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Muscle Soreness- An Instant Solution to Your Pain

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A tough exercise routine comes with a price that all have to pay with muscle soreness. A sore muscle is a condition in which you put a lot of stress on your body muscles while doing exercise. This condition is also known as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). 

There is nothing to worry about as it is completely normal. When we make changes to our exercise routine, we feel muscle soreness or stress in our muscles within 6 to 8 hours. This muscle soreness can last up to 24 to 28 hours.

Do you remember, when you went to the gym for the first time, you exercised constantly for one hour? During exercise, you didn’t feel anything other than shallow breathing because your body was warm and releasing energy at that time. But when you went to bed at night it was really difficult and painful for you to even take a turn in bed.

It happens again when you take a break from exercise for a few weeks or you target a new muscle in your body, for example, you planned to make abs, you put a lot of stress on your belly muscles and after a few hours you literally felt muscle aches.

Home Remedies for Muscle Soreness

We are living in a period where times run and it becomes sometimes difficult to catch moments and things. We can relate to this problem by all means. We all want an instant solution to our problems. Sometimes we don’t bother to go to a specialist for a check-up. Instead, we prefer to perform home remedies that help us magically and relieve our muscle soreness. 

Let’s have a look at some magical and amazing home remedies for muscle soreness that leaves you with no more muscle pain. 

Use Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is also known as sendha namak in Pakistan. You can easily find it in mini packets at your nearest bath soap and products shops. Epsom salt is enriched in magnesium sulfate and other natural ingredients that can help you relieve your muscle soreness. You may wonder how salt can help you to relieve pain. So here is the answer, magnesium sulfate has the power to act on muscle tissue where it draws out the fluid from tissues that cause soreness in muscles. 

There are 3 easy steps that you will follow while using Epsom salt to relieve the pain in your muscles. 

You will find a magical change in your muscle soreness and this is the best home remedy for muscle soreness. 

Get a Piece of Alum

Alum is called as Phatkari پھٹکری in Pakistan. This is also easily available in markets and your nearest general stores. Alum has special properties that work on wounds and pain of the muscle. It helps you to heal your pain. 

All you need is a piece of alum and massage it around to your muscle where you have been feeling pain. Repeat the circulation of alum for at least 10 minutes and do it 2 to 3 times in a day. This home remedy will definitely work for you.

Consume Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is commonly known as سیب کا سرکا in Pakistan. You can easily find this ingredient in your kitchen. It is very famous among Pakistanis due to its magical properties. It is also best and recommended for muscle soreness. 

 You can use apple cider vinegar in two ways. 

  1. Add a teaspoon of Apple cider Vinegar into water and consume it.
  2. Apply apple cider vinegar directly to the muscle where you are feeling pain 

  Apple Cider Vinegar has special inflammatory and alkalising properties that help in muscle soreness and inflammation. 

Apply Essential Oils

We all know the importance of essential oils, there are few essential oils that help you with muscle pains and inflammation such as lavender, coconut, chamomile, rosemary, eucalyptus and mustard oil. If you are feeling stress in your body, marjoram, peppermint and lavender essential oil is a good option. You can use it in an easy way. 

You will definitely find relief from pain and will feel as active as before. 

Drink a Cherry Juice

Cherries are low in calories and full of fiber, vitamins, nutrients, and minerals. This is enriched in vitamins A, c, and K. You can easily use it while you are dieting or doing a workout. Due to its low calories, it will not affect your diet and its antioxidants will help you relieve your pain. 

According to the Pakistan Journal of Food Sciences cherry juice is helpful to get relief from muscle soreness and it’s best among other home remedies for muscle soreness. 

 Drink or Apply Turmeric

 Turmeric has a common compound Curcumin antioxidant that helps you to reduce swelling and relieve pain. Some studies have found that turmeric has the power to reduce muscle pain. It works on wounds as well as reduces muscle soreness. There are some steps to follow which are following as 

This mixture will help you in an amazing way and your muscle soreness will be finished within 2 to 3 hours. 

Things you Should Consider

After changes to your exercise routine or after doing too much exercise, you start feeling pain in your muscles. This pain disturbs your daily active routine and even creates problems while falling asleep. You can use these easy home-based remedies to get relief from muscle soreness but sometimes you pull your muscles during exercise and it causes excessive pain. In this case, you can contact Dr Wehbah Sarwar, a leading physiotherapist in Lahore with expert services in latest pain management services.

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