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Immediate Wisdom Tooth Pain Relief – 8 Best Remedies 

Immediate Wisdom Tooth Pain Relief
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The wisdom tooth will make you wiser!

If you have also believed this, you are probably mistaken. Despite, it has nothing to do with wisdom, a wisdom tooth is probably the last one to appear as your adult tooth. The time from your late teens to your early twenties is when you get a little wiser, I mean the wisdom teeth. 

Speaking of your teeth, these are the third molars. The emergence of wisdom teeth comes with its fair share of sleepless nights and throbbing pain. 

What Makes (Darh ka Dard) Wisdom Tooth More Painful?

Teeth emergence from your gum is very painful as it has to tear gum skin apart to make an appearance. What else matters when it comes to wisdom teeth pain? These include:

How to Get Rid of Wisdom Tooth Pain?

No matter what’s causing the pain, there are many wisdom tooth pain relief methods that work pretty well. From toothache home remedies to dental procedures, many things can make wisdom toothache bearable for you. 

1- Rinsing

If you want to get rid of terrible wisdom tooth pain, saltwater rinses can be one of the easiest yet most effective ways, to begin with. Just go for a saltwater rinse and find immediate tooth pain relief.

Warm water doesn’t only flushes the bacteria from your oral cavity but this lukewarm water has a soothing impact on your swollen or inflamed gums.

People can have up to 4 wisdom teeth. Some people get all 4 while for others it’s completely normal to not even possess a single wisdom tooth! 

2- Clove Oil

Clove is one important kitchen ingredient that is quite helpful in providing immediate pain relief. What makes clove so effective in treating wisdom tooth pain? The answer lies in its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. 

You can apply clove oil to deter the growth of bacteria that can be a cause of wisdom teeth infection. Other than clove oil, keeping a clove in your painful teeth area can actually help.

3- Heat or Cold

You can use heat or cold therapy to get rid of this troubling tooth pain. When it comes to the application of cold, a few ice cubes wrapped in a clean cloth can work well. Just like cold, you can apply heat as well. The heat and cold treatments are fairly helpful and you have to repeat them several times a day. 

4- Tea Tree Oil

Essential oils have remained quite popular and rule our beauty and health industry. While talking about the benefits of tea tree oil, we know that this essential oil can be quite helpful in relieving wisdom tooth pain. 

However, tea tree oil is quite harmful and should only be used with carrier oils. You can take a few drops of tea tree oil and apply them to affected areas. While using tea tree oil try not to swallow it and spit it. 

5- Turmeric

Turmeric is anti-inflammatory in nature. Turmeric has been used for the treatment of wisdom tooth pain. You can directly apply turmeric paste on the painful teeth area and get instant relief from the troubling pain. 

Wisdom teeth do not always show! You may not know if it’s there… unless it decides to erupt from your gum!

6- Apply Garlic 

Next in the list of wisdom teeth pain relief remedies comes the use of garlic. This powerful herbal spice has multiple benefits according to multiple pieces of research. This is why it can be a perfect solution to bothersome tooth pain. Garlic is known for its antibacterial properties. Garlic tends to stop the growth of bacteria in your mouth that can make your existing pain worse. 

How to Use Garlic for Wisdom Teeth Pain Garlic?

Take a garlic clove and crush it. Then apply this crushed garlic paste onto your gums and wisdom teeth area. Other than this, you can also use garlic oil that is readily available in the market. By using both of these methods, you can get rid of the troubling toothache. 

7- Over the Counter Medications

When it comes to tooth pain relief, over the counter medications are surely a great help. These medicines are readily available in the market and are fairly helpful. 

However, one should be careful while using over the counter medications too frequently. It is always recommended to consult your physician if using these medications start becoming more of a habit for you. 

Wisdom teeth are not Useless!

Your ancestors needed them more than you do… This was clearly because of the foods they survived upon… Raw veggies, fruits and much more.

8- Removing Troubling Teeth

When all these home remedies stop working and don’t work well in treating toothache, then getting it surgically removed can be the only option. Wisdom tooth removal is one of the most common dental procedures that is frequently performed and goes very smoothly. 

Your dentist depending upon your oral health condition and the extent of wisdom tooth pain can decide whether it needs immediate removal or not. After removal, it will take a few weeks to get rid of the problem. 

Do I Need Wisdom Tooth Removal? 

Here are some of the signs indicating that you need an immediate wisdom tooth removal. 

Are You Ready to Beat Wisdom Tooth Pain (Darh ka Dard)?

From mild discomfort to having sleepless nights, the experience with wisdom teeth can vary from person to person. 

Wisdom tooth pain can be one of the terrible experiences. For most people, this begins usually during nighttime. If not treated properly and in time, this can give rise to further complications including the formation of cysts and cause gum diseases. 

You can rely upon home remedies initially and many of these work really well. However, if these home remedies don’t work properly, then dental procedures come as a last option. It’s always better to consult your dentist for the right advice. 

You can book an appointment with the best dentist in Lahore via for all your dental queries.

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