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Korean Skincare Routine; Your Ultimate Guide to Glass-like Skin

Korean Skincare Routine
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According to the Korean skincare philosophy 

You have to work on the natural ecosystem of your skin by enhancing cleansing, hydrating, nourishing, and at the end protecting it. Thus whatever you are doing, do it so that your skin can breathe. 

K-beauty, K-pop, K-dramas, it looks like nowadays everything that has K which stands for Korean, in it is the trend.  

The popular trend is something that every millennial now has an idea about. What started off as a simple term has now transformed into a billion-dollar industry that is every bit as successful as it is popular. 

As the name suggests, Korean skincare tips are based on those products that both originate and get manufactured in Korea. These beauty products are made with a clear understanding of ancient Korean beauty secrets. 

The primary reason why more and more people are opting for the Korean skincare routine is because of its clear results. The media interaction has made the entire world a global village. Thus, whether it is the advertisement of the clear skin of K-stars, the evidence that Koreans have clear skin is pretty much the word of mouth. 

But one thing that is pertinent here is that consistency and sheer dedication are the basic reasons behind the Korean anti-aging secrets. It is more like a routine that involves both the use of products and adopting a clean eating lifestyle. For them having a skincare routine is as essential as food and air are for us.

Respecting your skin and letting it breathe is the core message of this whole Korean skincare routine. You have to refrain from using harsh skincare products that are damaging your skin.

Korean Skincare Routine: What You Need to Know 

Korean skincare habits focus more on preventing as well as protecting the damaged skin pores rather than using products that can further the cause. They don’t believe in using beauty skin products in the latter halves of your life when the damage is already done. Koreans thrive to use the right strategies alongside the road so that they do not have to cater to the severe damage when it is irreversible. 

Korean skincare steps are a dedicated way of respecting your skin. It has been the most talked-about beauty trend of the last decade. The steps or things that are a part of this routine are as follows:

  1. Oil-based cleanser
  2. Water-based cleanser 
  3. Exfoliant 
  4. Toner 
  5. Essence 
  6. Treatment 
  7. Sheet mask 
  8. Eye cream 
  9. Moisturizer
  10. SPF

Korean Skincare Tips; Why All the Hype?

According to reliable sources, the total exports revenue of this industry in 2016 was a jarring amount of $4.2 billion. The routine’s efficacy, effectiveness, and consistency are what has changed the basis of skincare and the value of having some ‘me-time’. Furthermore, the global business that this industry is procuring is jaw-dropping

The thing about this beauty trend is that it is not because of a certain celebrity or status. According to the top reviewed dermatologist in Lahore, Dr. Fatima Zaman, “Korean beauty secrets have witnessed this gradual hype due to strategic media advertisements and the astonishing results in the concurrent time frame.

What started as just a simple question about why Koreans have good skin has now transformed the skincare industry as we know it. 

Glass Skin; An Intro Into K-Beauty Trend

In Korean terms, glass skin is often referred to as clear, smooth, and hydrated skin that shines and glows. This type of skin is what people also refer to as the healthiest skin

Experts have also commented that for a person to have clear and luminous skin it is not only the hydration that is necessary, there are several other factors that play an equally important role. 

 But you dear reader, do not have to worry as we have compiled the Korean skincare steps that are going to be the ultimate game-changer for your skin. 

How Many Steps are Too Many Steps?

There is continuous chatter on the street that you should follow a five-step routine or a 7 step routine, but things don’t have to be numerical. It does not matter whether you have a 5,6 or 7 skincare pattern, all that counts is that you need to have a routine. The most important thing is to acknowledge that you do need a routine!

Korean Skincare Steps 

The given below routine is one of the best and most widely used skincare improvement methods out there. Let us dive into details regarding the most general FAQ:

 why do Koreans have good skin?

Cleanser; Oil Based 

First, you need to start off with an oil-based cleanser. The impurities that are locked inside your skin are mostly oil-based and thus a water-based cleanser is not going to do much in these regards. 

All the SPF, makeup as well as sebum can only be effectively removed if you use an oil-based cleanser. A major perk of using such a cleanser is that it does not remove the natural layer of oil from your skin so there is an added benefit there!

Cleanser; Water Based 

Hands down one of the most used sought-after products whenever people hear this word cleanse is this one. Most of the time, it is either a liquid face wash or a foaming liquid, it can also be a bar. All the sweat and dirt that is left by the oil-based cleanser is removed by this one. 


All things scrubs, peels, and pads are what make up this category. An exfoliating compound is necessary because it gets rid of all the dead skin cells and also prevents their formation in the near or distant future. 

A trick or tip while using this is that you have to be highly careful with its use. Remember harshness is not on the list of Korean skincare habits. Thus you have to be highly gentle in such matters. 

It’s your skin, not your house wall. 


Remember that after the use of all the aforementioned products your skin has lost all its natural pH balance. That is when using a toner is recommended. It will bring back your skin to its acidic state. Furthermore, they also restore the moisture back to your skin. 


This one product is a special one as it is true to the Korean beauty secrets or home remedies. Essence is something that falls between a toner and a serum. The purpose of an essence is both hydration and protection of the skin. 

It is a must-have item for the Korean skincare routine and you just cannot skip it. 


A treatment is a strategic step in curing some specific problems such as acne or wrinkles. Sometimes this Korean skincare step involves the use of a serum. The product ingredients of this step are highly concentrated and thus should be used with extreme care and caution. 

Sheet Mask 

Well, who isn’t aware of the sheet masks? They are sheets that are thoroughly dripped in serum. The serum is mostly vitamin C which is highly effective for youthful and wrinkle-free skin. They come both in packs and in individuals. The method of their application is easy. Just pull one out and then place it on your face for about 20 minutes. Be mindful of their use and do not put them on every single day. 

Eye Cream 

The eyes are the most sensitive area of an individual’s skin. The use of gels, creams, and oil that are specifically designed for the skin aids with all the puffiness, swelling, and fine lines. 


Now that we are near the end of our Korean skincare routine, moistures finally make an appearance. This is a seal that ensures that all the aforementioned products and their benefits are locked in the pores of your skin. 


People are becoming more and more aware of the fact that nothing damages the skin more than the sun. That’s why all your makeup and skincare products will have zero effects on you if you are not using the right SPF for your skin. Furthermore, you also need to understand the fact that there is a difference between sunscreen and sunblock

Manufacturers are also recognizing the importance of SPF and that is why there is an inclusion of SPF in the foundation and in moisturizers. 

5-Step Korean Skincare Routine 

This routine is half of the popular 10 step routine and is popular among those who are on a budget. This involves the use of basic and important products that restores the skin’s moisture balance. 

Ginseng; Korean Diet for Skincare 

If there is one food product that has set the bar high because of its implicit results and has set the benchmark is ginseng. Curious about Korean anti-aging secrets, ginseng is the right answer. It is a natural antioxidant as well as is an organic detoxing agent all in one.

Its Your Skin; You Need to Pay Attention 

Skin is one of the most important aspects that top the list of physical attributes. If you want to have a skin-related new year resolution then why don’t you try this one out. The Korean skincare routine is one of the best ways to retain moisture and thus brings you one step closer to healthy, hydrating, and happy skin.

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