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Elaichi Benefits – Cardamom for Better Health, Skin and Hair!

benefits of cardamom
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When you hear about Elaichi, what comes to mind? I can, for one thing, smell its amazing fragrance, and its amazing taste in the Cardamom Chai. If you don’t know much about ‘Elaichi Benefits’, this is your one-stop for everything cardamom. 

It’s time to embrace this wonderful spice. 

Cardamom, commonly known as ‘Elaichi’ in Pakistan and India, is a spice used in cooking. It belongs to the Ginger family, and is called the ‘Queen of the Spices’. That’s beautiful, right? 

Besides cooking, cardamom has many health benefits. It contains:

Before moving on to Elaichi benefits, you must know about the types of cardamom, and when to use which one. 

Types of Cardamom ‘Elaichi’

Cardamom usually comes in two types:

Green Cardamom

This is the most common variety, also known as true cardamom. Elaichi benefits come in handy to sweeten the taste. The look of green cardamom is the most beautiful; it’s warm, it’s herbal, citrusy, spicy, almost like mint. That’s mouth-watering, right? 

Black Cardamom

Black cardamom has a smoky look and an even smokier flavor. It comes in large, black-brown pods. When it’s used in cooking, the whole pod is used for the purpose. 

Cardamom as a Culinary Treat

As we have established earlier, cardamom is a spice, native to Indian cuisine. It is used in many different ways to prepare delicious dishes. Let’s have a look. 

Elaichi Benefits in Cooking

Green cardamom is added to milk-based desserts for garnishing, and for its fragrance. It is used in savory dishes e.g. curries and Biryani. Elaichi gives a distinct aroma and a sweet-spicy flavor, which enhances the overall appeal of the dish. It is also used in tea and coffee to give the flavor with its beautiful aroma and taste. 

Cardamom Tea Benefits 

If you are a Chai lover, you must really add cardamom to your Chai. It will add to the flavor, as well as boost your overall health with everyday use. Cardamom tea benefits are many. It aids in healthy weight loss. Moreover, it boosts your immune system, by fighting against the foreign germs in your body. It improves heart health as well. 

Cardamom Chai is a must. 

Cardamom ‘Elaichi’ Health Benefits 

This queen of spices has so many amazing health benefits. It not only gives your organs a healthy treatment, it also prevents you from many diseases because of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Let’s talk in detail about elaichi benefits important for your health. 

Helps in Lowering Blood Pressure

If you have a hypertension problem, you should try cardamom for its amazing antioxidant properties. It will help you keep your blood pressure in control. It helps promote urination to remove excess water from your body that builds up around some organs e.g. heart. 

Keeps the Heart ‘happy’

Elaichi helps in keeping the heart healthy. Various researches suggest that the use of cardamom can prevent heart attacks. Due to its antioxidant properties, it helps the heart in functioning properly and healthily. The scientists also suggest that using cardamom oil can keep your cholesterol levels in check

Contains Anti-Cancer Properties

Elaichi has a natural tendency to fight cancer-producing cells. That’s an amazing thing from our Lord, right? Moreover, he has put cures to life-threatening diseases in His beautiful little things. The trick is to use them wisely. 

Several studies have shown that cardamom prevents, delays, and can even reverse the formation of cancerous cells in the human body. All these life-saving attributes are what make cardamom one of the best anti-inflammatory herbs.

Helps in Keeping the Stomach Healthy

For thousands of years, Cardamom has been used by the masses to help keep the stomach healthy. It is used to get relief from discomfort, nausea, and vomiting. It is also found to be effective at healing ulcers. 

If you want to know more about ulcers, you should read about why stomach ulcers happen, what foods to eat, and how to avoid them. 

Treats Bad Breath

It is an ancient remedy to use cardamom for bad breath. Cardamom’s beautiful fragrance instantly brings freshness to the mind. Moreover, in some cultures, it’s a custom to put cardamom in your mouth after a meal, for freshness. 

Elaichi Benefits with Liver Protection

Elaichi helps protect the liver. The compounds in cardamom decrease the elevated levels of liver enzymes, thereby enhancing its functions. It also prevents liver enlargement, which reduces the risks of liver diseases.  

Cardamom Benefits for Skin

Gather around, Lovelies! Elaichi benefits for your skin are amazing. Even more amazing is the fact that this spice is readily available in your kitchen. You can use it whenever you feel like having a quick home remedy for your skin. 

Elaichi Benefits with a Glowy Complexion

One of the amazing elaichi benefits for females is that it gives a glowy complexion. If you use cardamom essential oil on your face, it will help you reduce those blemishes and give you a fair, radiant complexion. 

Just mix some cardamom powder with a little honey and apply the paste to your face. It will retain the healthy look of your skin as well. 

Blood Circulation Gets Better

Elaichi has ‘Vitamin C’ in it, which helps improve the circulation of blood in your body. With improved blood circulation, the skin gets glowy and fresh looking.  

Treats Skin Allergies

Elaichi benefits in treating skin conditions, because it’s an amazing antioxidant. That’s why it is a good agent to treat skin allergies. Mix honey and cardamom powder. Apply the powder to the affected area. It will give you instant relief. 

It is advised to do a patch test on your hand before using any such remedies If you have sensitive skin. 

Lip Care

Cardamom essential oil is helpful in giving the lips a smooth and soft look. Just apply the oil on your lips before going to sleep at night. Wash it off in the morning. It will keep your lips smooth all day. 

Cardamom Benefits for Hair

Elaichi benefits for females don’t just end on the skin. If you are worried about your hair, and its deteriorating condition, Elaichi has got your back

Nourishment for the Scalp

The antioxidant properties of cardamom nourish the scalp of your head and improve the look of your hair. It enhances hair strength by nourishing the hair follicles. Just mix the cardamom powder with water, form a paste, and use this Cardamom Water for your hair before shampooing. It would leave your hair with a very smooth effect. 

Elaichi benefits, for hair, to the win!

Benefits the Hair Health

If you have a healthy scalp, you have healthy hair. Moreover, your hair gets stronger and looks more radiant and shiny. So Ladies! Don’t forget to use Cardamom for your hair on a weekly basis to have amazing elaichi benefits for your hair. 

Cardamom Benefits for Males

Cardamom is a useful spice when it comes to promoting a healthy sexual desire in men. It’s an aphrodisiac. Since ancient times, it has been used as a natural alternative for positive sexual health and performance. 

Cardamom Side Effects

You don’t have to worry much about Cardamom’s side effects, as there are no reported cases. It is usually safe to use cardamom orally in a reasonable quantity. Even If you are doing Aromatherapy, it is safe to inhale vapors from Cardamom essential oil.

If you adopt cardamom in your daily routine, it will add a warming quality to your life. Elaichi has a definite knack for touching your soul with its spicy-sweet aroma and taste. Taste isn’t the only thing about this magical herb, though. It’s more like eating your way to perfect skin, hair, and overall beauty. 
If you want to know more about Elaichi and its benefits for your health, you can contact the best Nutritionist in Lahore via or call at (042) 32500989.

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