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Vaginal Itching: Home Remedies to Stop Itching ‘Down There’

Vaginal Itching
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Vaginal itching, known as Vaginal Pruritis in medical terms, is an unpleasant condition. It is a signal that something is amiss in the vagina.

At some point in your life, you may have felt itchiness in your vagina. It is extremely common, but there’s a big difference between having a little itch and being up all night thinking you can’t take this anymore. 

You may have several questions about vaginal itchiness e.g. what are the causes behind this itchiness and how to soothe an itchy vagina in a safe and healthy way?

Keep on reading this article to find out these answers. 

Itching in Private Parts: Why Does it Happen?

You might be wondering why vaginal itching occurs, why do you feel itchiness in private parts after your period, and what can be done to remedy it? 

Vaginal itchiness can be a symptom of many conditions. 

Here are some of the causes behind an itchy vagina:

Bacterial Vaginosis

It’s normal to have a healthy mix of bacteria in the vagina. Sometimes, the wrong kind of bacteria grows in the vagina and can lead to an infection. 

You may feel inflammation, a burning sensation, abnormal vaginal discharge, and a fishy-smelling odor besides itching. 

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Sexually transmitted diseases cause the vagina to get itchiness in almost every case. It can also develop irritation and burning sensations. 

Yeast infection

About three out of every four women will develop a yeast infection at some point in their lives. This infection occurs when yeast grows excessively in the vagina and vulvar area. The reasons can be; pregnancy, intercourse, antibiotics, a weakened immune system. 

There is vaginal itchiness as well as burning. Besides that, a thick, white cheesy discharge also happens with a yeast infection. 

Read more about immune-boosting foods that you should eat. 


When a woman is menopausal, there is a drop in estrogen levels. This drop leads to the thinning of vaginal walls. Dryness of the vagina also occurs, which leads to itchiness and irritation. 

The mothers who breastfeed their babies have a thinning of vaginal walls as well. 

Chemical Irritants

You can get vaginal itchiness from different chemical substances as well. These can be; creams, condoms, contraceptive forms, laundry detergents, soaps, scented toilet paper, fabric softeners, etc. 

Why Do You Feel an Itchy Vagina after Period? 

You may feel minor vulvar itching and vaginal itchiness after a period. This can be due to: 

Home Remedies for Vaginal Itching

Vaginal itchiness is not something serious. In most cases, you can treat this condition on your own, using some simple home remedies for vaginal itching. 

Avoiding Irritants

You should carefully evaluate the possible triggers for vaginal itching. If certain chemicals cause skin irritation and itchiness, avoid them. These can be fragrances, cleaning products containing dyes and parabens, latex condoms, lubricants, very tight clothing, etc. These triggers can lead to dermatitis and inflammation of the skin. 

Using Baking Soda

Baking soda is a must-have when it comes to skin problems. 

If you take a bath with baking soda, it will help treat yeast infection and reduce vaginal itchiness. Baking soda has antifungal properties. Due to this, it kills the irritation-causing bacteria. 

Put 1/4 cup of baking soda in your bath or make a paste and apply it on the skin.

Eating Yogurt

Research shows that intake of yogurt relieves vaginal itchiness. Yogurt maintains a healthy pH and bacterial levels within the vagina. That’s how yogurt can help prevent infection and reduce symptoms of vaginal itching. 

Taking an Apple Cider Vinegar Bath

Just like baking soda, taking a bath with Apple Cider Vinger (ACV) may also help to soothe an infection. ACV has antifungal and antibacterial properties, which prevent the growth of bacteria. 

Put half a cup of ACV in water and take a bath with it to get relief from vaginal itchiness. 

Coconut Oil

The benefits of coconut oil are endless. It is not only a cooking oil but also good for your skin. It has antibacterial properties, and it kills the bacteria which grow in the vagina to cause itchiness and irritation. 

Take a few drops of coconut oil and rub it properly on your skin.

Basil Leaves

Basil, the popular herb, contains a substance called eugenol. This substance numbs the nerve endings that cause itching. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, which can treat vaginal itching and burning. 

Get fresh basil leaves and boil them in water, and rinse your vagina using the mixture. You can do this 2-3 times a day. 

Tea Tree Oil

Essential oils are very effective at treating vagina itchiness e.g oregano oil and tea tree oil. 

There is no doubt about the amazing benefits of tea tree oil. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Due to these, it gives soothing effects by treating the burns on the skin and killing the yeast. 

Take 2-3 drops of oil in your hand and apply it to the outer skin of the vagina.

Applying Honey and Yogurt

Not only can you eat yogurt to avoid vaginal itchiness, but you can also use it in a mask with honey as well. 

This mask will help you in two ways: Yogurt has soothing effects and honey has anti-inflammatory properties. It will help get rid of the vaginal itchiness and irritation and will correct the bacterial imbalance due to its probiotic nature. 

Using a honey-yogurt mask reduces your risk of yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis.

Dietary Changes

Vaginal itching may be aggravated by the foods you eat. If you change your diet to a more healthy regimen, you can reduce symptoms of vaginal irritation and infection. 

These changes include:

Lifestyle Changes

Making certain changes to your lifestyle can prevent vaginal itchiness. Some of these can be:

Bottom Line!

These are some of the home remedies for vaginal itching, which are effective, and can be used as a quick-fix. Some of these remedies may work better than others. Be sure to avoid chemical irritants and take good care of your hygiene. 
If you have any unusual or unexplained symptoms, or if you’re simply wondering how to stop vaginal itching, you may consult a well-known gynecologist in Lahore. You can book an appointment via or you can call at (042) 32500989.

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