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Is There Any Oil for Penis Enlargement? Let’s Find an Answer

Penis Enlargement
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“Which oil is best for penis growth?”

We often see men asking these questions. 

I am sure many of you must have fallen prey to these baits on social media and searched for the remedies and products that work. But is there any truth behind these claims or do we have such products that can make the penis grow bigger and wider?

Before this, let’s find out why there is so much hype around penis enlargement oil!

Penis Enlargement – What the Hype is About?

Penis size and width…. These questions often trouble men.

But is penis size important or does it has to do something with a male’s performance in bed?

Well, the answer is no!

A bigger penis doesn’t guarantee an increase in sexual timing or better satisfaction of your partner. A satisfying sexual experience takes many other things and of course, size is not among them. The size of the penis doesn’t affect its function or desirability, instead, it’s all in your head. 

So, now putting your doubts to rest, you know that your penis size is nothing to be afraid of as most men consider small size as a sign of sexual inadequacy. But there is no shame if you are curious and want to know more about your body.

What are Penis Size Normals?

Before we talk about which oil is best for penis growth, let’s know about normal penis sizes.

The average length and girth of a penis are 3.6 inches when it is in a flaccid state. In the case of an erection, a penis can be 5.16 inches large and 4.5 inches in girth.

If you still think that your penis is too small and you are searching for questions like which oil is best for penis growth, then it’s because of your self-perceived negative body image. And surely, you are not alone in this. 

These persistent negative body image issues are quite common. These problems can affect self-esteem and can make you struggle with anxiety and depression, said Dr. Hafiz M.Imtiaz Afzal, a renowned psychiatrist from MD Health Center Lahore. 

Common Penis Size Myths

Despite this, we often see people struggling with the ways that can give them better sizes. The reason is all the common misconceptions that we have heard or believed. Let’s find an answer to these!

There are Penis Enlargement Oils that Work

You might have believed this, there are enlargement oils and creams that increase the penis size.

No matter how many oils you hear about and what never claim these sellers are making, be mindful that there is no such magic ingredient that can make your penis grow bigger and larger. The use of these products can pose significant side effects and can lead to potential health complications, said a renowned sexologist from Mansoorah Hospital Lahore. So, next time when someone tells you to velgrow oil or coconut oil for penis growth, you better not believe them.

Suggested Read: Penis Size and Age Limit

You can Lengthen your Penis by Using Weight

After using oils for penis enlargement, now comes this belief about using weights for penis enlargement. Many people believe that hanging weights off the penis will make it grow in size. To burst your bubble, hanging weight is not going to help you. Doing it for prolonged hours will not help you but can increase your risk for injuries. Further, there is no proven scientific evidence to prove the effectiveness of weight hanging on penis erection.

Penis Pumps Make it Possible

Well, this is another common popular belief about penis enlargement using penis pumps is going to help you.

This is one reason behind the increasing popularity of penis pumps. But let me tell you that using penis pumps is not going to help you. These pumps use a vacuum to draw blood into the penis and then clamp it by using rings. This blood drawing can make your penis look slightly bigger but once the ring is removed it will return to the original size. Having these rings on is going to result in injuries to your penis size.

Read how to increase penis size to explore more.

Penis Enlargement Oils – What Are Potential Side Effects?

So, next time you come across questions like which oil is best for penis enlargement or what pills work like magic, you must know the answer.

All of these misconceptions are due to the lack of information people have about penises. Unfortunately, people being unaware of the facts and potential side effects of these remedies are going to try whatever they listen about. These problems are the reason why people go for enlargement oil injections and suffer from bigger troubles. There are several pieces of research on the potential side effects of penis oils.

Some of the side effects of these penis enlargement oils include skin necrosis, scrotal deformity, infections, inability to have intercourse, abscess formation, gangrene, or sometimes temporary or permanent erectile dysfunction.

Suggested Read: Erectile Dysfunction in Men

A Word from Healthwire!

If you are still looking for an answer to which oil is best for penis growth, then let me say it loud and clear, there is no oil or gel, or cream that works like magic.

The only possible way to have a bigger penis and change its size permanently is through surgery. Anything other than this is merely a LIE!

Also, be mindful that your penis size is not as important as you think it is. A bigger penis doesn’t guarantee you more pleasure or is your sure shot for a better sex life. Your sexual experience is a lot more than bigger size and prolonged timings.

Yes, there are many other ways to enhance your sexual experience. Focus on your chemistry, understand your partner well, begin it slowly, and enjoy all of it rather than just focusing on ejaculation time. If you still have a problematic sexual experience then it is better to consult a medical professional. You can consult the best sexologist via Healthwire to seek out the right advice.

Suggested Read: How to Increase Sex Time Without Medicine?

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