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When To Worry About Heart Palpitations – What Are The Signs

When To Worry About Heart Palpitations
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We all feel racing hearts at any point in our life. It always swings from feelings of love to feelings of fear. We just feel everything through our hearts and our heart feels everything through us, what a curiosity. Even believing that something is going wrong with your heart feels concerned and scary. Heart Palpitation makes you feel the worst nightmare. But they are quite common among people and you don’t have to worry about it. 

But it doesn’t mean that you ignore them completely. Sometimes they can be a sign of any serious condition such as atrial fibrillation. But if you will be aware of when to worry about heart palpitations it will save you from catching early strings of your condition and you will find a specialist in a safe period. 

When Do You Worry About Heart Palpitations? 

There are many reasons that lead to heart palpitations. If you feel heart palpitations fast, often frequently, and for a longer period of time.  And If you are experiencing other symptoms like dizziness, loss of consciousness, chest pain, nausea, difficulty breathing, confusion, and excessive sweating along with heart palpitation. Please do not delay, I repeat do not delay consultation with your nearest competent specialist.

What Are Heart Palpitations? 

When you feel a pounding or fluttering heart or you feel like your heart is skipping a beat then you are experiencing heart palpitations. If we see palpitation as an umbrella then it covers meanings like 

If you feel any sensation in your heart that makes you aware of your heart condition is a kind of palpitation. 

What are the Heart Palpitation Symptoms?

There are several heart palpitation symptoms that can feel like

You can feel the heart vibration in your neck and throat as well as in the chest. They can occur at any time. 

 What Are The Common Triggers Of Heart Palpitations? 

If you experienced a heart palpitation and you are concerned about your heart condition and health. I would suggest that you shouldn’t be worried about it as it is triggered by heart issues. 

In fact, they are commonly caused by other factors such as 

Heart Palpitation Is A Symptom Of Anxiety? 

We all have friends that become anxious in many situations. You observed that they report the most common and repeated symptom which is a heart palpitation. Most of the time they put their hand on their chest. 

So Yes heart palpitation is a symptom of anxiety too. When you ever feel scared your brain activates two responses such as fight or flight condition. In both conditions, you will ponder, flutter your heart. 

Tips To Reduce Heart Palpitations At Home

Those heart palpitations are triggered by other than heart issues such as the use of coffee and tea. You can resolve them at home with simple remedies. For example, If you feel heart palpitation you can relax your heart with relaxation techniques such as deep breathing. 

How To Deep Breath For Control Heart Palpitations? 

There are several relaxation exercises including mediation, peasant imager, and progressive muscle relaxation technique but deep breathing is the most effective technique. It helps you to get control over your pain, fear, anxiety, and heart palpitations. 

There are a few steps that you should follow while deep breathing 

  1. Lay down on your couch and make yourself feel relaxed 
  2. Placed one hand on your heart and the other on a stomach
  3. Closed your eyes 
  4. Inhale the breath in until you fill your lungs with air
  5. Hold your breath for 3 to 4 seconds 
  6. Exhale your breath
  7. Repeat this process for 10 minutes

According to studies this exercise will resolve all your negative affect, stress, and attention problems

Pay Attention To Your Stress Triggers 

This is another successful psychological intervention that you can use to control your heart palpitations at home. You need to identify all the stressing factors that make you feel like this. 

For example, if you drink too much coffee or tea and you observe that it increases your heartbeat. Then you can reduce the number of stimulants like coffee and tea or you can stop taking them for a few days. 

Another example is that if you take any kind of medication that increases your heart palpitation you just need to stop taking the medicine. But before leaving any medicine please consult your doctor and he will find a suitable way to manage your heart palpitation. That’s why it is important to find out your triggers. 

Hydration And Diet 

Do you know your body’s hydration and diet play a big role too? When you drink a lot of water it lowers the potassium level in your body and eventually, it decreases your heart palpitations. If you add enriched carbohydrate food and processed sugar it increases the heart palpitations. So it is better to watch your dietary habits.

Things You Should Consider 

Heart Palpitations are a feeling of fluttering and pounding heart. You feel like you are skipping your beat. People feel concerned about heart palpitations. The usually asked question is when do you worry about heart palpitations?. We suggest that there is nothing to worry about as everybody experiences heart palpitation often. 

Sometimes when you do cardio exercises, consume excessive caffeine, and intake low sugar it increases your heart palpitations. 

By the way, these kinds of palpitation can be easily managed at home by relaxation exercises, finding out stressors, and managing your hydration and diet. But if you feel other symptoms like nausea, loss of concentration, confusion, difficulty in breathing, chest pain, dizziness, and excessive sweating then you shouldn’t ignore your heart condition. 

You should contact your specialist as early as possible and they start your early interventions. And believe me, early interventions always give you hope and life so be conscious and pay attention to your heart

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