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Urinary Tract Infections in Men: How to Tell If You Have a UTI?

Urinary Tract Infections in Men
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You may think that only females get UTIs (urinary tract infections). 

But the truth is, males can get UTIs too. 

Men should identify the symptoms of a UTI and know when to get medical help. While most women can recognize UTIs in themselves, most men aren’t familiar with the symptoms of UTIs. 

Keep reading for more information on urinary tract infections in men and the top signs you might have one. 

What is a Urinary Tract Infection?

Urinary tract infection (UTI) can occur in any part of your urinary system, which includes your kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Most of the time, UTIs affect the lower urinary tract, the bladder and the urethra. 

As we have discussed earlier, UTIs are rare in men. Studies show that UTIs affect 3% of men each year in old age. It means that most men will never have a UTI, especially at a young age. 

UTIs are not something to mess around with as they can lead to other infections outside of the bladder. 

How Do UTIs occur?

Urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria Escherichia coli (E.Coli). This bacteria is usually present in your gut and other body parts. Sometimes, these bacteria spread from another part of the body through the bloodstream to the urinary tract, where it infects the urinary tract and causes a UTI. There are several causes of a UTI in males:

Due to an STD

Due to sexually transmitted diseases, a urinary tract infection can happen. Some STDs like Gonorrhea can cause infection of the entire lining of the urinary tract. 

Kidney Stones

If you have kidney stones, you might be prone to having a UTI. The stone from the kidney can block the urinary tracts and cause an infection. 

Enlarged Prostate

According to Assist. Prof. Dr. Tanveer Ahmed mostly in older men, an enlarged prostate can cause a UTI. It happens because the urine cannot drain out of the bladder completely. 

Use of Catheter

A urinary tract infection can occur due to a catheter to drain the bladder. It can also happen by urethral stricture. It is a narrowing of the urethra by scar tissue from previous infections. 

What are the Symptoms: How to Tell If You Have a UTI?

You may feel no specific signs or symptoms with a UTI. However, when symptoms do present, they can be in the form of:

If the urinary tract infection gets more complicated, you may feel fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, back pain, etc. 

These symptoms show that the disease has spread to the kidneys or the upper urinary tract. It is a warning sign that you should get a medical checkup immediately. 

How is a UTI in Men Diagnosed? 

A doctor will diagnose UTI based on your symptoms and lab tests. You get your urine, discharge from urethra and prostate gland tested. 

If you get serious infections that recur, you may need some other medical tests:

How is a UTI Treated? 

You can treat a UTI with antibiotics. Usually, a doctor prescribes you a medicine called Pyridium to relieve burning and discomfort.

If the infection is causing fever, pain, or vomiting, a severe kidney infection, you may need to stay at the hospital for treatment.

Are There Any Home Remedies for UTI in Men?

Although an uncomplicated UTI gets resolved on its own or an antibiotic helps. But antibiotics always come with risks. If you don’t want to ingest antibiotics day in and day out, you must be relieved to know some home remedies to help you steer clear of a UTI. 

Always Stay Hydrated: Get Your Fill of Water

Drinking water and staying hydrated is one of the answers to any ailment. 

Urinary tract organs remove the waste from the body with a lot of water. Water also dilutes the urine and speeds up its journey through your urinary system. In this way, bacteria can’t reach your urinary cell linings to cause an infection. 

You should drink 6-8 glasses of water every day. 

Don’t Ever Hold Back Urine

Due to a busy life, we all may hold back urine from time to time. It’s the worst thing you can do to yourself. 

If you urinate whenever you have to, it puts pressure on the bacteria in the urinary tract to clear out. Frequent urination puts pressure on bacteria in the urinary tract, which can help to clear them out. 

Always urinate as soon as possible when the urge strikes. 

Drink Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice is highly effective in treating UTIs. It contains compounds that prevent E.coli from attaching to the cells of the urinary tract. This juice has antioxidants like Polyphenols, which have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Drink a glass of cranberry juice every day. Don’t sweeten it too much. 

Eat Yogurt

Yogurt contains beneficial bacteria known as Probiotics. These bacteria help prevent and treat UTIs. Probiotics are present in other dairy products as well, for example, milk, cheese, butter, etc. 

There are countless benefits of yogurt that you must know to boost your health. 

Get Enough Vitamin C

Vitamin C is crucial for an effective immune system. When your immune system is up and running efficiently, bacteria and viruses will find it harder to attack you. 

Vitamin C reacts with nitrates in your urine which instantly kills the bacteria. It lowers the pH of urine, making it harder for bacteria to survive. 

Wipe Yourself From Front to Back

Always clean yourself efficiently after a bathroom visit. 

Studies show that UTIs can develop when bacteria from your rectum or feces gain access to the urethra. This small channel allows urine to flow out of the body. Once bacteria are in the urethra, they can travel up into other urinary tract organs, where they can lead to infections.

After urinating, wipe yourself in a way that prevents bacteria from coming into contact with the genitals. 

Use separate pieces of toilet paper to wipe the genitals and anus. Take good care of your bathroom hygiene as well. 

Maintain an Effective Sexual Hygiene

Sexual activity may introduce bacteria from outside the body to the urinary tract. It’s essential to practice good sexual hygiene habits. You must always:

Go Ahead, Empty Your Bladder Again!

Every time you empty your bladder — even if it’s just a small amount — you rid it of some of the bacteria causing the infection. When you are suffering from a UTI, you get the urge to urinate again and again. 

Always empty your bladder. Even if you have to make frequent bathroom trips. 

Adopt a Healthier Lifestyle

Having a healthy lifestyle matters a lot. It helps you recover from any ailment quickly. To prevent UTIs, you should:


A UTI is a frustrating problem, especially if it keeps on recurring. UTIs in men are rare, but you must practice good hygienic habits and a healthy lifestyle to avoid such nasty illnesses. 
If you experience any symptoms of a urinary tract infection, like frequent or painful urination, reach out to a well-known urologist to get yourself treated. You may book an appointment via or call at (042) 32500989.

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