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Stomach Growling at Night – How to Stop it?

Stomach Growling at Night
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Come on, we have all been there. When you are sitting in your room, in a quiet classroom, or in a meeting and your stomach starts to make funny noises? Yes, this is what is called stomach growling and this is also known as borborygmi. This usually occurs when the muscles in the digestive system contract in order to move the food and gas around.    

Stomach growling at night like in day time is also very common and lot of times also associated with hunger. This causes hormones to secrete that trigger contraction within the gastrointestinal tract. When there is no food provided to the stomach,  these noises can start to become more noticeable and loud. 

But don’t worry, stomach growling is not a sign of a serious health condition. So, the next time your stomach starts to make weird sounds, it is nothing to be ashamed of!

Causes of Stomach Growling

There are a lot of bacteria that live in our gut. Their job is to boost our immune system, defend against pathogens, and break down some compounds in the food that we consume. This can lead to stomach growling at night and day. How?

The food that we consume is fermented by enzymes in the gut. Now, one of the by-products of that is the gas and the air that we swallow as we eat. This excessive air can be the cause of stomach growling. 

When it comes to hunger, as research says, hormone-like substances in the brain activate the desire to eat, which then sends signals to the stomach and the intestine. As a result f this, the muscles in the stomach contract and make this sound. 

In other cases, after you’re done eating, the stomach may growl or make noises as the intestine processes the food. The walls of the gastrointestinal tract mix and contract to squeeze the food through the intestines for digestion. This is called peristalsis. This is most of the time responsible for the stomach growling at night when yure trying to sleep. 

Classification of Abdominal Sounds

Dr. Bilal Bin Mukhtar who is one of the top gastroenterologists in Pakistan says that abdominal sounds can be classified as normal, hypoactive, and as hyperactive. 

Hyperactive abdominal sounds are louder sounds that are related to the increased intestinal activity. These can occur after eating or when someone has diarrhea. On the other hand, hypoactive or reduced bowel sounds often point toward slowing down intestinal activity. 

Occasional hypoactive and hyperactive bowel sounds are normal. Frequent incidents on either end of the spectrum, depending on the presence of other symptoms might indicate serious illness. And hopefully, this has cleared up your question about ‘what is a stomach growl’ and overall ‘stomach growling at night.’ 

How to Stop Stomach Growling?

Fortunately, there are several ways that can help you to stop your stomach from growling. 

1. Eat Regularly and Slowly

Have you ever wondered if the food you consume plays a huge role in stomach growling? Well, this is true. Also, when you eat quickly, you tend to swallow a lot of air and large bites of food without chewing. 

When the intestines and the stomach have to do an extra breakdown of food, the bacteria work harder, which produces more gas. 

When you eat quickly, you swallow a lot of air and large bites of food without chewing.

So, try and slow down when you eat and chew your food thoroughly. When you thoroughly chew your food, the bacteria in the stomach don’t have to work so hard, so lesser gas is produced. So, no stomach growling at night can be felt. 

2. Drink Enough Water

Staying hydrated is a key component of having great health. If you do not consume enough water, your stomach and intestines have to work more hard in order to break the food down and this can cause extra gas. 

Dehydration a lot of times can be the cause of stomach growling for you. There is a lot of water found in many foods like zucchini and cucumber and this water counts toward your daily water consumption. 

Eat lots of water-rich foods and drink water slowly between meals to ensure you have plenty of fluids that your body needs. 

Read the Benefits of Drinking Hot Water to explore more. 

3. Avoid Foods that Cause Gas

Top gastroenterologists at National Hospital Lahore say that certain foods make everyone feel gassy and can cause stomach growling at night. If your stomach doesn’t stop growling, try to reduce the number of gas-producing foods you eat. 

Foods like beans are very high in fiber. Fibrois foods create more gas in the body. Just like that carbonated drinks, sparkling water, and sodas also add more gas to the stomach. 

Foods that are high in grease and trans-fats like fast food can also create more gas in your tummy. Try to cut out these foods and see if your growling gets better. 

4. Take Small Portions

If your stomach doesn’t stop growling, look at how much you eat at a time. Eating small portions more frequently throughout the day gives your stomach a break from processing so much food all at once. 

When the bacteria in the gut don’t have to work really hard, there is not much gas produced. The chances of stomach growling at night can increase here. Try and give your body smaller meals and make this intake more frequent to reduce the amount of growling and noises produced as your body digests the food. 

If you feel acidity after having food, consuming Gaviscon Syrup can help in this matter a lot.  

5. Stay Active 

Now, by staying active I do mean that you should exercise. But most importantly, it is best to stay active after a meal. Sitting for longer periods of time for work pinch your intestines and put extra pressure on them.

When you sit down after a meal, you put pressure on the stomach, so the trapped gas in the stomach moves down and makes growling songs. This makes you stay away from stomach growling at night. Trying and indulging in simple activities like walking can help you in staying active. 

When to Contact Healthwire!

Stomach growling at night or during the day can be really disturbing. Although it has no side effects, it is never a bad idea to manage it well at home. If you think that the growling in your stomach is more than just hunger, or it is getting difficult for you to know ‘what is a stomach growl?’ then make sure to book an appointment with the best gastroenterologist near you by visiting Healthwire.

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