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Irregular Periods – From Causes to Home Remedies to Get Regular Periods Naturally

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In medical language, irregular periods are known as oligomenorrhea. While it is a common problem among most women, you should seek treatment after missing your period for more than a few times.

A regular menstrual cycle begins after 28-35 days and lasts for about 4-6 days. If a period does not begin even after 35 days or occurs with a different number of days each time, it is considered irregular.

But don’t fret; there are a few home remedies for irregular periods that can help you lessen the effect and maintain a regular cycle.

Let’s explore what are the symptoms that you’re experiencing irregular periods and its causes. Also, you’ll learn how to get regular periods naturally. 

What are the Symptoms of Irregular Periods? 

Watch out for following symptoms to know if you’re having irregular periods: 

What Causes Irregular Periods? 

Irregular periods are a typical problem among adolescent girls and adults approaching menopause. Hormonal imbalances are the source of the irregularities. 

For some women, however, there could be a variety of circumstances contributing to irregular periods, which could be cause for concern. Those causes are mentioned below:

Hormonal imbalances: Female hormones such as oestrogen and androgen are important in regulating the menstrual cycle, and changes in them can cause irregular periods.

Stress: One of the leading reasons for irregular periods. It is thought to have an effect on hormonal balance, which impacts your monthly cycle. 

Contraceptive pills: Some contraceptives are known to cause lighter periods, as well as causing you to miss or stop your periods entirely. 

Unhealthy food habits: Malnutrition can also result in the cessation of menstruation. Because the body is unable to carry out everyday tasks. 

Some other causes include:

Get to know in detail about reasons why you miss your periods.

How to Get Regular Periods Naturally?  

How to get regular periods naturally? Well, this is something you’re concerned about, if you miss your periods often. But no worries, you can try several at-home remedies to help you get your period back on track.

Those home remedies for irregular periods are as follows:

1- Manage Your Stress

Stress can mess up with your hormones badly. We already know that our hormones regulate the menstrual cycle, so reducing stress in your life is a terrific natural strategy to ensure that your period arrives on time.

How can you manage your stress? Some examples include: 

Know about leading causes of stress and anxiety in Pakistan

2- Work on Your Sleeping Habits 

“Early to bed and early to rise” – Your elders must have instructed this many times. Right?

It is more than a proverb: it is well known for its numerous advantages. 

An unhealthy or disturbed sleep cycle has a huge impact on your body clock, and hence the activities of the body. Therefore, maintaining a regular sleep pattern would undoubtedly assist you in maintaining period regularity.

3- Practice Yoga for Irregular Periods  

Yoga! A type of physical meditation that almost everyone may do at home. Many people employ this ancient practice on a regular basis to improve their health. It relaxes both your body and mind.

Yoga may be a good method to keep your periods in check. A small-scale study, it was found that doing yoga every day can help to normalise hormones associated with irregular periods. Furthermore, yoga can help with the menstruation related pain and emotional symptoms such as anxiety and despair. 

4- Do Regular Exercise 

Regular exercise has numerous advantages, one of which is the regularisation of periods. It aids in the maintenance of your weight and the regulation of your hormones. 

A woman with polycystic ovarian syndrome may develop excessive weight, resulting in hormonal imbalance. Regular exercise may be able to solve this issue. In addition, it also helps to manage the pain before and during periods. 

5- Maintain A Healthy Diet 

Another strategy to control your periods is to eat a balanced and healthy diet. A nutritious diet will keep your hormone levels in line, resulting in a healthy menstrual cycle.

Fruits, green vegetables, dry fruits, seafood, and red meat will provide you with a balanced diet. Flaxseeds, beans, olive oil, and soy products are all good oestrogen sources. 

Seed cycling is well-known for its role towards periods regulation. Read more about seed cycling benefits.

6- Some Kitchen Remedies for Irregular Periods 

Your kitchen is a storehouse where you can find materials to assist you get your period quickly. What are those ingredients? Let’s see them one by one. 

Unripe Papaya 

The action of unripe papaya on irregular periods is well-known. It improves uterine contractions, which aid in managing irregular periods. For a few months, drink unripe papaya juice on a regular basis, but not during your period.

Use Turmeric 

Turmeric is a versatile and magical spice. It is used for a variety of purposes. It’s a wonderful home cure that you can use for any ailment. 

Consumption of turmeric on a regular basis may aid in the regulation of irregular periods. It also possesses anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects, which aid in uterine cramp relief. 

How to use turmeric to get periods? If you wish to naturally get your periods, combine turmeric with warm milk and honey. Take it every day until your menstruation arrives.

Apple Cider Vinegar 

Apple cider vinegar can assist women with polycystic ovarian syndrome regulate their cycles and hormones. You may also lose weight and have reduced blood sugar and insulin levels as a result of this treatment.

Because apple cider vinegar is bitter, you can eat it by mixing it with honey to mask the flavour.


Cinnamon is necessary in both our kitchen and our health. It aids in the regulation of uterine blood flow and may be used to treat irregular periods. During periods, it may help to relieve abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.

How to use it? Add a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to a glass of milk and drink it for optimum results.

Ginger Tea 

Ginger can help with a variety of ailments and symptoms, including irregular periods. Raw ginger can help you with your concern ‘How to get regular periods naturally?’, if you consume it on a regular basis. 

Ginger includes gingerol, which aids in the reduction of inflammation in the body. Ginger benefits involve aid in the contraction of uterine muscles and the maintenance of hormonal equilibrium. 

How to use ginger as a remedy for irregular periods? On an empty stomach in the morning or evening, drink a glass of hot ginger tea with a squeeze of lemon and a splash of honey. 

When to Visit A Doctor? 

On a large scale, changes to your menstrual cycle could be due to stress or other lifestyle behaviours, but continuous irregular periods could suggest an underlying health concern. Make an appointment to see a doctor if: 

If you experience any of the above mentioned conditions, you can consult with a well-known gynaecologist in Lahore. You can book an appointment via or make a call at (042) 32500989. 

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