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9 Healthy Tea Alternatives That Help You To Skip Tea And Coffee

Healthy Tea Alternatives
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There was a time when people used tea to manage fever and cold symptoms but then a revolution occurred throughout the generation. People start using tea and coffee as a daily drink routine.

Being Pakistani we love to drink coffee and especially tea. We have different flavors and recipes to bring a different taste to the tea. Even we have different flavors for coffee, and some of them are very close to our hearts like butterscotch, caramel, and french vanilla. 

We are so addicted to tea and coffee that while reading I bet that you must be craving. Even people such as students drink tea and coffee to stay up all night. Some of us become so addicted to tea and coffee that if we don’t drink tea in the morning we feel sleepy and lazy. So most people ask questions like 

Do Tea And Coffee Are Addictive? 

We cannot deny the fact that caffeine is a strong tool to kick-start energy. Our brains learn that tea and coffee are the stimulants that will help to get alert.  Somehow they produce a little amount of dopamine but it is not much stronger than other drugs do. 

If you find tea a problematic drinking habit you should contact a diet specialist around and he will help you to manage the consumption of tea. 

Are Tea and Coffee Healthy Drinks? 

Tea and coffee help us to stay alert and they help us to relieve many symptoms like cramps, fever, cold symptoms but if you consume an extra number of cups of tea and coffee it will produce negative side effects such as headaches, digestive issues, dependence, anxiety and disturbed sleep patterns. 

But you don’t need to worry if you are drinking a moderate amount of caffeine. Now besides health issues, few people love to taste new things so we are here with 9 tea alternatives drinks that will be good for those who are facing health issues and even for those who are looking for something new. 

9 Healthy Tea Alternatives To Tea And Coffee 

Green tea is an alternative to tea and it helps you in weight loss. You must be excited to see other healthy alternatives to tea and coffee, we are catching your vibes. Let’s discuss them one by one. 

Mountain Tea 

Mountain tea is also known as shepherd’s tea because it is famous for being picked by shepherds on mountains. This tea has flowers of the iron wort that has long been used for cold and flu and improves your respiration and digestive system. A study reveals that mountain tea has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties that prevent your immune system. 

Ivan Tea

This tea is very famous among Russians as a tea alternative. It is made up of fireweed or a willowherb plant. Russians use different parts of this plant in food and medicines. Ivan Tea contains High Vitamin C, 16 amino acids, vitamins, and other minerals. All these properties improve digestive health, immunity, and overall well being. 

Chamomile Tea 

This tea comes from the chamomile plant. When you boil its flowers in hot water it releases its oil and makes a perfectly healthy cup of chamomile tea. Chamomile tea helps to ease tension and helps people to fall asleep at bedtime. This tea also helps to improve the upset stomach and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Caraway tea

Caraway tea is the best alternative to green and black tea. It has many health benefits including relieving gastrointestinal distress. You can take caraway seeds and boil them in warm water for a few minutes. Your healthy caraway tea is ready, it is also available in prepared tea form in the market.

Melissa tea

Another name for Melissa tea is lemon balm. This is found in mint plants and used as a healthy alternative tea to tea and coffee. Melisa tea has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce emotional irritability and irritation. People used this tea to feel relaxed and just like chamomile tea it helps you to get ready for bedtime.

Sea Buckthorn Tea

Sea buckthorn is a coastal plant that is found in northern Europe. This plant produces orange barriers that are used in jam and juice. It is also used to make tea alternatives. Sea buckthorn berries carry high vitamins that help to feel active and healthy.

We have discussed alternatives to tea so far now let’s move to coffee alternatives.

Barley Coffee

Barley coffee is an alternative to coffee that is made from roasted beans of barley and some other cereal grains. This coffee is more good for digestive complaints. You can drink this coffee with milk and other milk products.

Chicory Root Coffee

This coffee is made from the roasted roots of the chicory plant. This part belongs to a dandelion family. People have been using chicory root coffee as an alternative to coffee for many centuries. Chicory root coffee helps to relieve digestive problems, and it has some inflammatory properties that help to reduce blood sugar level.

How Many Cups of Tea Can I Drink Each Day? 

 If you have already drank one cup in a day, consider it as 2 cups of tea. You can drink 4 to 6 cups of tea but only 2 cups of tea make a big difference. 2 cups of tea help you to maintain your digestive system, bones, artery health, cancer prevention, and other health benefits. But when you drink excessively it compromises your health and well-being. 

Things You Should Know? 

Tea is a popular drink in Pakistan as it feels good in taste.  People love tea so much as it helps them to stay active. People of Pakistan drink a minimum of 3 to 4 cups a day and some of them even more. Tea and coffee contain caffeine that is useful in many ways like it improves digestion, cold and cough symptoms, and helps to relieve fever. 

But caffeine is responsible for addiction when it enters your brain it affects the neural pathways and you feel light. But there is nothing to worry about as the amount of caffeine in tea is less compared to other drugs. But if you drink an excessive amount of tea it affects your health. 

There are a few tea alternatives that you can take instead of tea and coffee like mountain tea, Ivan tea, chamomile tea, caraway tea, melissa tea, sea buckthorn tea, barley coffee, and chicory root coffee. All these alternatives are good in taste as well as contain antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that improve your digestive and respiratory system and improve your sleep.

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