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Botox Injections:  A Latest Trending Treatment to Get Rid of Wrinkles

Botox Injections
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Botox injections is a new circulating trend that gives promising results to reduce wrinkles. You can see the social media and advertisements displaying the Botox service. 

According to a survey, women’s one of the major skin concerns of premature aging is fine lines and wrinkles. The appearance of such wrinkles can make your skin look loose and dull.

Dermatologists perform this procedure in the office and inject Botox into the target areas.

Let’s get into details about Botox and how its injections can help to get rid of wrinkles.

What is Botox?

Botox is a drug that injects into the facial area to block certain chemical signals from nerves, like signals that contract muscles. This drug is made by the bacterium clostridium botulinum. Botox is the common name as it is the first injectable botulinum toxin

Botox injections treat wrinkles and also some other conditions, including excessive sweating, to reduce migraine frequency, lazy eye, incontinence urination, etc.

A toxin in Botox injection prevents muscle movement, which is known as onobotulinumtoxinA.
Botox Injections for Wrinkles

People often consider Botox treatment for wrinkles without even knowing about their wrinkles type. There are some other treatments that reduce the appearance of wrinkles, such as microneedling

Types of Wrinkles 

There are two types of wrinkles, including static wrinkles and dynamic wrinkles.

Static Wrinkles 

Due to the loss of collagen and elasticity in your skin, you may experience static wrinkles. Excessive smoking and sun exposure can also cause this type of wrinkle. It makes your skin dry and thin.

For static wrinkles, you may need fillers as they are more effective than Botox. But it depends on your skin condition and the type and what treatment your doctor will suggest to you.

Dynamic Wrinkles 

Muscle movement causes dynamic wrinkles. For example, when you smile, it causes wrinkles around your lips and upper lips. It also includes the wrinkles around your eyes and forehead lines.

To paralyze those muscles, Botox uses botulinum toxin. It reduces the appearance of loose skin and restores smooth skin.

Botox Injections Uses

Basically, Botox works to stop the chemical signals from nerves. It also helps to relax the muscles temporarily, which can lead to wrinkles on your forehead and eyes. There are some other conditions that you can consider Botox injections for.

Lazy Eye

The imbalance in the muscles that are responsible for eye movement causes the lazy eye. Botox injections help to balance the muscles which are responsible for eye movement.

Chronic Migraine

Migraine can affect your daily life activities. If the migraine frequency is high, you should see your doctor. Experiencing migraine for more than half of the month can really disturb your quality of life. Researchers say that Botox injections reduce the frequency of migraine.

Eye Twitching 

The twitching of muscles around the eyes is a common problem. But you can treat it with Botox treatment.

Bladder Dysfunction 

Urinary incontinence is the result of an overactive bladder. Studies reveal that Botox can help to treat an overactive bladder. It helps to stabilize urinary incontinence.


Excessive sweating occurs in many people in specific areas, like underarms during cold weather. 

People consider Botox injections to treat hyperhidrosis. It reduces excessive sweating, which leaves a bad smell.

Cervical Dystonia 

Your head twists into an uncomfortable condition as the result of neck muscle contraction. It causes severe pain in your neck that can make it uncomfortable. Doctors often consider Botox injections to control muscle contraction in the neck.

Muscle Contractures 

It refers to a condition of your muscles that causes a deformity. You may experience different symptoms, like loss of movement and pain. 

Some neurological conditions may also cause muscle contractures. Doctors use Botox drugs to control muscle movement.

How Does Botox Works? – Let’s Learn from Expert Dr. Rubaba Zahra

When a professional injects Botox into the skin, it blocks the chemical signals from the nerves for muscle movement. It makes your muscles of wrinkles relax and calm temporarily.

Wrinkles that occur due to sun damage do not require Botox treatment as you may need more effective fillers.

Botox is good for forehead lines and crow’s feet. It helps to treat facial creases, especially lines around your eyes. Some wrinkles occur due to excessive smoking as it goes with a specific posture of facial lines.

How is a Botox Procedure Done?

If you are afraid of discomfort or pain, Botox is not a painful treatment at all. It does not even require anesthesia. A small needle helps to inject Botox into specific areas of the skin. It takes only a few minutes to inject the drug into your skin.

You should drink alcohol or smoke for at least the first 7 to 10 days. Before the treatment, you should also quit smoking or alcohol consumption as it interferes with the treatment of Botox.

Consult with your doctor if you have been taking any kind of medicine, including anti-inflammatory, and blood thinners like aspirin.

Avoid rubbing your face or scrubbing it after taking the Botox treatment. Some doctors also suggest avoiding physical activity that can affect your muscle movement right after the Botox injections.

Is the Botox Injections Permanent Solution?

It is not a permanent treatment for muscle contraction. According to studies, it lasts up to 3 to 6 months. The muscle movement returns after some time that needs treatment again.

After a few takes, the appearance of the wrinkles will be less as a result of muscle shrinking.

There are other treatments too that are trending these days, such as skin whitening injections but you always look for the adverse effects.

The following section will help you learn about Botox injection’s side effects.

Side effects of Botox Injections 

If you are afraid of the side effects of Botox injections, you just need to know that the side effects will appear temporarily.

You may experience:

Wrapping Up 

Skin specialists in Karachi do not suggest Botox injections to pregnant and breastfeeding women. Neurological disease patients may also experience severe side effects of Botox. You should consult with your doctor about what dos and don’ts you should follow before and after the treatment. 
Make sure that you choose a healthy diet to reduce premature aging symptoms. Vitamin C rich foods like oranges can also deal with many skin concerns.

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