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7 Proven Benefits of Seed Cycling and How to Do It Right

Benefits of Seed Cycling
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The seeds on the cycle go round and round!

Yeah, that’s exactly what seed cycling means. 

Seed cycling, as the name indicates, refers to rotating seeds in a specific manner in alignment with your menstrual cycle. Recently there is a lot of buzz around this word.

The idea is based on natural healing that aims to enhance female fertility by using seeds. This is a new trend in nutrition that claims to regulate female hormones naturally. Well, not only this but there are many other potential benefits of seed cycling we hear about. 

Curious about what seed cycling is and how to do it? What are the benefits of seed cycling? Are these benefits supported by science? 

Let’s answer all of your questions here.

What is Seed Cycling?

Seed cycling is also known as seed rotation and is a natural remedy that can help to balance your hormones. The inclusion of these seeds into your diet is based on adjusting these seeds during different phases of the hormonal cycle.

How to Do Seed Cycling?

Here is what a typical seed cycling pattern looks like:

What is Seed Cycling Good For?

From balancing your hormones to the naturally treating problems, here are all the benefits of seed cycling.

1- Production of Healthy Eggs

Producing eggs alone isn’t enough!

Healthy eggs work better when it comes to increasing female fertility using seed cycling. 


Seeds utilized in seed cycling contain protein, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids and fibre that can help to improve the quality of eggs being produced. Indeed cycling, these healthy nutrients are obtained from the flax and pumpkin seeds that are consumed during the first phase of the menstrual cycle.

Read more about other pumpkin seed benefits.

2- Controlling Progesterone Levels

Next in the list of benefits of seed cycling comes its role in controlling progesterone levels. 

Progesterone is just another reproductive hormone that is produced in the female body. Female bodies require this hormone to prepare the female body for conception. 

Seeds used in seed cycling help to maintain the level of progesterone in the female body that increases female fertility by increasing the chances of conception. 

Read more about other ways to get pregnant fast.

3- Prepares Womb for Baby

How does your body prepare itself for a healthy pregnancy?

There are hormonal changes in your body that build a healthy and stronger womb lining to nurture the tiny human being. Seed cycling can help you build a healthy uterine lining, a part of pregnancy preparation. 

The seeds you eat during the second phase of the menstrual cycle contain iron, vitamin E, zinc and omega-6 fatty acids that aid in building a comfortable environment for the baby.

4- Fights Hormonal Acne

Acne or acne spots are one of the most undesirable things one can experience. 

Hormonal acne is a type of acne that arises from a hormonal imbalance in the body. However, seed cycling covers you here as well. Let’s understand first how hormonal acne occurs!

Certain hormones such as testosterone increase the oil production that clogs the pores on your skin. That’s how an increased level of testosterone causes hormonal acne on your skin.

Seeds used in seed cycling contain healthy nutrients such as zinc that can reduce the amount of testosterone level in your body. So, eating these seeds can help you to get rid of hormonal acne.

5- Regulates Menstruation

Missing your periods can surely give you a panic attack!

Am I pregnant, is there anything wrong with my hormones or many other questions like these? 

Dysregulated periods or sometimes amenorrhoea (absence of periods) can be resolved with the help of seed cycling.

If not treated then these conditions can result in female infertility. However, the seeds used in seed cycling help to minimize the problems by reducing the level of insulin resistance in your body.

6- Benefits of Seed Cycling for Period Pain

Period pain can be unbearable.

Abdominal cramps and throbbing pain can leave you in severe pain. Hormone prostaglandin is responsible for this. Among many other benefits of seed cycling comes from its role in fighting period pain. This is made possible by reducing the level of prostaglandin in your body. Eating the seeds can make menstruation a healthy and happy experience.

Read more about other home remedies for painful periods.

7- Good for Menopausal Women

Menopause marks the stage of a woman’s life when she no longer remains fertile. Menopause brings a lot of different changes in a female’s body. Hot flashes, mood swings, chills, night sweating and weight changes. 

All these changes are marked by the low levels of reproductive hormones in the female body. Seeds you intake during different phases of seed cycling help to alleviate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Are There Any Side Effects of Seed Cycling?

Now comes the question of whether seed cycling is harmful?

The answer is no. It is generally a safer approach to enhance female fertility by merely eating some seeds. Seeds used in this technique are densely packed with healthy nutrients with no potential side effects. However, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should be careful while adding these seeds to the diet.

To seek medical advice, you can consult the best gynecologist in Karachi via to make informed decisions regarding your health.

It’s Time to Reap the Benefits of Seed cycling!

Seed cycling is a natural method to boost the reproductive health and overall well-being of females. However, there is more research required to prove how seed cycling works and how beneficial it is. 

So, it’s high time to add these seeds to your next grocery list and find the key to healthier happier womanhood!

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