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5 Exercises to Strengthen Pelvic Floor: A How-to Guide for Everyone 

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Are you the one who can’t laugh, sneeze, or cough without leaking a little urine? No worries. You are not alone. 

Pelvic floor dysfunctions are common and can happen to anyone. But I’ve got good news. There are several exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor you may incorporate in your fitness routine. 

Here’s everything you need to know about pelvic floor, problems with pelvic floor, and exercises to make your pelvic floor stronger. 

Let’s read.

A Bit About Pelvic Floor 

A group of muscles and connective tissues make up the pelvic floor. These soft tissues are connected to your pelvis, specifically the bones at the bottom of the pelvic. The organs present in the pelvic area include intestines, rectum, urethra, and bladder. In the case of females, cervix, uterus, and vaginal floor are also part of the pelvic floor. 

Now, let’s see what does a pelvic floor do? Daily functions rely heavily on the pelvic floor muscles. They support the prostate, intestines, recctum, anus, urethra, cervix, and vagina. Also, pelvic floor muscles have a role in arousal and orgasm, as well as sexual health and function. Plus, they aid in the stabilisation of your hips and trunk, especially when standing and walking.

What is Pelvic Floor Dysfunction? 

Pelvic floor disorders occur when pelvic floor muscles become malfunction or weak. As a result, they lose their ability to adequately support the pelvic organs. Some pelvic floor disorders include:

What causes these problems in the pelvic floor? Here’s what you need to know. 

Pelvic floor muscles become weaker because of pregnancy and vaginal birth. It may result in a wide range of issues from mild ache to prolapse of pelvic organs. Not only childbirth but there are many other causes that lead to weakening of pelvic floor muscles. These include:

Read about home remedies to treat loose motion in pregnancy

Pelvic Floor Strong Exercises

After going through what pelvic floor is and causes of pelvic floor disorders, now the question is: How to strengthen the pelvic floor? 

Well, by performing pelvic floor strong exercises you can strengthen your pelvic floor. So, if you recently had pregnancy, childbirth or are experiencing frequent urine leakages, have a look at the following list of exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor.  

Get to know more about the best weight loss exercises

1- Kegels

Kegels are a fantastic approach to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles by tightening and relaxing it. This exercise aids in the faster and stronger activation of muscles to prevent leakage during coughing or sneezing.

How to strengthen the pelvic floor with kegels? Here’s the method: 

Note: Kegel exercises should not be used to start and stop your urine stream. It will cause incomplete bladder emptying, which raises the risk of a urinary tract infection.

2- Bridge

While most consider bridge to work on the buttocks, it is one of the best heart exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor. 

To perform this exercise: 

3- Squeeze and Release 

Another pelvic floor strong exercises include squeeze and release. 

You can do this exercise in the following way:

As a result of this rapid movement, the pelvic floor muscles are able to respond more quickly.

4-  Heel Slides

Heel slides are another great addition in exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor. This exercise targets deep abdominal muscles. As a result, pelvic floor contractions improve. 

To do heel slides: 

5- Happy Baby Pose

It is another great exercise to strengthen your pelvic muscles. 

How to strengthen the pelvic floor with a happy baby pose? Do this: 


Wrapping up, we can say that including exercises to strengthen pelvic floor in your daily routine is a great approach. It will engage these muscles and improve your overall health. However, remember, each time you execute an exercise, concentrate on form and function, as well as engaging the muscles.If you are new to these exercises, you can consult a well-known physiotherapist in Lahore. You can book an appointment via or make a call at (042) 32500989.

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