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14 Roasted Chana Benefits You Need to Know About This Healthy Snack

Roasted Chana Benefits
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Roasted grams, roasted Chana, or ‘Bhuna Chana’ as you must have known it in your childhood, is a super healthy and nutritious snack. 

Grams are considered to be both a vegetable and a protein because they are so nutritious. But their nutrition content gets so high when you eat them in the roasted form ‘bhuna chana’. If you eat a handful of roasted chana every day, it can provide you with maximum energy. 

We’re sure you have been eating roasted chana since your childhood, but you most probably don’t know much about this healthy food. Let’s get to know about roasted chana benefits for your health. 

Keep reading!

Roasted Chana Nutrition: How Much Roasted Chana to Eat Everyday? 

Roasted gram is the healthiest snack that can give you a lot of essential nutrients. At the same time, it is the best protein diet that is cheap and easily accessible. 

If we look at the roasted chana nutrition, one cup (20g) of chickpeas contains:

Research shows that chickpeas serve as a complete food when combined with vegetables or whole grains. Their nutty taste and grainy texture pair well with many other foods and ingredients. It is the best way to fulfill your nutritional needs and be super healthy. Roasted chana calories provide you with energy and strength that lasts all day.

The question arises, how much-roasted chana to eat every day

Well, the answer is simple. Everything you eat should be in moderate amounts. The excess of anything leads to problems. So, it’s better if you add roasted chana to your snack portions. A cupful of roasted grams per day is recommended. 

After overviewing roasted chana nutrition, now let’s explore the roasted gram benefits. 

Roasted Gram Benefits

Roasted grams are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, that’s why chickpeas give you a variety of health benefits. Some of the roasted gram benefits are:

1- Roasted Grams are Good Source of Energy

1 ½ cup of roasted gram provides almost 100 calories. It is loaded with a number of vitamins and minerals. Huge portions of the vitamin B complex play an important role in glucose metabolism. 

In addition, it helps extract energy from the food you eat and provides it effectively to every cell of your body. 

2- Excellent Source of Vegetarian Protein

Remember we talked about roasted chana being a vegetable and protein at the same time? That’s because it is a rich and excellent source of vegetarian protein. 

Your body needs protein in higher amounts because it is a macronutrient. It is critical for a lot of tasks that your body performs. Adding bhuna chana can simply help achieve that. 

3- Keeps Your Heart Active

Roasted grams are rich in antioxidants. They help in preventing damage to your cells and blood vessels. Roasted chana also helps in lowering inflammation. 

Furthermore, it has a good portion of folic acid, which helps prevent blood clots and the hardening of your arteries. Also, the magnesium in roasted grams helps your arteries to relax. 

In this way, roasted grams keep your heart healthy and active.

4- Helps Regulate Blood Pressure

The roasted chana has the advantage of being high in protein and fiber while being low in fat and calories. Minerals like copper, manganese, and magnesium are also present in roasted grams. 

With all of these advantages, roasted chana is a great snack food for anyone seeking to control their blood pressure.

Inflammation is decreased and blood vessels are relaxed, thanks to copper and magnesium. Oxidative stress can be decreased using manganese.

Roasted chana also contains phosphorus. Phosphorus is essential to regulate blood pressure and maintains cardiac health. In addition, phosphorus is also responsible for carrying out biological processes in your body.

Last but not least, the fiber in roasted grains lowers cholesterol levels.

All of these elements combine to make roasted gram a nutritious snack meal option for persons who are trying to control their blood pressure. 

5- Friendly for Diabetic People

Roasted chana is extremely friendly for diabetes. Its fiber content allows the slow release of glucose in the bloodstream and manages blood sugar levels. 

Also, roasted chana is one of the food items that have the lowest glycemic index (GI). Research studies show that foods low in GI have been linked to regulating glucose fluctuation in the body

6- Improves Insulin Response

Roasted chana benefits your pancreas. It is rich in magnesium which improves insulin response and lowers insulin resistance. If you have very low magnesium in your blood, your pancreas will not secrete enough insulin, which will result in high blood sugar.

So, munch on a handful of roasted grams to maintain a healthy pancreas. 

7- Roasted Chana Benefits to Help Weight Loss

Roasted grams can also aid in the weight loss process. Many nutritionists also recommend including roasted grams in your weight loss diet to help shred weight more quickly.  

How can it help in the weight loss journey? There are a variety of reasons. 

Rich in fibers: Roasted chana is fiber-rich. You need fibers to have a smooth process of digestion. Fibers help you in slowing digestion and make you feel full for a long period of time. As you don’t feel the urge to binge-eat, it controls your appetite. 

Roasted chana calories count is low: Roasted chana calories are low making it a perfect snack to munch on. You can have it with tea or can also savor it in the form of chaat. What about it? Its consumption helps satisfy your hunger without adding more calories to your body. 

Rich in protein: As mentioned before, bhuney chanay are protein-rich which may aid in weight loss. These healthy snacks have the ability to keep your desire to eat more at bay making you feel fuller. 

What‘s more? You can also veggies, cheese, and paneer to enhance its nutritional profile. 

8- Amazing for Your Skin 

While roasted gram is often consumed for its taste and nutritional value, it also has several benefits for the skin.

While roasted gram is often consumed for its taste and nutritional value, it also has several benefits for the skin.

Roasted grams help to exfoliate the skin. The roasted chana acts as a mild abrasive, helping to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores. This can leave the skin feeling softer and smoother.

In addition, roasted gram can help to reduce the appearance of scars and blemishes. The antioxidants present in roasted chana help to repair damage at the cellular level, resulting in healthier and more evenly-toned skin.

Another benefit of roasted gram for the skin is that it can help to soothe inflammation.

The roasted chana contains compounds that have anti-inflammatory effects, which can help to reduce redness and swelling. This can be especially beneficial for people who suffer from conditions like acne and eczema

9- Roasted Chana Benefits for Your Hair

Iron and protein, both of which are necessary for healthy hair, can be found in good amounts in roasted chana. Iron helps to stop hair loss, and the proteins in roasted chana help to heal damage and strengthen the hair shaft. 

In addition, roasted black gram is an amazing source of vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 along with zinc play a crucial role in stronger hair growth. These minerals are responsible for building protein in the hair follicles for strengthening the hair. 

10- Excellent for Your Eyes

In addition to being delicious, roasted gram is also good for your eyesight. Roasted gram contains significant levels of vitamin A and carotenoids, which help to fight against diseases like macular degeneration and improve vision. 

Also, roasted grams are rich in zinc. Zinc is an essential mineral, which provides richness to the eyes. It prevents night blindness. Zinc helps speed up the activity of an enzyme in your body. This enzyme produces vitamin A, which is an excellent source for eye health. 

So, if you’re looking for a healthy snack that’s good for your eyes, roasted gram is a great choice.

11- Makes Bones and Teeth Stronger

Roasted grams have a rich content of phosphorus, sodium, and calcium. These minerals are very important for your bone health. 

Calcium strengthens your teeth as well as builds strong bones. It is necessary for muscle function. Magnesium works for the formation of bones. 

12- Super Healthy for Pregnant Women 

If you are an expecting mother, you must add roasted chana to your diet. 

The folic acid in it prevents birth defects. It helps in providing a boost to the baby’s brain and spinal cord. Folic acid for pregnant women also plays a vital role in the production of red blood cells, important for the overall development of the baby. 

13- Excellent Source of Men’s Health 

If you are worried about your physical health, just try adding roasted chana with jaggery to your diet. It will increase your strength and keep it intact. Eating roasted grams with milk enhances the quality of sperm. Taking roasted chana with honey increases masculinity. 

14- Improves Immunity

Moving next to the benefits of roasted grams is it helps improve body immunity. 

When the body’s defenses are compromised, we frequently succumb to diseases. However, daily consumption of roasted grains strengthens the immune system and protects us from illness. Therefore, every day, choose 50 grams of roasted chana for breakfast.

Roasted Chana Disadvantages

You should consume roasted chana moderately, as excessive consumption can be bad for your health. It is also important to have the right quantity of chana in your regular diet, to ensure your body gets the right amount of nutrients. 

If you take too much-roasted chana, it can have many side effects. Some roasted chana disadvantages are

How to Roast Chana at Home?

There are a few methods for making roasted chana at home even though it is widely accessible on the market.

In this way, you can eat roasted chana by itself or in salads, rice dishes, or wraps. Everyone can enjoy roasted chana as a delicious and healthful snack.

So, try roasting chana at home, today! You won’t be let down. 

The Last Word!

There is no doubt about the amazing health benefits of roasted chana. They are healthy and loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein. These minerals and vitamins support weight management, blood sugar regulation, and brain health. 

So, if you are looking for a healthy snack that is high in protein and low in carbs, then roasted chana is the perfect choice for you. Add them to your snacks or salads. This snack will be a flavourful, wholesome, and interesting addition to your diet. If you want to know more about roasted chana, you may consult a well-known nutritionist to get your queries answered about the health benefits of roasted grams. You can book an appointment via Healthwire or you can call at (042)32500989. We would be happy to help!

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