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Benefits of Ginger: Because it’s Not Your Usual Spice!

Benefits of Ginger
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You probably consume ginger in your teas, stir-fry it in your everyday meals and add it to your soups. But have you ever looked beyond the savory flavor of this spice and noticed the health benefits of ginger? 

I remember my grandmother recommending me to have a cup of ginger-tea for so many of my health woes, be it stomach cramps, nausea, cold, joint pain, or even for the slightest lack of faith that I used to feel every now and then. And she was perhaps right as I always got better after taking it. Now that I am all grown up, I can vouch for that and accept the fact that yes! ginger tea benefits are real. 

For hundreds of years, people have been using ginger to treat a huge list of ailments.

A lot of the traditional treatments and home remedies using different herbs have little to no evidence to back them up, but there is a lot of compelling evidence today that portrays the unmatched health benefits of ginger.

The Mighty Ginger – A Powerful Superfood

Being famous for its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, ginger packs a powerful punch as it not only is rich in magnesium, potassium, and vitamin C but also is one of the best superfoods to consume. This is what makes ginger the strongest anti-inflammatory spice that can combat pain and discomfort. Here is what you need to know about the nutritional value of ginger. 

How is Ginger Good for Health?

Ginger not only is just a root but the health benefits of ginger are incomparable. Let’s have a closer look at how this superfood can do wonders and aid in effective treatments and remedies for different diseases. 

1. A Powerful Anti-Inflammatory

Ginger is known to have a very important anti-inflammatory compound called gingerol. It is a substance that is said to help a lot in relieving pain and reducing swelling in the bones and joints. The consumption of ginger on a daily basis is said to treat Osteoarthritis which is a disease in which the joints in the body start to wear out.

You can use ginger to treat inflammation and swelling either by consuming it by mouth or by using a ginger patch or a compress on the skin directly. 

2. Pain Relieving Benefits of Ginger

Several Researchers have proven that ginger can work miraculously to treat migraine symptoms. It works by blocking prostaglandins that lessen the swelling in blood vessels, stimulate contractions in muscles, and influence other hormones in the body. 

Ginger also helps immensely in the management of period cramps. Both migraine and period cramps can be treated in the most effective way by the consumption of ginger tea. The ginger tea benefits have no limit, this works best when consumed on the onset of a migraine attack or just a day before having your period. 

Ginger Tea Recipe to avail Ginger Tea Benefits

Ginger tea can be simply made at home  by following this simple recipe: 

It works by concealing the prostaglandins so that the excruciating pain can be blocked and managed well. In many different cultures, ginger oil is also used to treat period cramps by rubbing it on the lower back and belly. 

3. A Great Therapy for Nausea and Motion Sickness

Ginger helps greatly in treating nausea, vomiting and reducing symptoms of morning sickness in pregnant women. It is a wonderful desi drug in helping treat nausea that is caused as a result of chemotherapy and even the motion sickness felt during traveling. 

Along with pregnancy and chemotherapy nausea, ginger helps greatly in reducing the dizziness caused by vertigo. Ginger releases therapeutic chemicals that work with the nervous system and are great in reducing restlessness and queasiness.

4. Anti-Cancer Drug

In modern times, new researchers have declared ginger as a potential remedy for killing various kinds of cancer cells. A lot of the studies have come up with promising results in recent times. 

You might not believe this particular benefit out of all benefits of ginger, but in a study, researchers applied a solution of water and ginger powder to treat ovarian cancer cells. And the result of each test came out to be very positive. It was observed that in every test the cancer cells committed suicide, which means that they killed themselves or they ended up attacking each other. 

A lot of modern research says that ginger is great in killing the inflammatory substances present in the colon and ends up saving people’s lives with colon cancer as well. Ginger compounds have been recently been studied and it has been revealed that they work like magic in rectifying cancers like rectal cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, and even pancreatic cancer

5. A Phenomenal Anti-Diabetic Compound 

Ginger works great in reducing blood sugar levels and can be considered one of the best anti-diabetic drugs. The extracts from ginger when consumed increase the glucose level in the body and increases the uptake to the muscles and this is done without the use of insulin. So, it has been observed that it helps a lot in the management net of high blood sugar levels. 

It is suggested that diabetic people should consume a small piece of dried ginger every day in order to manage the blood sugar levels in the body naturally. Ginger has a very low glycemic index (GI ) which indicates that it breaks down slowly to convert into glucose and that is the reason why there is no spike in the blood sugar level observed after consumption of ginger. 

The Takeaway

The health benefits of ginger are too many to count on fingertips. It is not just a vegetable or a spice, as it is considered to be one of the best drugs to treat a number of ailments in the body. You should make sure to make it a part of your everyday meals as the benefits it contains make it a superfood that should not be resisted by anyone. 
If you have any concerns regarding the use of ginger or its benefits, then feel free to reach out to the best dietitian/nutritionist anywhere near you in Pakistan via or call (042) 32500989.

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