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Novel COVID-19: Biological Agent of Global Threat

Novel COVID-19: Biological Agent of Global Threat

Photo by Fusion Medical Animation on Unsplash

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COVID-19 or Coronavirus disease is an infectious disease that has become a pandemic.  The first case of this disease was reported in Wuhan-China. Later, on December 31, 2019, Chinese officials confirmed that dozens of people were infected with this new virus. Since then, COVID-19 has not only infected the people around the globe but has forced the world to go under lockdown due to the speed with which it was spreading.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over the past few months and till now, it has affected about 196 countries & territories/areas, infecting about 375,498 people and more cases are emerging with each passing day. 

Before we dig further into COVID-19, let’s take a look at the cause, sign and symptoms of this disease. But, first, let’s see why it is called COVID-19.

The Mystery of COVID-19:

It is called COVID-19 because this disease is caused by a newly discovered coronavirus which was previously unknown to mankind. Here, in the COVID-19, “CO” stands for the corona, VI” is for a virus, “D” is for disease and “19” because it was discovered in 2019.

Causes of COVID-19 Infection:

COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the “novel strain of coronaviruses”. Coronaviruses are RNA viruses that are known to cause diseases in birds and mammals. In humans, coronaviruses cause mild infections of respiratory tract disease but this was not the case with COVID-19 which proved to be pandemic. It became as lethal as the SARS and MERS which are flu viruses like the COVID-19 and belong to the same coronavirus family that has caused pandemics in the past.

COVID-19 spreads either Directly or Indirectly from one person to another via droplets of discharge from the nose or saliva when an infected person sneezes or coughs. Hence, it is necessary that a person should practice and follow respiratory etiquettes i.e. cover the face properly while sneezing or coughing, for example, while coughing instead of using hands you can use your bent elbow.

Mode of Transmission of COVID-19:

Coronavirus disease is spread

Infected with the COVID-19? But how will you know that it’s due to COVID-19? According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and The Centre for Disease Control (CDC) the sign and symptoms of COVID-19 are as follows:

 Common Sign and Symptoms of COVID-19

According to WHO, in severe cases and the people having weak immune system the COVID-19 can also cause:

Emergency Warning Signs include*:

(Note: *This list of emergency warning signs are not all-inclusive and you should consult your medical officer in case there are other signs and symptoms which are worth concerning.)

It should also be noted that in some cases, the people infected with the coronavirus (COVID-19) may not show any sign or symptoms or they may only experience “mild to moderate” respiratory condition and can recover easily due to a better immune system without the need of any special medical treatment.

Who is at Risk of COVID-19 Infection?

This new coronavirus can infect anyone but some people have twice the chance of getting the disease, such as:

Rumours and Misinformation are creating chaos and panic. By now most of us are this terrified and we keep thinking that Corona is being labelled as Pandemic so Will I die if I catch the disease?

The answer to this question is No and there is NO NEED TO PANIC. COVID-19 has a High Infectivity rate but a Low Mortality Rate!!! Once diagnosed, you have a 97-98% chance of recovery and there is only a 2-3% Mortality rate as studies shows.

 Now, again you must be thinking that if the mortality rate of this virus is low then how come this virus has become Pandemic

Here is the list of things that you need to know about COVID-19 and Corona Viruses, and that why they caused Pandemics in the Past and even now:

Now, if we take a deeper look, all these pandemic viruses such as SARS, MERS and even COVID-19, all are RNA viruses so again a question would arise that is there any link between Pandemic and RNA viruses? To answer this, we can look at the following points:

Treatment Against COVID-19:

COVID-19 is still a developing story, and at the moment there are no specific medical treatments or vaccines available for COVID-19. But, scientists are conducting many trials and even many clinical trials are already ongoing to evaluate the possible treatments and potential anti-viral therapy, as per reports of WHO. 

BUT NO NEED TO WORRY! Studies show that there are many ways to protect yourself from the COVID-19 and as they say PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE. As per the data collected from WHO, CDC and various studies here is the list of things that you need to follow to protect yourself and people around you from COVID-19.

The First line of Defense to protect yourself from COVID-19

Wash your Hands Regularly and Thoroughly 

 (Note: Do not use sanitisers or alcohol-based rubs on your face)

Thoroughly Cooking of Food

Maintain Social Distancing 

Avoid Touching Eyes, Nose and Mouth

Practice Respiratory Hygiene Properly

Fever, Cough and Difficulty Breathing? Seek Medical Care Early!

Clean and Disinfect- Frequently Touched Surfaces!

Stay updated and follow the advice given by your Healthcare Provider

Cooperate with the Local Authority as it’s for your own safety. Protecting yourself and others from COVID-19 is our duty as an individual as well. All you need to do is

In case of emergency, you can call the Official Helpline (1166) by the Government of Pakistan.

Stay Safe For Yourself & for Others!!!

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