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Debunking the Myth: Is Drinking Milk After Eating Fish a Health Hazard?

Drinking Milk After Eating Fish
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Do you love to indulge in a delicious seafood feast but dread the idea of giving up your favorite glass of milk afterward? If you are like many of us, you may have heard that drinking milk after eating fish is a bad idea. 

Being a Desi, you know your parents have always told you to skip milk after fish. It’s a general idea that when you drink milk after eating fish, you may get ‘Phulbehri’ on your body. It is a disease known as Vitiligo in English, which causes white patches on parts of your skin. 

But is this really true or just an old wives’ tale? As it turns out, there’s more to this question than meets the eye. Does drinking milk after eating fish cause that toxicity in your body? 

It is a myth or superstition in our culture for a long time. It’s time to debunk this myth and know about drinking milk after fish combination. So, grab a glass of milk, and let’s dive into the facts together, so you can make an informed decision on whether to drink milk after eating fish or not.

But first, we will tell you what vitiligo is.

What is Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is a long-term skin disorder that causes pale white spots on the skin. Lack of melanin, the skin pigment, is what causes it.

Although vitiligo can affect any part of the skin, it most frequently affects the hands, face, neck, and wrinkles in the skin.

It’s crucial to wear sunscreen with a high sun protection factor and exercise additional caution when in the sun because the pale portions of the skin are more susceptible to sunburn (SPF).

What Causes Vitiligo?

Cosmetology experts at Doctors Hospital suggest lack of melanin, a skin pigment, causes vitiligo. Melanin, which gives your skin its color, is produced by skin cells called melanocytes.

Lack of functioning melanocytes prevents your skin from producing enough melanin when you have vitiligo. 

Your skin or hair may start to develop white patches as a result. The actual cause of the melanocytes’ disappearance from the skin’s afflicted regions is still unknown.

Now, coming towards the myth of drinking milk after fish is what causes vitiligo, we have gathered evidence to prove it wrong. Keep on reading. 

Milk After Fish: Why Can’t You Drink It?

It’s necessary to understand food consumption from the standpoint of the human body’s digestive capacity. With this in mind, it’s critical to investigate the logic behind the claim that drinking milk after eating fish is harmful to your health. 

Most of the population has already succumbed to their grandparents’ warnings and the associated beliefs. It’s undeniably an unappealing situation for fish lovers. 

It’s high time, we clear the air, once and for all. 

Let’s understand the viewpoint of drinking milk after fish from different perspectives:

What does Logic say About Milk After Fish?

We’re tempted to say that there’s no reason why you shouldn’t drink milk after fish. Popular cuisines all across the world combine fish, yogurt, and milk in their dishes. 

Nutritionists believe that these meals are beneficial in the fight against heart disease, diabetes, and even mental health issues. 

According to global standards, certain Mediterranean meals that contain dairy, fish, nuts, and cereals are the healthiest. Both fish and milk are rich sources of important nutrients such as protein, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for good health.

Although you should consume certain types of fish, such as those high in mercury, in moderation. People with lactose intolerance or milk allergies should avoid milk altogether. These considerations are for general health purposes and are unrelated to any supposed negative interaction between fish and milk.

Read more about the potential benefits of milk to boost your health. 

What Does Ayurveda Tell You About Milk After Fish?

Ayurveda is an ancient healing text with its roots in the Indian subcontinent. You may find answers to every ailment in this text. 

According to ancient Ayurveda scriptures and traditions, mixing fish and dairy is harmful to one’s health. 

What is the reason behind this? Milk is a vegetarian diet, as we prepare it from the grass an animal eats. On the other hand, fish is non-vegetarian. Mixing the two can raise the body’s bad energies. 

It will cause an imbalance in the body’s energy flow, which can impact your health. 

Chemical changes in the blood are also caused by an increase in this energy, which may lead to leukoderma. Leukoderma is a localized region of white-pigmented skin due to complete melanin loss. 

Ayurveda also claims that milk cools the body while fish heats it. Having milk after fish might cause an imbalance in the body.

That’s why they say to avoid drinking milk after eating fish. 

What Does Science Claim? 

Science comes to the rescue of fish lovers. 

Scientists and doctors disagree with the assumption that eating fish and dairy combined cause vitiligo or leukoderma

Vitiligo is a skin ailment characterized by the death of melanocytes induced by viral infections, hereditary oxidative stress, or autoimmune disorders. The combination of fish and milk has never been linked to these ailments.

What Does Islam Say About Drinking Milk after Fish?

Islam recognizes that anything that has not been specifically prohibited may be consumed. In the same way that it is acceptable to consume food and a drink or to eat and drink different sorts of food. 

Allah declares (interpretation of the meaning): 

“Say, O Muhammad Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam (may Allaah exalt his mention), “I find nothing in that which has been revealed to me which is forbidden to be eaten by one who desires to eat it unless it is Maytatah (a dead animal) or blood poured forth (by slaughtering or the like), or the flesh of swine for that surely is impure, or impious (unlawful) meat (of an animal) which is slaughtered as a sacrifice for others than Allaah (or has been slaughtered for idols, etc., or on which Allah’s Name has not been mentioned while slaughtering.} [6:145].”

You can consume fish and milk, as there has been no mention in the narrative of their prohibition. The phrase “Don’t eat fish and drink milk” is frequently used in language books. It is just a linguistic example and has nothing to do with an Islamic prohibition.

Drinking Milk After Eating Fish: What is the Role of Immunity?

If you drink milk after eating fish, you are ingesting two protein-rich foods at the same time.

Each of these requires distinct types of digestive juices to process, making them more difficult to digest. It negatively impacts the body’s digestive and immune systems. 

The body releases high amounts of energy and increases the workload on your digestive system. It can lead to bloating, gas, or other digestive discomforts.

If you have a weak immune system, wait for some time before drinking milk after fish. 

Read more about immune-boosting foods for your health. 

Are White Patches on Skin Linked to Milk After Fish?

Dr. Annum Shahzadi, an expert cosmetologist with eight years of experience, says you can get white patches on your face or hands due to fungal infection or the death of pigment-forming cells in particular places of the body.

Neither fish nor milk, consumed together or separately, may cause skin problems. 

You may encounter nausea, itching, or stomach aches if you are lactose intolerant or allergic to a specific type of fish. It can happen if you eat fish and milk simultaneously, separately, or with any other food.

Read more about fish oil benefits.  

Hospitals Offering Treatment for Vitiligo Near You!

If you or someone you know has vitiligo and looking for the best hospitals for treatment, consider choosing one of the following:

A Last Word from Healthwire!

I’m sure we have debunked this myth together. Drinking milk after fish is safe in most cases. 

You will never get Phulbehri after consuming the two together. It’s best to eat a healthy diet to have a healthy immune system. It will help you counter many ailments. It’s also essential to know if you are allergic to any food items, so you can avoid allergic reactions. 
In case you have more questions about dairy products and fish, consult a well-known nutritionist in Lahore to get your queries satisfied. You may book an appointment via Healthwire or call (042) 32500989.

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