sexual stamina. When you work on staying present in the present moment makes sexual activity more fun and enjoyable. Mindfulness is important for stress relief and it can surely help you to overcome your sexual life problems and increase your performance in bed.

11- Talk to Your Partner

Most of your sexual life problems don’t come from your sexual health but it’s mental. Your sex life is unsatisfactory, it is not necessary that your performance is the culprit behind it. 

Maybe you are not understanding the needs of your partner and that’s what troubles your sex life. When it comes to this, your communication gap may be the problem. Thus, it’s crucial that you talk to your partner about this and understand their needs.

12- Increase Your Stamina by Kicking Bad Habits

Smoking and drinking alcohol are two things that you may use to relax that may have an impact on your sexual performance.

A small amount of red wine may increase circulation, according to research, but drinking too much alcohol can be harmful.

Both drinking and smoking have been associated with impotence and blood vessel narrowing.

Therefore, one of the initial actions how to increase timing or sexual performance is to reduce or stop smoking. Sexual health can be improved by substituting healthy behaviors like exercise and a balanced diet for undesirable ones.

Let’s Wrap Up!

Sexual desire is natural and nature’s way of bringing life into existence. For many people, it’s surrounded by different challenges. These challenges can make it difficult for you to have a satisfactory sex life. Just like other men’s health problems, it is important to address sexual health challenges in men.

Some people struggle with problems like erectile dysfunction while many others work to look for answers to questions like how to increase sex time. All these ways can help to improve your timings and enhance your performance in bed. Using all these ways can be pretty helpful in treating your sexual life problems.

For the right advice, you can consult the best-certified sexologists in Lahore via Healthwire.

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