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What is the Age Limit for Penis Growth?

What is the Age Limit for Penis Growth
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When a male goes through the developmental stages of his life, like other organs, his reproductive organ, the penis, also grows. Each phase of penis growth is actually catered by the level of testosterone in the body. At that time it is a common thing to wonder about the age limit for penis growth. 

Puberty commonly hits the body when they are between the ages of 9 to 15. The pituitary gland starts the release of testosterone-producing hormones. 

Puberty is also characterized by changes in the scrotum, penis, and hair growth. The levels of testosterone are highest when a teen hits 20. 

These changes might also account for the penis size in the later stages of life. Let us discuss some of the common concerns and age-limit-related queries for penis growth in detail. 

What is the Average Penis Size?

According to research on 15000 men, the average penis size in men is 3.61(in) or 9.16 (cm) when it is flaccid and 5.16 when (in) or 13.12 (cm) when erect. Simatlenously if we are to talk about the girth of the penis or its circumference then it is 3.67(in) or 9.31 (cm) when flaccid and 4.59 (in) or 11.66 (cm) when erect. 

Most men with short penises tend to overexaggerate the average length of their penis. People have a common perception that the average penis length is 6 inches. But according to studies, it is between 5.1 to 5.5 inches. 

What is the Penis Growth Age Timeline?

According to doctors at Hameed Latif Hospital, males hit puberty between the ages of 9 to 14 and this lasts for at least 3 to 4 years. Now is the high time for the penis to grow in length and girth. But this growth is different from person to person, depending on genes and lifestyle habits. 

What are the Factors that Affect Penis Growth?

There are several factors that can affect or account for penis growth. According to Dr. Zubair Ahmad Cheema, a renowned Urologist in Lahore, a male can inherit a specific penis size from his ancestors. Secondly, the level of testosterone production also has an effect on penis size. 

Several researchers also comment that if a child gets exposed to certain sorts of chemicals in the mother’s womb, it can also affect genes and hormones in the body. This can ultimately affect penis size. Malnutrition during the womb can also play an important role in penis development in the later stages of life. 

Furthermore, obesity during adulthood can make the penis size small because of a lot of public hair. 

But here are some more factors such as wet dreams that can have an impact on the penis size of a person. Let us have a look at some of the factors:

How to Grow Penis?

Well, you might have come across a clickbait on the internet that claims that it has the right answer to your query about how to grow a penis?

But the Urology Care Foundation explicitly claims that none of the provided information is in fact true. Penile extenders can help to some extent in increasing the length but not in girth. 

Rather than engaging yourself in these questionable practices, one should work on their self-esteem. You can actually achieve this through proper counseling or exercise. But maintaining good body weight and trimming pubic hair also helps. 

Read, How to Grow Penis Size to explore more.

When does a Penis Start Growing?

The penis starts to grow in length and girth during puberty. This is the time when a boy’s body starts to go through physical and hormonal changes which are visible. Boys start puberty between the ages of 9 to 14. 

But a boy can have a full-grown penis at the age of 13 and some might struggle with it till they are 18 or 19. 

When does a Penis Stop Growing?

The penis stops growing when a boy finishes puberty. But the puberty time period may differ from person to person. The penis development is also something that happens at its own pace. It is possible for you to take some more time than your friends. Do remember that age 16 is the average age for your body to look like an adult. 

Suggested Read: Penis Enlargement Oil

What are the Common Penis Size Related Myths?

Given below are some of the common penis size myths that are often the center point of stress and frustration in many males. 

Penis Size Equals Shoe Size

It is one of the most common myths that a male’s shoe size is representative of their penis size. But this is untrue. There is no such correlation that exists between penis size and shoe size. 

Flaccid Penis Indicates Erect Penis Size

Penis when it is flaccid has no effect on penis size when it is erect. From room temperature to hormonal issues, there can be a number of factors that influence flaccid penis length. 

A bigger Penis Means Better Sexual Satisfaction

A common perspective is that a bigger penis size promises longer sex time. But it is not true. Sex time and longevity depend on the sexual prowess of males. There are several remedies that increase the sex timing of a male other than increasing the size of the penis. 

Masturbation Swells Penis

Yes, this one is right. Too much release of sperm because of vigorous pressure on the genitals can lead to swollen penis. Therefore refrain from masturbation. Masturbation does not shrink the organ but it can injure it if it’s aggressive

Hospitals with the Best Sexologists to Help You

In order to get help from a sexologist, the best hospitals to visit are mentioned below:

A Note from Healthwire!

A small penis is not a medical issue. Even if your penis is small you are able to carry out normal life activities and can also satisfy your partner. It is only a matter of your own self-confidence and esteem. But if you have further queries related to penis size and the age limit for penis growth then you can connect with the best sexologists via Healthwire. 


Can you grow your penis at 22?

Penis growth predominantly occurs in the teen years. After puberty, penis size does not grow.

What is micropenis?

Micropenis is a small-sized penis that is typically structured penis. Several hormonal or genetic issues can result in micropenis. 

Can I change my penis size?

No, it is not possible for you to change your penis size. Whatever you are hearing on the internet is not the right information. 

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