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How to Lose Appetite Naturally – Get That Tummy Flat!

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Hunger and appetite are two sides of the same coin that we are all familiar with. 

For the most part, hunger and appetite are simply two signals that tell the body that there is a need for energy or a craving for a specific food. 

Well, feeling hungry or having hunger pangs is normal. But, let me tell you that it is not at all fun to feel hungry all the time or to have a craving for a specific food 24/7. But then how to lose appetite and hunger is the question here.

Feeling hungry all the time can be a big red flag and a warning for you to keep a proper check on your diet. 

There are chances that you might not be eating enough food or are indulging in too much consumption of food. There also can be a possibility that you are not having the right combinations of food. 

If you are an individual who is trying to lose weight, or is going through a health condition that requires controlling hunger then you must read this blog to help yourself how to control hunger and appetite. 

How Long Does it Take for Your Appetite to ‘Shrink’

Well, eating less can help you a lot in losing your appetite but it is impossible to shrink your stomach. ‘Shrink your stomach’ is the most used phrase these days by all the dieticians and health coaches, however, there is no way a stomach can be shrunk naturally. It requires proper surgery. 

But, there is always a chance to ‘shrink your appetite.’ Now, if you ask me how many days will it take or how much time is going to be consumed, I frankly don’t have one answer to that. There are several ways to lose appetite and all of these work in different ways and take different times to work. 

How to Lose Appetite in Natural Ways

In order to avoid overeating or to get the answer to how to control hunger and diet, there are some natural ways that you can try. These can help you slowly take control of your appetite and help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let’s have a closer look. 

Water Before Meals

Drinking a full glass of water before every meal can help a lot in making you feel full. It not only makes your stomach satisfied but also makes you feel less hungry after you finish your food. 

According to a study conducted on 50 overweight females, the intake of 1.5 liters of water in a day for 8 weeks resulted in a reduction in appetite. This also reduced the weight immensely and helped women shed fat at a great pace. 

Having soup as a starter before the meal can also help you in feeling full. This then makes the stomach want less food as it is already filled with a lot of food. So, the intake of a liquid before the actual solid food can help a lot in reducing appetite. 

Incorporation of Proteins and Healthy Fats

A lot of foods do satisfy the appetite but they leave us feeling more hungry. Now, in order to get the answer to how to lose appetite you need to opt for options that help you feel full instead of just satisfying the appetite. 

Well, the consumption of protein and healthy fats not only satisfy your appetite but also make you feel less hungry after you eat them. Some of the high protein foods that one can consume include: 

Try and add all the natural sources of fats in your meals like:

There is still no answer to ‘how long does it take to ‘shrink your appetite’ but, these food options surely work if consumed in a balanced manner and kept a good portion control

Take High-Fiber Foods

Just like other foods, fiber doesn’t break down in the body directly but stays for longer. Now, this slows down the digestion process and makes you feel less hungry during the whole day. 

People who are dealing with obesity are often recommended by doctors to take more fiber, this is because it makes them feel full all the time and they eat less. 

So, what are you waiting for? If you are looking for effective ways to lose appetite then consume all the fiber by eating fiber-rich foods. So get your hands on all the options mentioned below:

Indulge in Exercise

Another way to suppress and lose your appetite is by exercising every day. It works the best when it is done before taking meals. High-intensity exercises and workouts can help a lot in the reduction of appetite

How long does it take to shrink your appetite? Well, exercise only helps in maintaining the lower levels of ‘fullness hormones’ called GLP-1 and PPY. So, try and make exercise a habit if you want to know how to control hunger and want the answer to how to lose appetite. 

Practice Mindful Eating

Your brain can be your best friend and your worst enemy. What I mean by that is, that your brain plays a valid role in deciding what you eat and what you don’t choose to eat. Now, if you are someone who likes watching TV while having food then let me tell you this is a trash idea to go for. 

Make sure that you don’t watch any screen while having dinner. This is a wrong practice as it can divert your attention more towards TV and can make you indulge in overeating. Mindful eating is all about focusing more on the eating part without focusing on the surroundings. 

Wrapping it Up!

How to lose appetite is a frequently asked question mostly by those who are trying to shift to a healthy lifestyle. It is frankly difficult to make a shift all of a sudden, but by making mindful choices that can help in reducing hunger and appetite, you can take control of your hunger.

In case of any queries, make sure to contact the best nutritionist near you by visiting 

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