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Effective Natural Cures to Treat Vaginal Dryness You Must Try

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Vaginal dryness! It is an unpleasant and often painful condition. It is more common in women after menopause, when oestrogen levels decreases. However, it can occur at any age.

Are you experiencing it right now? Then, you must’ve idea, it is pretty hard to ignore. Of all places to feel dry, itchy, and irritated, your vagina is a pretty terrible option!!!

It’s embarrassing, and sometimes difficult, to ask your doctor about possible remedies for vaginal dryness.  

The good news is… There are many natural treatments that are easy, healthy, and safe that will improve your vaginal health and lubrication.

Keep reading!

Vaginal Dryness – What Causes it? 

So, what causes vaginal dryness? There are several reasons! The following are some of the most common causes:

Decreased Oestrogen 

The major factor behind vaginal dryness is decreased oestrogen level. It is a hormone that is necessary for the health of vaginal tissues. 

When oestrogen levels drop, the vaginal lining thins and becomes less elastic, and the vagina produces less lubrication. Estrogen levels can diminish before, during, and after menopause.

Other Causes of Vaginal Dryness  

Now you must be wondering if decrease in oestrogen level is the only factor, then why women of other ages experience vaginal dryness. Well, menopause in women is not the only cause behind decreased osterogen! 

Some other causes of decreased oestrogen level leading to vaginal dryness include the following:

Douching and use of scented vaginal products can also cause vaginal dryness and irritation. 

Natural Cures for Female Dryness 

Vaginal dryness responds favourably to relatively simple therapies in general. There are a lot of natural or home-based therapies that can help you feel better and increase vaginal lubrication.

Now, let’s see those natural cures for female dryness you can try. 

Diet to Treat Vaginal Dryness 

It’s nice to eat a well-balanced diet full of rich, colourful foods. Better yet, drink plenty of water! There are very specific meals and beverages choices that you can focus on in order to achieve the vaginal health balance. More importantly you need to add:

1- Omega-3 Fatty Acids Rich Diet 

Foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids may help to promote vaginal lubrication, reduce vaginal dryness, and improve blood flow. 

Some good sources of omega-3 fatty acids include: 

2- Go For Soy Products!

Soy products are rich in Isoflavones. Isoflavones help regulate decreasing oestrogen levels during peri-menopause. Thus consumption of soy products can assist with vaginal dryness and skin problems, especially when oestrogen levels are declining.

What soy products you should eat? These include: 

Note: Use of all soy products should be reasonable and focus on minimally processed products.

Some other isoflavones rich food items that you can consume involve:

3- Have Some Cranberry Juice!

Is cranberry juice good for vaginal health? Well, YES. 

It is good for balancing the pH of the vaginal area and reducing vaginal discomfort. To prevent UTIs, drink cranberry juice. It also contains vitamins E and C, but stay away from the sugary varieties.

4- Opt For Sweet Potatoes 

Adding sweet potatoes in your diet is another natural cure to treat female dryness. They are beta carotene and vitamin A rich, which can help protect your uterine walls from weakening. Also, it may help build vaginal muscular tissues, and regulate oestrogen levels.

So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead! Have some sweet potato benefits and get rid of painful female dryness. 

5- Avocados – A Magical Fruit 

Avocados are a fruit rich in healthy fats, potassium, and vitamin B-6. All of these have been shown to help with vaginal lubrication, vaginal wall strength, and oestrogen levels.

6- Other Foods You Can Include 

Some other foods you need to include include vitamins rich foods such as nuts, vegetables, and seeds. In addition, you should also consider the health benefits of multivitamins in vaginal health. 

Important Tip: Don’t forget to meet your daily needs of water. Dehydration can also lead to vaginal dryness. 

Do Exercise to Combat Vaginal Dryness

Who is not well aware of staying physically active? I am pretty sure, EVERYONE! Exercise on a regular basis can also help you with regulating oestrogen levels, a major reason for vaginal dryness.

To begin, try walking for 30 minutes five days a week. Consult your physician about an exercise programme that is right for you. 

Here, moderation is crucial. Excessive activity, similar to weight loss, might exacerbate vaginal dryness.

Pelvic Floor Exercises 

One thing to include in your exercise routine is exercises to strengthen pelvic floor. These exercises can help strengthen weak vaginal muscles. 

Vaginal muscles weaken over time as oestrogen levels drop. Kegels are a type of exercise that can assist to relax tight muscles and help in strengthening weaker ones. These activities also help to enhance vaginal blood flow, thus a good natural cure to treat female dryness. 

Vaginal Moisturisers

Using a vaginal moisturiser is one of the most effective strategies to alleviate vaginal dryness. These are unique moisturisers created especially for this delicate area of the body. 

Using a vaginal moisturiser once or twice a week will help keep your vagina moist and ease symptoms of vaginal dryness.

Do’s for vaginal moisturisers:

Don’ts for vaginal moisturisers:

Use Water-based Lubricants 

If you are married, you can also apply a water-based lubricant to your vagina and your partner’s skin to avoid vaginal dryness. Because you are providing moisture to this area, using a lubricant might assist to ease any pain or discomfort you may have during sex.

Make sure the lubricant you purchase is free of petroleum jelly or glycerin. 

Have a moderate intercourse with your partner will enhance your blood flow, improve your vaginal health, and increase lubrication. 

However, It’s critical to have enough lubricant with dry vagina during intercourse with your partner to avoid infection and vaginal injuries.

When to Contact A Doctor? 

If you’ve tried these natural cures to treat female dryness and are still having problems, you should see your doctor. Your doctor can advise you on additional treatment options that may be beneficial.

Your doctor may recommend some hormonal therapies that you directly insert in your vagina. These include:

If you are considering opting for these options to treat your vaginal dryness, you can consult a well-known gynaecologist near you. You can make an appointment via or call at 042 32500989.

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