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How to Increase the Penis Size in 2024? – 8 Answers from Experts

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How to increase the size of penis or how can I increase my girth, these are some of the most common questions men ask. 

Well, I am sure being a male you have searched for these ways at least once in your life. No wonder as most men are unsatisfied with their penile size. 

This obsession with human bodies is absolutely normal!

Like other dissatisfactions, penis size anxiety is something that affects most men without even realizing that they are absolutely normal. However, when it comes to penis size, there is no bigger and better approach. 

Why Bigger Isn’t Always Better?

Before you ask yourself how to increase the penis size, Dr. Brig. (R) Dr. Muhammad Ramzan Chaudhry who is one of the top andrologists and sexual health speacialist in Pakistan says that sometimes there are many risks associated with bigger penises. Here is all you need to know about it:

Before we move further to know how to increase the penis size, let’s know the NORMAL! 

Average penis size 

How to Grow Penis Bigger?

Let’s know about some of the common ways that can help you grow it bigger.

1- Start with Healthy Eating

You always hear questions like how to make your penis bigger with food… But can you actually do this?

Well, the answer is yes. When it comes to improving your sexual health, there are foods that can play a critical role. 

Eat watermelon, dark chocolates, eggs, carrots, bananas, and so on. 

Adding these healthy foods to your diet can be your sure shot to a better sexual life and might answer your question of how to increase the penis size. 

These foods are loaded with healthy nutrients that can help to improve the blood flow to your genitals and improve the synthesis of male sex hormones. 

The addition of these penis-healthy foods can even help you to get rid of problems like premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. 

Read more about foods to cure premature ejaculation

2- Strengthen your Pelvic Floor

Men who are self-conscious about their size know that size during ejaculation matters the most. So, you can grow your penis big by strengthening the erections.

 One of the key factors that determine the strength of erections is pelvic floor exercises. 

Pelvic floor exercises or Kegel exercises come as one of the easiest ways to deal with erectile problems such as erectile dysfunction. These can be a great answer to the question of how to increase the penis size as well. The reason is that these exercises target the pelvic muscles that play a part during erection. So, doing Kegel exercises can be your answer to how to grow your penis size.

Read, oil for penis enlargement to explore more. 

3- Get Back into Shape

Are you looking for a reason to hit the gym well, growing your penis big can be surely one of them!

Experts at Hameed Latif Hospital say, losing weight can bring along many benefits and one of these benefits can be the enlargement of the penis. Let’s make it clear that losing weight doesn’t make your penis big but probably makes it more evident. 

The reason is that overweight or obese people have their penis base surrounded by a layer of fat. Now, this can make them wonder how to increase the penis size way more often. The fat layer gets unveiled while you put down the weight, so losing weight can make your penis big. 

Read more about the best weight loss diet plans that can help you to begin your journey with.

4- Stay Away from Smoke 

You have been warned about the side effects of smoking but nothing could refrain you from it. Right? 

However, if you are looking for an answer to how to increase the penis size, quitting smoking can be the answer.

This is because smoking can result in the shrinkage of the penis. According to published research, smokers have a size below average. This is true in the case of both flaccid and erection size. 

The reason is pretty clear. Smoking can result in damage to blood vessels that supply blood to your penis. So, if you want to grow your penis big, give up on bad habits like smoking now.

5- Penile Stretching or Jelqing

Next in the list of answers to how to increase the penis size comes the role of penis stretching exercises. Jelqing is one such manual stretching technique. 

This is one of the easiest natural ways to increase both length and girth. This is more like a massage that works by improving blood circulation and micro-tears. 

However, there is more research required in this regard to prove the efficacy of jelqing. Further, you need to be very careful because it can be damaging to your sexual health if not done right. 

6- Penis Pumps

Just as the name says, these are basically the pumps that have become more popular than ever to answer the question of how to increase the penis size. These are nothing but vacuum pumps that draw blood to your genitalia by a suction mechanism causing an erection. This erection is held using the rings at the penile base. 

However, it is considered that micro-tears caused by the suction mechanism can cause your penis to grow bigger. However, there is no scientific evidence that can prove the efficacy of using these pumps. 

These pumps however can help the patients suffering from the problems like erectile dysfunction or can help them with post-surgical recovery.

Read, age limit for penis growth to explore more. 

7- Surgery

Surgeries, yes there are surgeries that can help people to get the desired size. These surgical procedures basically can involve several techniques to increase the length and girth.

Here is all you need to know to get the answer to how to increase the penis size or for penis enlargement:

A- Fillers: Have you heard about lip fillers? We have got fillers for penises as well.

B- Implants: Another type of surgery is the insertion of a piece of silicone under the skin that can grow your penis big.

C- Enhancement: A surgeon can make it look bigger by either cutting the ligaments and making it hang lower (that obviously looks big) or implanting tissues harvested from other parts to increase the girth. 

No matter which one you choose there are always risks associated with these surgeries.

8- How to Increase the Penis Size – All Other Answers!

Here is all about the other ways that you need to know when it comes to naturally making it bigger. 

Let’s Wrap Up!

How to increase the penis size? Now you have got enough answers to it. From the choice of penis enlargement foods to the enlargement supplements that can work pretty well. 

However, you need to be more conscious about your sexual health than merely considerate about the size and increasing your sex time. If you feel like there is genuinely a concern regarding your size, consult the best male sexual health specialist in Pakistan by contacting Healthwire. Also, it is really important for you to understand the needs of your partner and pay attention to non-sexual intimacy as well.

So, men, it’s high time to stop penis shaming and start working towards healthier habits that improve both your physical and mental health.

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