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Vitamin A Rich Fruits and Vegetables Which You Should Add To Your Diet!

Vitamin A Rich Fruits
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Vitamin A is the fat-soluble vitamin which is essential for the proper functioning of our body systems and organs. It cannot be produced by the body so it means that it must be supplied through the diet.

Vitamin A comes in two distinct forms that include retinol and provitamin A. Both of these types are available in the form of supplements but it is far easier to consume them through the diet

So in this blog, we will be taking notes on vitamin A rich fruits and vegetables. Also, we will be conversing on the functions of vitamin A. So without wasting any time, let us jump straight into the discussion.


Vitamin A belongs to the fat-soluble category of vitamins. This category of vitamins, when not used,  is actually stored in the body in the form of fat globules either in the liver or in adipose tissues around the abdomen region.

Vitamin A is useful in improving eyes health and vision. 

Vitamin A is also needed for the body’s defence system against many illnesses and diseases. 

Besides these roles, it also plays a significant role in maintaining reproductive health. 

Recommended Amounts of Vitamin A

Vitamin A should be consumed in accordance with the Recommended Dietary Allowance RDA

The RDA  for vitamin A is 900 mcg( read as micrograms) for men, 700 mcg for women and 300 to 600 mcg for children. 

On a baseline, 900 mcg is used as a standard reference line on many nutrition labels around the world. 

With that being said, let us jump toward the big question: how can you supply your body with this vitamin? 

To help you in this regard, here is a list of vitamin A rich fruits and vegetables that one should consume in order to meet the % DV( percent daily value).

Vitamin A Rich Fruits

Following vitamin A rich fruits can be added in the diet to make up the levels of vitamin A.

1- Cantaloupe

This refreshing fruit is a good source of vitamin A. the fruit is abundant in fibres, potassium and vitamin C. 

A half-cup of this melon provides 135 mcg of vitamin A which is about 15% of the DV.

Cantaloupe or summer melon is found effective in improving vision. It is also helpful in lowering blood pressure and can also help in providing a boost to your immune system.

2- Mango

The most cherished fruit of the summer season is also a great reservoir of vitamin A. 

In addition to this mango also contains antioxidants and dietary fibres. These nutrients contribute to the overall health and stability of life. 

A raw mango of normal size will provide 112 mcg of vitamin A which makes it 12% of the DV.

The health benefits of mangoes are known to everyone. To get a detailed overview of the benefits of mango, read this article.

3- Watermelon

Watermelon is one of the vitamin A rich fruits. It is also cherished by the masses. The watery content of this fruit makes it the perfect choice this summer. 

Watermelon contains a large amount of water, vitamin A and vitamin C.

1 wedge of watermelon provides about 80 mcg of vitamin A which reciprocates to 9% of the DV.

Watermelon due to its high water content is good for hydration in this summer season. Furthermore, it is also effective in forming collagen.

Related: find out the top health benefits of watermelon

4- Apricots

Apricots, be they fresh or dried, are a good source of vitamin A. 

1 medium-size apricot will provide 34 mcg of vitamin A which makes it equal to 4% of the DV. 

Dried apricots are also abundantly supplied with vitamin A. So if you want to tickle your taste buds but with nutrition then dried apricots are the best thing you can try.

Apricots have many amazing benefits. Read more on the benefits of apricots.

Vitamin A Vegetables

Following are some vegetables which are a good source of replenishment of vitamin A.

1- Carrot

One of the best sources of vitamin A is carrots. Carrots contain in them beta carotenes which are converted to vitamin A by our body. 

This orange-yellow vegetable is found to be fueled with lots of beneficial nutrients besides vitamin A  and it may include vitamin K, vitamin C and minerals like calcium and iron. 

A half-cup serving of raw carrots provides you with 450 mcg of vitamin A which makes about 50% of the DV

Carrots also contain antioxidants in them. Due to being excessively supplied with vitamins, carrots are deemed fit for improving eyesight and vision. 

But don’t fall into the trap that consuming carrots will give you supervision. It will aid your vision but can’t fully restore lost or impaired vision.

Side Read: Find out 7 easy and effective ways to improve eyesight.

2- Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are also a rich source of vitamin A. The form of vitamin A present in them is like the one available in carrots. Sweet potatoes contain beta carotenes in them. Beta carotenes are the precursors of vitamin A. 

Sweet potatoes also hold many other significant nutrients and minerals like dietary fibres and potassium respectively. 

In addition to the above-mentioned things, sweet potatoes contain vitamin B and vitamin C in them.

One sweet potato of normal size can give you 1400 mcg which makes it about 150% of the DV. 

Sweet potatoes are beneficial in reducing LDL in the body which means that they are conducive to promoting heart health. Furthermore, as they are rich sources of vitamin A so they are helpful in alleviating the risk of eye diseases. 

3- Spinach

There are plenty of leafy green vegetables that can be incorporated into the diet to make up the levels of vitamin A. 

Spinach is one of those green vegetables that can be easily added to the diet.

Spinach is said to be a powerhouse of nutrients for definite reasons. 

Besides opulently rich in vitamin A, spinach is also a good source of minerals like iron and magnesium.

A half-cup of boiled spinach will provide 570 mcg which is equivalent to 64 % of the DV.

Spinach is found to be curative in lowering blood pressure and can also help with the general strength of the body. And as a matter of fact, whichever form of spinach you’re using will surely prove good for your overall health.

4- Tomatoes

Tomatoes are boosted with many important vitamins. Tomatoes are abundant in beta carotenes which can be converted into vitamin A by our bodies. They contain vitamin E and vitamin C as well. 

Tomatoes and tomato-based juices are the best sources of vitamin A. Three-quarters of canned tomato juice can provide you 42 mcg of vitamin A.

Be careful in the consumption of tomatoes if you are suffering from high levels of uric acid. 

The components of tomatoes can interfere with the body’s metabolism. So a great caution is needed in the consumption of tomatoes.

Animal Sources Of Vitamin A

Other important sources of vitamin A include the following:

1- Beef Liver

Beef liver is the best source of vitamin A. 

100 grams of cooked beef liver is an opulent source of 6500 mcg of vitamin A which makes 700% of the DV. 

The beef liver aids in proper muscle growth and strength. Beef liver is such a luxurious source of vitamin A that one must not consume excessive amounts of beef liver in order to avoid vitamin toxicity. 

2- Fish Liver Oil

The fish liver is once again the best source of vitamin A. It also contains vitamin D in it.

1 tablespoon of cod liver oil provides about 4000 mcg of vitamin A. 

The other healthy nutrients of cod liver oil are also effective in maintaining normal health. It is found useful in treating bone weakness, and decreased immunity and also aids in heart health. 

3- Milk

Milk is the best source of minerals and vitamins. It contains minerals like calcium, phosphorus and iron. As far as vitamins are concerned, milk is the best source of vitamin A and vitamin D. 

1 cup of milk will provide 150 mcg vitamin A which is about 17% of the DV.

There are some other vitamin A fortified food items like cereal and juices which are easily available and can be inculcated in the diet to make up the required amounts of vitamin A. 

Deficiency of Vitamin A

There are many diseases that can be linked with the deficiency of vitamin A. the major diseases due to vitamin A deficiency are as follows:

The Final Takeaway

Vitamin A is without any doubt essential for our health and stability. Vitamin A rich fruits and vegetables should be added to the dietary regime in order to avoid the deficiency of vitamin A. To get a customized diet plan with vitamin A fruits and vegetables inculcated in it, make an appointment today with the best nutritionist today. To stay updated on health care issues and to read more on general health, visit our website healthwire.

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