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Caffeine Withdrawal Headache – Why it Happens and What Can Be Done?

Caffeine Headache
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Nowadays a lot of people, as part of their routine, include drinking coffee, tea, energy drinks, and other popular beverages that contain caffeine, a frequently used stimulant. However, a condition known as caffeine withdrawal, which is accompanied by other symptoms including the infamous caffeine withdrawal headache, can result from the abrupt termination or reduction of caffeine use.

People who abruptly quit or reduce their caffeine usage after extended regular use frequently develop caffeine withdrawal headaches. 

These headaches are typically felt as a throbbing pain that ranges from mild to severe.

So, if you are intrigued enough, then we can move further and know other aspects of caffeine headaches, such as why they happen, and what can be done to improve that. 

Why do Caffeine Headaches Occur?

It starts due to the narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain due to caffeine and leads to changes in blood flow and headaches. Without the presence of caffeine the blood vessels widen and this results in boosting blood flow that triggers a headache. And results in other symptoms of withdrawal.

Some of the other common caffeine withdrawal symptoms include: 

How to Cure Caffeine Withdrawal Headache? 

Several ways can be used to cure and get rid of caffeine withdrawal headaches.

1- Hydration is the Key

By keeping yourself hydrated, caffeine withdrawal headaches can be efficiently treated. People who cut back on or stop consuming caffeine may become dehydrated as a result. 

Since dehydration is known to make headaches worse, staying properly hydrated is essential for reducing the discomfort associated with caffeine withdrawal.

Dr. Rabia Sohail, who is one of the top general physicians in Pakistan says that maintaining hydration levels and lowering headache intensity requires drinking lots of water throughout the day. It is advised to drink eight glasses of water a day, or more if necessary. By using additional hydrating liquids like herbal teas, fruit-infused water, or electrolyte-rich drinks, hydration can be further improved.

2- Stimulate the Pressure Points

People can be able to reduce the intensity and length of these headaches by lightly pressing certain body spots. The following pressure points should be targeted:

Between the Eyebrows – Locate the place where the nose’s bridge and the forehead converge between the eyebrows. Press this spot lightly for a minute or two using only your index and middle fingers.

Temples – Place your fingertips on your temples, these are the tinder sides of your forehead. Apply gentle pressure in circular motion and repeat if needed. 

Neck and Shoulder Muscles – Massage the muscles of the neck and shoulders. A lot of tension is mostly seen stimulating in these parts during headaches. Use circular motion and use pressure with finger tips. 

Base of Skull – Focus on the base of the skull where the neck muscles attach. Usebyour thumb and fingertips to apply pressure to this area. 

3- Use an Ice Pack

According to the top reviewed Family Physician in Rawalpindi, Dr. Aamir RashidUsing an ice pack can provide relief for caffeine withdrawal headaches.” The cool temperature lessens inflammation and helps blood vessels constrict, which lessens pain and headache intensity. Here are some tips for using an ice pack properly.

4- Get Some Rest

Some people find that taking a nap or hitting the hay early can help relieve headache pain.

A study conducted in 2009 revealed that 81 percent of participants with persistent headaches cited that sleep is the most effective way to find relief. There has also been a relationship between migraine and sleep. 

Doctors at Evercare Hospital say that there is an odd correlation between headaches and sleep. Sleep can be a headache trigger for some people or an excellent headache remedy for others. Your body is what you know best.

5- Apply peppermint Oil

Due to its calming and cooling qualities, peppermint oil can be applied topically to relieve the headaches associated with caffeine withdrawal. Menthol, an analgesic and muscle relaxant found in peppermint oil,  can work great to help those with caffeine withdrawal headaches. 

To apply it, 

How to Reduce Dependency on Caffeine

You can reduce your reliance on caffeine to prevent headaches associated with caffeine withdrawal. Going cold turkey, though, can cause you even more headaches.

Suggested Read: Caffeine Addiction

The most effective approach is to gradually reduce your caffeine intake. It is recommended to aim for a 25 percent reduction each week.

You can begin by assessing your current consumption. If you typically have four cups of coffee then start by reducing it to three cups.

Continue and gradually decrease your caffeine intake over time. Each week, aim to consume 25 percent less caffeine than the previous week. If you still 

desire the taste of coffee, consider switching to decaffeinated versions. 

Suggested Read: Headache Treatments

When to Visit a Doctor

Cutting back on or stopping the use of caffeine in our everyday routines, can make us experience caffeine withdrawal headaches. Our well-being and productivity might be substantially impacted by the symptoms, such as throbbing pain and discomfort. But, by understanding the causes and their impact on the body, one can take several steps to manage it. 
If you feel like you are someone who is going through a caffeine withdrawal headache or it’s something worse than that, then book an appointment with the best general physicians near you by contacting Healthwire.

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