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Caffeine Addiction: Why Do You Get Addicted to Coffee?

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Can you get addicted to coffee? Is coffee addictive? This question seems pretty bizarre. While gulping mugs of your favorite coffee every day you may never think that you can get addicted to coffee. 

But the answer is, yes. Caffeine addiction is very much real.  

Keep on reading this article to learn about caffeine addiction, its adverse effects, and its symptoms. 

What is Caffeine Addiction? 

When you think of morning, what do you picture?

Getting ready for the day, fixing yourself some breakfast, and, of course, pouring your morning cup of coffee, right? 

For many people, a morning cup of coffee is a comforting ritual that signifies the start of a new day and gives them the energy to perform many tasks. 

Studies show that almost 70-80% of the world consumes coffee on an everyday basis. I must say, it’s the only drug approved by FDA which is consumed on such a large scale. And that’s not the only thing. You drink coffee in mundane settings. At your home. In your office. 

Some people even say they can’t open their eyes in the morning without their coffee. 

All that caffeine dependency leads to caffeine addiction. 

But how?

It’s All About the Dopamine!

Caffeine increases dopamine transmission in the brain.

Dopamine is a hormone that regulates movement, motivation, and emotions. Increased dopamine signaling makes a person feel more awake and aware. 

Caffeine is regarded as a stimulant since it gives you that alert sensation.

Your brain has a molecule Adenosine, which resembles the molecules present in coffee. In people who drink Caffeine regularly, the brain’s chemistry and physical characteristics change over time. 

The brain cells will begin to grow more adenosine receptors in an attempt to maintain equilibrium. 

This is how tolerance to caffeine develops. When the brain has more adenosine receptors, it takes more caffeine to block a significant proportion of them and achieve the same desired effect.

Are You Addicted to Coffee: How to Know?

You can have a dependence on caffeine, but it’s not technically an addiction. 

Stop habitual coffee drinkers from getting their regular fix and they can experience withdrawal symptoms, which can include headaches, irritability, sweating, and muscle pain.

Here are some of the signs which indicate you are addicted to coffee. 

Suggested Read: Caffeine withdrawal headache

Your Head Starts Pounding Without Your Morning Coffee 

Caffeine is a vasoconstrictor, which means it narrows blood vessels and restricts blood flow. 

This makes it a good headache reliever, which is why it’s found in some headache medications. 

However, if you’re used to a steady supply of caffeine, going without for a day can induce a headache, which is a common withdrawal sign. 

Even though they’re used to drinking caffeine daily, some people never get headaches when they don’t have it, and science doesn’t know why.

You Feel Super Grumpy Before Your First Mug

Caffeine is a stimulant that activates the pleasure center in our brain. 

It stimulates the dopamine receptors in our brain, kind of like cocaine and other specific narcotics, but not nearly to the same amount.

It also boosts the release of adrenaline.

Ms. Tabinda Ilyas who is one of the top psychologists in Pakistan says that it’s addicting because it makes you feel wonderful. If you’re in a poor mood when you don’t take the drug, it’s a sign that your brain relies on it to feel happy.

You Can’t Concentrate Without Coffee

Caffeine gives your body a boost of adrenaline, which can help you stay alert and focused. 

If you’re used to that boost every single day, you may experience brain fog or trouble concentrating and completing tasks without it.

You Always Need More Coffee

People, it’s called tolerance.

 If you consume a lot of caffeine daily, you’ll develop a tolerance to it, and your body will require more caffeine to achieve the same benefits. 

If one cup of coffee no longer affects your energy levels, or if you can drink a cup right before bed and fall asleep without difficulty, it’s a sign that your body has gotten immune to its effects as a result of the unrestricted exposure.

You Are Always on Edge

Caffeine at high levels can create jitters.

However, some people require less caffeine to feel jittery than others. Caffeine overdose can cause anxiety and panic episodes in some people, especially those who are predisposed to mental illness. 

If you’re feeling more worried than normal, consider cutting back on your coffee intake for a bit to see if you feel better.

You Can’t Just Say Goodbye to Coffee

You’re addicted at least mentally if you can’t merely wake up and say, ‘I’m skipping coffee today!’ or if the thought freaks you out. 

Experts at Hameed Latif Hospital say that instead of quitting totally, try reducing back a little. You can gradually wean yourself off the liquid lifeline if you take it carefully. 

Coffee, on the other hand, has certain health benefits, so keeping it in your life isn’t a bad idea. Just keep it in moderation. 

Read more about black coffee’s benefits if you take it in moderation. 

Why You Should Limit Your Caffeine Intake? 

No doubt, coffee has some advantages for your health. It’s important noting that consuming too much caffeine daily may cause more harm than good.

You should limit your caffeine intake to 400 mg per day. That’s the equivalent of 4–5 coffee glasses.

It’s best to keep your doses to no more than 200 mg per dose. Caffeine can exacerbate anxiety and insomnia, as well as produce jitteriness, anxiety, and heart palpitations in certain people.

Caffeine overdose can result in headaches and migraines. Caffeine has been linked to an increased risk of heart attacks in people who metabolize it slowly.

How You Can Get Rid of Your Coffee Addiction?

The first step is to speak with your doctor about reducing your caffeine dependence.

You can also try these steps to lower your dependence on caffeine:

Read more about the benefits of drinking water everyday

Bottom Line!!

Don’t panic if you think you might have a coffee addiction; you’re not alone. Caffeine addiction affects a large number of people. If you want to modify your behaviors, the first step is to become conscious of them.

You can make a variety of lifestyle modifications, such as substituting a caffeine-free beverage for one that contains caffeine. Try switching to water or herbal tea every other day, or cut back on your intake completely.

If you feel like caffeine addiction is getting out of hand, you may want to consult a well-known counselor to talk about this addiction. Make an appointment via or call at (042) 32500989. 

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