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Why is Menstruation Important for a Female?

Why is Menstruation Important for a Female
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A lot of shame and guilt come with the topic of menstruation even when it is discussed today. And because of this, a lot of girls grow up without even knowing why they have periods.

Menstruation is a very common process that is experienced by a female once a month. In the process, blood and tissues are shed by the uterus through the vagina. Besides it being a natural part of a female’s life, it is still a stigmatized topic among the masses. 

A lot of us are still confused as to why is menstruation important for a female. Menstruation is experienced by all women that fall into the reproductive age and a total of 2 billion women go through it in the world. 

Well, let’s uncover menstruation by understanding different aspects. This includes, how periods work, what a normal period looks like, and of course the importance of periods. 

How do Periods Work?

Periods work when there are certain changes in hormones in the body. The ovaries in the female body release two hormones estrogen and progesterone. These hormones build up the lining of the uterus and the lining waits for a fertilized egg to attach with it and start developing. 

When the lining gets tired of waiting and there is no fertilized egg, the lining starts to break. You start to witness bleeding and then this same process gets repeated. And that ladies and ladies is the answer to how periods work. 

Now, what happens to your body during periods? Well, the lining of the uterus starts to build again in a period of one month and then breaks down again. And this is how ladis and gentleman women have periods.

The ‘Normal’ Period

Now, one step before knowing the answer to why menstruation is important for a female, let’s discuss the normal time frame of the menstrual cycle that makes your period normal. 

According to the top reviewed General Physician in Lahore, Dr. Rabia SohailA normal menstrual cycle usually lasts for 28 days and the periods last for almost 3 to 5 days for all those having the question of ‘how do periods work’.” But let me clear one thing: not all women experience this cycle. Another factor that varies the interval between the menstrual cycle or that makes you get your periods late is age. 

So, for adult women, the menstrual cycle can range from 21 to 38 days. While in adolescent women it is 21 to 45 days. 

Now to count the days, you need to start from the first day of your last period and go all the way up to the first day of your next period. It must be around 24 days and should not be more than 38 days. 

Now, an important thing to note here is that if your cycle varies from month to month, it is completely normal and fine. There are a lot of apps also that can help you keep a track of your periods. 

Why is Menstruation Important for a Female?

The onset of periods confirms that you are now a ‘baby-making machine’, or if I may say in a more formal way, it indicates that you are able to reproduce and ovulate.  

The average age for a woman to experience periods is 12. The first period, also known as menarche, comes between the ages of 8 to 15. Now, to answer your question of why women get periods. Let me tell you that this onset of periods is a huge signal of maturation from adolescence to a female body. 

Now to add further to the answer to why is menstruation important for a female, this commencement of periods doesn’t guarantee that a female is fertile or she is ready to get pregnant. 

If the ovulation doesn’t make the egg fertilized, then the lining of the uterus starts to shed and you get your period. This is actually your body’s way of removing the tissues that are no longer needed. After the period ends, the cycle starts again. 

How to Track Your Period?

When we get the answer to why menstruation is important for a female, there comes a need to track them. It can be as simple as writing down when the period starts and ends and when it ends on a calendar. 

If there is any kind of irregularity in the periods, make sure to record the following: 

Unexpected Bleeding: If there is any sort of bleeding other than your menstruation, make sure to record that. You need to keep noting down the volume, timing, and color of the blood. 

Aches/Cramping: If you feel cramping or pains outside the menstruation this might be a sign of an underlying condition. It is important for you to notice the severity, origin, and timing of the aches and pain felt

Mood Changes: It is very easy to blame mood changes on PMS, but these may also indicate the presence of an underlying issue. This is alarming when it comes along with menstrual irregularity.

Flow: You need to focus on the number of times you change your tampon, pad, or other protection that you use. The more times you change the more flow it indicates. Also, it is important to notice the texture and color of the period. It is as important as the answer to why menstruation is important for a female. 

If you want to keep your periods normal, make sure to give this article a read in order to stay away from things you must avoid during periods

Have a Healthy Period!

After knowing all about why menstruation is important for a female, it is also important to know how to keep yourself healthy during the period. There are a number of exercises that help during periods. Also, make sure to add healthy nutrients to your diet that may help you in having a healthy period. keep a check on infections that can impact your periods i.e. Vaginal Yeast Infections.

If you have serious issues regarding your menstrual cycle, make sure to visit the best gynecologist around you by visiting 


Why do periods hurt?

The uterus lining when shed causes pain and crippling pain is felt in the uterus area. Intense pain can be due to menstrual disorders. 

How many days is a normal period last?

A normal period lasts from 2 to 7 days and women lose 3 to 5 tablespoon of blood in a period.  

Why is my period so heavy?

There are several issues and conditions that can cause your period to be a little heavy. These can be a miscarriage, the usage of a few medicines, and the insertion of non-hormonal intrauterine devices. 

Why do women have periods?

Menstruation or periods is normal bleeding through the vagina and is a natural part of a female’s healthy monthly cycle. 

Can my period be stopped?

There is no way you can stop your period permanently, but you can suppress it by taking birth control pills, implants, and hormonal IUDs. 

Can I get pregnant during my periods? 

If you do not use contraceptives before, after or during your periods, you are likely to get pregnant.  

Meta: Why is menstruation important for a female is a question that everyone needs an answer to. A number of factors do play a part.

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