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5 Best Pollen Allergy Home Remedies and Lifestyle Changes

Pollen Allergy Home Remedies
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With the onset of the spring season, pollen starts to stay around you more. It irritates to an extent where you want to put an end to the discomfort of sneezing and sniffling. For this, you might consider trying out some of the pollen allergy home remedies. Eradicating the idea of taking medication to treat your allergies and going for more natural ways can result in a win-win situation. 

It is important to understand how pollen affects you. It does in the growing seasons when the pollen permeates through the air and fertilizes the plants. When people who have allergies breathe in the pollen, it results in a threat to the body and triggers an allergic reaction.

First of all, it is very crucial for everyone to know that your immune system reacts different to different allergens, but in the case of pollen the major reactions and symptoms seen can be: 

People who already are suffering from asthma can vouch that their allergies worsen when they come in contact with pollen. 

How Does Pollen Cause Allergy?

Before diving into pollen allergy home remedies let’s know how exactly pollen impacts the body. So, when a person breathes in and takes in pollen, the pollen then releases water-soluble proteins on the respiratory lining. These proteins are most of the time harmless but sometimes the human body recognizes them as threats or harmful substances and as a result, an allergic reaction is observed. 

Lifestyle Changes and Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

Well, one of the best remedies to stay away from allergies is avoidance. But most of the time only avoidance cannot alone help to limit the allergens or the pollen. 

It is important to dive into ways that can help lessen the symptoms of pollen or seasonal allergies. Most importantly, look for all the natural ways of treatment. Let’s have a look at all the pollen allergy home remedies that can help you in keeping yourself safe and healthy. 

1. Keep the Indoor Air Clean

In order to keep the air clean, it is needed that you keep your windows closed. If the weather is too hot, make sure to make use of air conditioners to stay cool. 

This seems impossible, right?  But it must be understood that keeping the windows closed can save you from allergies as they don’t enter the home when the entry points are closed. 

It is also important to keep a close check on the frames of windows and the sills in order to keep the mold growth away. 

2. Know your Triggers

Talking about pollen allergy home remedies, It is very important to be clear of the triggers that cause your allergies. In the case of pollen allergy, it is a known fact that the trigger must be pollen. It is however recommended by doctors to get a skin allergy test done in order to find what triggers the allergy. 

A common prick test can help find out different allergies. This test involves poking or scratching the skin with different allergens. Then it comes time to wait to see if there is any reaction developed in the skin. If you even develop redness on your skin then it means that you are allergic to some stuff. 

3. Keep Changing Clothes 

Pollen can stick to your clothes or to your hair while you stay outdoors. When you come back inside make sure you change your clothes.  And take a shower. In this way, you will be able to wash off all the pollen that is stuck to your body or your hair. 

Not one of the pollen allergy home remedies but a suggestion is to hang your clothes inside for drying purposes. I know, drying clothes outside can save you a lot of energy but this is an easy way to give way to pollen coming into your house. 

4. Wear a Mask 

A mask not only protects you from all the viruses people! From keeping you safe from all the droplets that can cause respiratory infections to keeping you safe from all the pollen attacking you, a mask can help you stay away from allergies.

Another thing that can help along allergy medicines like Fexet is the use of face mask. A surgical mask or an N95 can provide you with the needed shield for your nose and mouth from allergens such as pollen.

 Make it a priority to wear your mask whenever you go out. It is also necessary to use it while you are cleaning in order to keep the dust away. Wearing a mask these days is also no big deal as it has become an everyday habit for a lot of us. 

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Oftentimes, allergies in the body can get worsened if there are toxins present in the body. And these can be cleared out by using a number of helpful ingredients. Apple cider vinegar is used to promote the health of the immune system and is known to help in weight loss as well. Its consumption is not only one of the best pollen allergy home remedies but also is suitable to soothe the throat and relieve allergy symptoms.

To use apple cider vinegar as a natural remedy for seasonal allergies, take it in diluted form always. It is important to mix a little amount of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water. 

This works great in order to treat allergy symptoms and boost your immune system. Apple Cider Vinegar is a delicate ingredient to be consumed alone to get rid of all the allergy symptoms. You can also add a little lemon so that you don’t only feel the bad taste of apple cider vinegar alone. 

Wrapping it Up!

Pollen Allergy home remedies can work great and protect you from pollen allergies and other seasonal allergies. Make sure to add some of the lifestyle changes in your life mentioned above. 

These can help you in managing the allergy symptoms in a better manner and keep you away from medications as much as you want to. Take care of yourself, especially in the spring season, and protect yourself from getting pollen allergies every time spring arrives. 
In case of any emergency, make sure to contact the best pulmonologist near you and get the needed treatment by visiting

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