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What is the Most Common Cause Of Sudden Cardiac Arrest?

Common Cause Of Sudden Cardiac Arrest
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Cardiac arrest and heart attack are the terms that are frequently and often interchangeably used. These terms may sound identical but there are key differences in both that one needs to look out for. 


Cardiac arrest is a combination of two words cardiac that means heart and arrest mean to stop or to cease something. So the term cardiac arrest means that the heart stops beating. 

The cardiac arrest requires immediate and on-spot CPR to restore the beat of the heart. There are certain warning signs of cardiac arrest that should be looked for cautiously. Because this is a serious medical condition that can lead to death if not treated critically and timely.

According to a report, 9 out of 10 patients suffering from cardiac arrest die outside the hospitals but if CPR could be done within the first few minutes then the chances of survival can be increased greatly.

Then What is a Heart Attack?

Heart attack or myocardial infarction means that the part of your heart is not getting enough oxygen and blood supply which will result in the death of the heart tissues.

Heart attack is no doubt a serious health condition that needs to be addressed properly but the chances of survival are higher in this case.

 In a heart attack, you are often asked to keep calm and call for medical assistance as soon as possible.

Side: If you have suffered a heart attack then get to know about the best dietary routine to follow.

What is the Difference?

Cardiac arrest is a conduction issue where the chambers of the heart experience abnormal flutter and quiver.

It is more of a conduction issue in the heart muscles where improper conduction leads to no beat at all.

Whereas heart attack is a circulation problem where the muscles of the heart are not able to receive the adequate amount of blood and so they can’t push the adequate amount of blood to vital organs like the brain and lungs.

As we are now aware of the differences between cardiac arrest and a heart attack, let us delve into the details of cardiac arrest and get to know the answer to the question: what is the most common cause of sudden cardiac arrest?

The description of the causes of sudden cardiac arrest is as follows:

Causes of Cardiac Arrest

There are many important and common causes of sudden cardiac arrest that can lead to sudden cardiac death issues. The major causes are listed down below.

1- Ventricular or atrial Fibrillation

The most important and common cause of cardiac arrest is the changes in the rhythms of a heart often called arrhythmia.

The heart is a pump that has a certain rhythm or pattern. This pumping action of the heart is due to the electrical impulses that are sent to the chambers of the heart.

There are 4 chambers in the heart. 2 upper-thin-walled chambers and 2 lower thick-walled chambers. 

These chambers contract and relax in rhythmicity. If these chambers get improper or abrupt impulses then their rhythmic action will be disturbed leading to the development of cardiac arrest. 

The condition explained above is scientifically called atrial or ventricular fibrillation.

If the upper chamber is affected then it is called atrial fibrillation

If the lower chambers are affected then it is called ventricular fibrillation.

2- Heart Attack

Heart attack is also the most common cause of sudden cardiac arrest. Heart attack affects the muscle of your heart which means that you are at risk of developing ventricular fibrillation which can lead to cardiac arrest.

Also if you are confused about the lifestyle changes that one should maintain after a heart attack then don’t worry we have got you covered. 

Read out to find out about lifestyle changes that should be made after a heart attack.

3- Congenital Heart Diseases

There are many individuals who are born with defects in the heart. This increases the chances of cardiac arrest. The cardiac arrests in these cases are fatal.

4- Large Heart

The large heart is also a potent and the most common cause of sudden cardiac arrest. Everything functions best in its original capacity. So is the case with the heart as well, heart walls can perform their functions only when they are in the best of their shape and size. 

The enlarged heart may experience issues in the conduction of impulses as well making one more susceptible to heart attacks and cardiac arrest.

Warning Signs of Cardiac Arrest

Heart attack can lead to cardiac arrest but with that being said there are many key differences in the symptoms of both. Cardiac arrest often happens immediately and there are no considerable warning signs of it.  

But the key warning signs of cardiac arrest and symptoms are listed down below:

Symptoms/ warning signs of cardiac arrest

  1. Sudden collapse
  2. No heartbeat at all
  3. No breathing at all
  4. The extreme change in the activity of the heart may feel like strong palpitations.

Symptoms/ warning signs of heart attack

  1. Chest pain
  2. Feeling weak and dizzy
  3. Pain or discomfort in the chest that may extend to the arms and shoulders

These symptoms can overlap each other as we have said that heart attack leads to cardiac arrest where your heart stops beating but the difference is heart attack might give you the chance that you are still conscious, breathing, and experiencing the pain but cardiac arrest doesn’t give a person this much time and the person will become unconscious.

Treatments for Cardiac Arrest

There are many treatments that can be given to the patient if the patient survives a critical time period. The initial span is very important as it may decide whether the patient is going to survive or not.

CPR should be done immediately to ensure that the heart continues to beat because only then the remaining protocols can be administered.

Therefore it is essential to know about the basics of CPR so that if you find anyone around you in a critical condition you can offer a helping hand and can put the life of that person out of danger.

There are many other hospital treatments that can be done and they include the following. But to select the best possible method is solely the task of the doctor.


These devices set the heartbeat in motion as it sends controlled  electrical impulses to the heart and then it may help to recover the lost heartbeat

Cardiac stents

Cardiac stents can be put in place once the patient reaches the emergency room. The cardiac stents help to regulate the blood flow and also they will help to keep the muscles of the heart alive and functioning. 

Cardiac stents may sound horrific but we have got you covered and are providing you with all the necessary information on cardiac stents.


 There are certain medications that will help to keep the blood flow in check. These medications are usually administered after the surgery to avoid future chances of cardiac arrests.

Preventions of Cardiac Arrest

There are many warning signs of sudden cardiac arrest and symptoms that a person might experience but there are some precautions as well that can be made in this regard to prevent the onset of sudden cardiac arrest.

  1. Regular checkups should be done to ensure the health of the heart. This will also eliminate the possible risks of any other medical condition.
  1. If you experience any pain in your heart or in your arms that is extending then get yourself checked and make sure to get all the lab tests done. There are tests that can help to rule out any possible reason for that unusual pain. As it is said, Better late than never.
  1. Proper exercise should be made a mandatory part of the lifestyle. Along with this, the diet should also be made free of any extra cholesterol and fatty content.

Let’s Wrap Up

Cardiac arrest is no doubt a life-threatening situation but timely medical intervention can help with the chances of survival. If you find anyone near you experiencing cardiac arrest then contact the nearest hospitals. To get the best medical care in the best hospitals, visit our website healthwire, and get the appointments in the best hospitals.

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