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Stress Management During COVID-19 Outbreak Lockdown

Stress Management during COVID-19 Outbreak Lockdown
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The current COVID-19 outbreak has yielded many unprecedented challenges for everyone around the globe. The instability and uncertainty due to COVID-19 infection have the potential to increase stress, anxiety and depression. These factors would lead to the onset of new and pre-existing serious mental health issues. 

Lockdowns, Quarantine and Self-isolation around the globe is a cue reminder that how we should be mindful of our mental health and of others!

Stress Management During Lockdown!

Mental Health is still a stigma in our society. However, from the past few years, positive change towards its acceptance is observed. This sudden outbreak of COVID-19 is affecting the mental health of individuals in a number of ways. This pandemic is creating major distress for the general public and putting quite a strain on the Healthcare Sector due to the increasing number of patients.

Behavioural and Psychological Reactions Due to Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreak!

Severe behavioural and psychological reactions are common during “Infectious Disease Outbreaks”. The signs and symptoms of these reactions are:

“Everyone reacts differently to coping with stress and stressful situations. How you respond towards it depends upon your lifestyle, your background, family, friends, work, the things that make you different from others and even the society you live in”.

Is Coping with Stress the Same for Everyone? 

No. It is not the same for everyone! Due to COVID-19 specific individuals may find it hard to control stress and thus suffer more from anxiety and depression. These specific individuals include

Stress Management Strategies!

Stress during an outbreak is common but continuous stress can be harmful so stress management is necessary. There are different ways to deal with stress. Some people have good stress management skills while others find it hard to cope with stress. So, here are few stress management strategies that will help you during this COVID-19 Lockdown.

Stress Management Activities for Children and Teenagers!

Children and Teenagers are more prone to stress or anxiety during such pandemic because they are still in the growing stage. They may find it difficult to understand such Outbreaks. There are many stress management activities for children.

Stress Management Strategies for the Healthcare Workers and Other Who Are On Frontline Due to COVID-19:

In addition to the aforementioned activities and strategies to cope with stress, healthcare workers and others who are on the frontline battling with COVID-19 Outbreak should also take care of themselves.

These are a few additional tips for them

Hope these stress management strategies will help you cope with stress. Remember it’s normal to stress and get anxious in outbreaks. Be mindful of your mental health and of others. 

When in need of help don’t shy away from seeking help from a Psychologist or Psychiatrist.

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