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What are the Best Porn Addiction Treatments? 

Porn Addiction Treatments
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Porn consumption is considered to be one of the main issues of the 21st century. Easy access to the internet without any strict measures is the main culprit of making porn more streamlined than it needs to be. 

Pornography is a mental illness that encourages questionable behavior from people who are involved in this practice making them more of a sex addict. That is why learning about pornography addiction treatment is a necessity of the time. 

Consuming pornographic content can make a person involved in masturbation which is not healthy sexual behavior

What is Porn Addiction? 

Pron addiction can be best described as an unhealthy dependence on porn for sexual satisfaction. Although American Psychiatric Association APA does not consider porn addiction to be a psychological issue. Porn addiction mostly falls under the heading of behavioral issues and personality development errors which needs to be rectified on time. 

Watching porn is more or less a personal choice. Some people prefer to watch and some consider it a grave sin. 

But there is no denying the fact that porn addiction is a morally corrupt issue that needs to be catered to properly before it transforms into a major issue. As it is not considered to be a psychological disorder, porn addiction treatments vary from person to person and from situation to situation. 

Why is Porn Addictive? 

Porn is considered to be a slow poisonous substance that affects a person’s mental health. Porn and dopamine have a direct relation. When you start watching porn it builds a craving inside you, due to which you keep looking at it again and again. 

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What are the Best Porn Addiction Treatments? 

It is possible to beat porn addiction. Do not loathe yourself or consider that you are untouchable because with the help of the right set of treatments it is possible for you to cure porn addiction. 


According to Dr. Hafiz M. Imtiaz Afzal who is a renowned psychiatrist, therapy is considered to be one of the best porn addiction treatments. Therapy is not only helpful when you are dealing with anxiety, depression, or OCD. It also helps a patient to recover from porn addiction. 

Therapists might devise treatment plans depending on how porn is affecting your everyday life. These types of porn addiction treatment are mostly categorized as individual, group, or family counseling. 

But make sure to stay away from quacks who claim that they can provide you with a diagnosis or treatment for porn addiction. This is mainly because of the fact that there is no concrete definition or criteria for porn addiction treatment. 

The therapist will help you to first acknowledge that you have an issue and then they will devise a plan accordingly. 

What are the Effects of Porn on the Brain? 

One of the major effects of porn on the brain is that it encourages the release of various hormones in the body such as endorphins and oxytocin. These hormones add up to an increased sense of sexual satisfaction. 

Read More: Sexual Hormones in Females

Behaviour Modification 

Behavior modifications are helpful to cater to patients who are dealing with corrupt behaviors that are morally questionable. This porn addiction treatment is a psychotherapeutic intervention that helps a person to become more reasonable. 

This behavioral therapy has long-lasting impacts on a person’s mental health. One of the most popular pornography addiction treatments is CBT. According to medical experts at Saira Memorial Hospital,  CBT is known as cognitive behavioral therapy. The chances of people recovering from porn addiction after CBT are really high. 

Group Therapy

Sometimes it is possible for people to find solace in porn when they have no one to talk to them. This lack of communication can make it difficult for them to become vocal about their embarrassing sexual questions, leading them to get involved in such practices. 

That is when talking to people who are also dealing with the same problem can prove to be worthwhile. People who share the same experiences can provide better insight into this matter. 

This type of interaction is mostly a non-professional one, but it allows them to showcase a more empathic point of view in the whole situation. 

Group therapies can lead to improvement in overall behavior with reduced risky behavior and adaptability towards a positive approach. 

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In rare case scenarios, porn addiction can be due to an underlying issue. Some porn addicts under this condition might be dealing with a co-occurring disorder. During this condition, the patient is then given or prescribed some medications. 

This type of treatment is known as Medication-assisted treatment. During this type of porn addiction treatment, the patient is given medications that are coupled with therapy and behavioral modifications. 

An Overall Holistic Approach 

A holistic approach or treatment is a modern treatment technique in which the whole body is considered as a single unit. During this pornography addiction treatment method, both alternative medicine and traditional therapies are used to their full potential. 

During this holistic approach, doctors provide the following solutions: 

How to Cure Porn Addiction – It is Possible

Yes, it is very much possible for you to tame your sexual desires and porn addiction is no such exception. Try to be patient with yourself and entertain your mind with healthy habits that can prove to be productive distractions. Although the above-mentioned porn addiction treatments are beneficial in case you need further assistance you can reach out to the best sexologists via healthwire. 

They will assistance you properly in these regards and will devise a plan according to the intensity of your porn addiction. 

Till then stay happy, and stay healthy!

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