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How to Get Pregnant Fast? 8 Tips that Actually Work

How to Get Pregnant Fast
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How to get pregnant fast? An afterthought that comes right after you catch baby fever. Now when you are looking to start your family, conceiving as soon as possible could be the next big thing. The struggle with conception comes with its fair share of advice from everyone. 

Try this herb, this sex position works best, try cough syrup to improve your chances of getting pregnant and the list goes on..

 It can be really difficult to separate facts from fiction. 

When it comes to determining your chances of getting pregnant, your physical health to your mental health, everything plays a significant role. Most couples don’t struggle with conception and can conceive successfully within one year of trying. 

How to Conceive Really Fast?

If you are struggling with this, here are some of the tips that might help you to conceive effortlessly.

1- Healthy Diet for A Healthy Pregnancy

Vitamins, Good Fats, Healthy Carbs and Lots of Protein… A pre-pregnancy diet is essential for both partners! 

Good nutrition can be the first step you can take to begin your journey to pregnancy. Many women believe that they need to start eating healthy after bearing the child; however, a healthy diet can be a must-have in your journey towards a healthy pregnancy. From healthy foods to nutrition supplements, a healthy diet goes a long way in your pregnancy journey. 

You can rely upon a nutrition guide to start planning your pre-pregnancy meals widely. Men just like women need a pre-pregnancy diet to follow. Here are some of the dietary tips that might be helpful:

  • Choose complex carbs over processed ones
  • Add lean meat and eggs to your pre-pregnancy diet
  • Eat fruits, veggies and repeat! 
  • Healthy fats for fine hormonal balance. 

If you want to know further about it. Read more about the best pregnancy diets.

2- Stop Popping a Pill

This is quite obvious that if you are looking to get pregnant, stop taking birth control pills. Be it a pill, vaginal ring, shot or any other kind of birth control you are relying upon, GIVE UP ON IT!

Once you stop using birth controls, it may take some time to regulate your hormones or regulate your egg production. You can also consult your gynecologist while discontinuing birth control to know what to expect after it. 

3- Know Your Fertile Window 

A woman is only fertile for 6 days throughout her menstrual cycle! 

Yes, you got it right. Though the average woman’s menstrual cycle is 28 days, women are not fertile throughout their menstrual cycle. There are only 6 days when having sexual intercourse can lead to pregnancy. These six days are termed as the fertile window and you can easily track it. 

Your fertile window is 5 days before one of your ovaries releases an egg and the day egg is being released. If you can track this fertile window you can maximize your chances of getting pregnant by having intercourse on these days.

How to Track your Fertile Window?

Many women exhibit symptoms of ovulation that can tell you exactly about the days when you are fertile. Further, you can track your fertile window by using an ovulation tracker app or can get yourself tested for hormonal alterations. 

4- It’s All About the Timing 

The popular belief says that frequent intercourse means early pregnancy, but there is a lot more to it. The frequency and timing of intercourse are less important than having well-timed intercourse. If you are trying to conceive, there is no point in having sex every day. This is because sperm stays in the female body for up to 5 days. 

There is enough scientific evidence that says that overdoing sex can result in poor sperm quality and reduced sperm count making it even difficult to get pregnant. 

5- Be a Weight Watcher

Many people struggle with weight challenges. For many reasons, people want to lose or gain body weight. To get into the perfect shape, to manage a health condition and many other reasons. Your body weight is directly associated with fertility. 

No matter if you are underweight or overweight, you will have a hard time becoming pregnant. Start with the right eating practices to gain weight.

When you weigh less, your body is not fully capable to bear and nourish a child. However, in contrast to the case of obese women, visceral fat accumulation can lead to poor fertility due to altered hormonal levels. You can follow the best weight loss exercises and diet plans if you are thriving to lose weight, as a part of pregnancy planning. So, whenever you are planning to conceive, make sure that you have the ideal body weight. 

6- De-Stress Yourself

Stress is bad for the baby, even if it’s in the making! 

The reference is quite a on point because stress can affect your chances of getting pregnant fast. Stress impacts everything, from your hormones to your body weight. Your stress levels act as the natural indicators that let your body decide whether it’s ready to bear a child or not. It impacts your sex life, alters your body weight, disturbs your ovulation patterns and all parameters. De-stress yourself if you want to have a healthy pregnancy as your brain and body needs to be simultaneously prepared for the pregnancy. 

7- Get Preconception Checkup

A preconception checkup is usually not a common practice in countries like Pakistan. However, this paves your path right on your journey to parenthood. A preconception checkup is a must especially if you are:

  • Suffering from existing reproductive health problems like PCOS or endometriosis
  • In your 30s and 40s 
  • Have any history of premature birth, miscarriages or other pregnancy complications.

8- Have a Healthy Lifestyle

Good lifestyle practices go a long way, and pregnancy is not an exception to this!

No one can deny the importance of healthy lifestyle habits. There is a huge impact of lifestyle practices on your fertility. Here are some of the key aspects of lifestyle practices you need to keep in your mind. 

  • Workout well, even if it’s walking, running, or yoga
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption
  • Pay attention to your dental health 
  • Avoid too much heat exposure especially hot baths

Take Away!

Now you are prepared enough to start your journey to parenthood, the fact is you are never completely ready. The journey comes with unforeseen challenges. All you need is to be mindful of your body responses and be patient. Further, consulting your gynecologist from time to time can be of great help. 9

You can consult the best gynecologists in Lahore via and make wise decisions regarding your pregnancy planning. 

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