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Which are the Best Anti-inflammatory Herbs that You Must Use in Winter? 

Anti Inflammatory Herbs
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Our immune systems are dealing with a million infection-causing agents on a daily basis. Sometimes the immune system combats them bravely and sometimes it falters because of our poor diet choices and suppressed immunity. This can be catered to with the aid of anti-inflammatory herbs. 

According to our top dietitian Dr. Abdul Rafay, when our immune system is in a combat mood it tends to deal with infections in a vigorous way. This can sometimes lead to the onset of inflammation. Sometimes, when the bacterial infections are stubborn the inflammation and pain do not go away on their own and that is when herbs for inflammation come to play their due role in the picture. 

We have compiled some of the best anti-inflammatory herbs and spices that not only make your meals delicious but also strengthen your immunity. Talk about a win-win. 

Herbs for Inflammation – Natural Remedy for Pain 

Given below are some of the strongest herbs for inflammation that can cure pain and discomfort in an effective manner. 

Turmeric (ہلدی)

One of the ancient anti-inflammatory spices that have proven its worth over time and need no introduction is turmeric. Turmeric is packed with over 300 active compounds out of which curcumin is the strongest one, holding the batch of the powerful anti-inflammatory compound. 

Curcumin is known to block the activation gene of inflammation in the body which can then result in pain or discomfort. Furthermore, turmeric is also known to hold several bioactive compounds which boost strong medicinal properties. Curcumin and its ability to reduce inflammation in the body and thus help with serious health complications such as heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and other degenerative conditions. 

In addition to all this, turmeric is one of the best anti-inflammatory herbs for the skin because of its anti-aging properties. Add a pinch of turmeric to two tablespoons of yogurt with a teaspoon of lemon juice, apply it on your face and wait for the magic to happen!

Ginger (ادرک)

A common spice that is usually used in meals for its peppery taste is ginger. Ginger can be used in fresh, dried, or powdered form. Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory herb that can be used in teas to cure colds, migraines, and high blood pressure. 

Ginger hosts the following compounds which are known to improve the overall wellness of the body by reducing the onset of inflammation: 

You can add gingers to your stews, steaks, and salads to get the most out of ginger’s benefits as an anti-inflammatory spice

Green Tea

You might have heard about green tea’s benefits for weight loss. Right!

But this hydrating beverage is so much more than just an average drink that helps your body to shed off fat. Green tea is rich in polyphenols. According to doctors of South City Hospital, polyphenols are known to reduce inflammation and raise the status of antioxidants in the body. These anti-inflammatory compounds also help to fight off cancers by reducing the free radicals from the body which can lead to organ damage.

Intake of green tea is helpful as its medicinal properties help the body to strengthen the immune system so that the risk of breast cancers, brain cancers, and lung cancers. 

Cardamom (الائچی)

Cardamom is hand’s down the best anti-inflammatory herb for tea. Cardamom hosts healing compounds that provide enough strength to the body to fight cancerous cells. Several researchers have solidified the importance of the use of cardamom. This herb for inflammation contains markers such as CRP, IL-6, TNF- a, and MDA. 

Furthermore, the use of cardamom also helps to increase the levels of antioxidants in the body by a huge margin of 90%. Diabetic people who use cardamom on a daily basis enjoyed reduced levels of MDA, IL-6, and hs-CRP which are some of the most common inflammatory markers in the body. 

Using cardamom in your meals is highly easy as this spice is rich in flavor. Therefore you can easily use this anti-inflammatory spice in your stews or curries or your teas. 

Black Pepper (کالی مرچ)

One of the main reasons for the instance of inflammation in the body is free radicals. Free radicals are formed in the body due to unprotected exposure to UV rays, nicotine, and pollutants in the air. 

Black pepper is a strong herb for inflammation because it contains piperine which is known to boost antioxidant properties in the body. The piperine present in black pepper helps to cure the inflammation in the airways which can be because of asthma or seasonal allergies. 

Furthermore, it is one of the easiest spices that you can use in your kitchen. Spray black pepper on your sunny-side-up egg and you can also add it to your stews, steaks, and salads. 


Ginseng is one plant root that people in southeast Asia have been using for centuries because of its medicinal properties. There are two types of this anti-inflammatory herb that you should know about. One is Asian Ginseng and the other is American Ginseng. 

Ginseng is known to boost the levels of ginsenoside, a compound that is famous for reducing oxidative damage in the body. In addition to all this, red ginseng is also known to enhance cognitive functions in the body such as improved memory. This anti-inflammatory herb also gives a push to happy hormones in the body thus guaranteeing a better mood. 

You can add this anti-inflammatory herb to your tea for reduced instances of pain. Try to add ginseng to your soups as well. 

Fenugreek Seeds (میتھی دانہ)

Another anti-inflammatory herb for pain that you need to know about is fenugreek seeds. It is a long-used herb in alternative medicines which is a must-have in the kitchen because of its peppery taste. 

The nutritional profile of fenugreek seeds is given below

From catering to the worst possible menstrual cramps to providing your body’s immune system the necessary oxidative boost, fenugreek seeds’ benefits as the best anti-inflammatory herb are tough to beat. 

Cilantro (دھنیا)

Cilantro might be a fancy name but is actually one of the best herbs for inflammation. It helps to combat the metal toxification that can disrupt the body’s functions. Cilantro is known for the compound quercetin. Quercetin is an anti-inflammatory compound that helps to settle the digestive problems of the body and thus helps the immune system of the body to fight against all oxidative stress. 

You can try to dress your steaks and salads with cilantro and coriander for its better health impacts. 


Oregano is a member of the mint family and one of the strongest natural anti-inflammatory herbs. It has been used in folk medicines for the past 2,500 years because of its ability to combat inflammation in the respiratory system. 

The essential oil that is extracted from oregano can help the body with instances of chronic inflammation and serious diseases such as diabetes and arthritis

Try to spice up your steaks and salads with the use of oregano and enjoy its many benefits. 

Anti-inflammatory Herbs  – Your Immune System’s Best Friends

Anti-inflammatory herbs not only satisfy your taste buds but also improve overall wellness by curbing bacterial infections and inflammation. Therefore try to get the best out of these herbs and spices by adding them to your meals. You can also get in touch with the best nutritionists regarding the health benefits of these anti-inflammatory herbs and how you can use them for improved immunity.

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