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Pelvic Floor Exercises: How to Strengthen Your Muscles?

Pelvic Floor Exercises
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Experiencing urine incontinence? 

Well, many people can have this type of condition. Some people experience urine leakage while sneezing, coughing, or even laughing. This type of condition comes with pelvic floor problems that are common, and you are not alone!

Pelvic floor exercises give many positive results and can help in strengthening pelvic floor muscles. These exercises contribute to reducing pelvic organ-related symptoms. But not every person can try this kind of exercise plan without the proper guideline.

In this article, you will learn more about the pelvic floor and how you can perform these exercises.

What is Pelvic Floor?

The pelvic floor contains connective tissues and muscles. These connective tissues attach to the bones at the pelvis bottom. 

Do you know about your pelvic organs?

Well, pelvic organs include the intestines, rectum, bladder, and urethra. Women also have a cervix, vagina, and uterus. When it comes to daily body functions, the pelvic floor muscles are crucial.

These muscles are also responsible for sexual health and function. When a person walks and stands, pelvic floor muscles also help in stabilizing the trunk and hips.

But certain health conditions may weaken these muscles. These conditions include:

Not only conditions but certain symptoms or habits can also cause pelvic disorder.

What are the Pelvic Floor Exercises?

These exercises aid in strengthening your pelvic muscles and contribute in controlling them. Pelvic floor exercise benefits the human body in many ways, including:

But you should consult the doctor before starting pelvic floor exercises.

Let’s explore pelvic floor exercises.


You can improve your control of urine flow with kegel exercises. To perform these exercises, any position is good, including lying down, standing, etc. All you need is to know about the proper guidelines to perform these exercises, such as:


Dr. Idrees Ahmed who is one of the best physiotherapists and chiropractors in Pakistan says that the primary benefit of bridge exercise is strengthening the buttocks, but it also helps with pelvic floor muscles. These are simple exercise steps that you need to follow:

Squeeze and Release

To strengthen the pelvic muscles, you need to add some rapid movements. You can add by following these steps:


In children, squats are considered one of the best physical activities that can strengthen the buttocks and pelvic floor. If you also have the same purpose, then squats are a good choice. Let’s learn how to perform it.

When Do You Need to Avoid Pelvic Floor Exercise?

Not every exercise is for you because some are not easy to perform. Experts from Maroof International Hospital say that some people should not perform these exercises as they have a weak pelvic floor. When you perform exercises with such weak pelvic floor muscles, it leads to more urine leakage. You should avoid jumping, high-impact activities, sit ups with the legs held straight in the air, etc.

When you try to control pelvic floor muscles, make sure that you do not practice during urination. In this way, it does not empty your bladder, and you may get an infection, such as a urinary tract infection, urinary disorders, etc.

Should You Perform Pelvic Floor Exercises?

There is a myth that not all genders have pelvic floor muscles, but it isn’t the case. People of all genders have pelvic floor muscles. These muscles support the sensation and function related to sexual health. 

Pelvic floor disorders in men include hypertonicity, pudendal neuralgia, etc. Consult with the best urologist if you have any urine problems, and you want to perform pelvic floor exercises.. 

What is the Pelvic Floor Dysfunction?

When your pelvic floor muscles are weak, they lose the ability to support other pelvic organs. You may experience urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, overactive bladder, etc. It also increases the chances of painful sex. 

Childbearing years can cause women to experience pelvic floor dysfunction PFD.

Some symptoms can help to learn if you have PFD, such as urinary incontinence, urine leakage, lower back pain, pelvic pressure, constipation, pelvic muscle spasms, pain during intercourse, etc.

What are the Benefits of Pelvic Floor Exercises?

A pelvic floor functions in the best way when the muscles are strong. Having the ability to release fully after contraction can prevent many potential pelvic floor disorders. A program of strengthening the pelvic floor muscles can also improve sex and lower back pain. It also aids in controlling urinary leakage and incontinence.

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