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Exercise During Periods – Learn the Many Perks of it!

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Menstruation, menopause, and mental breakdown. Well, all women’s issues start with men….

Jokes apart, periods are a reality that no one can ignore (you cannot even if you want to).  

Periods are critical in a woman’s life. This is because menstruation helps to get rid of all the tissue that is no longer needed in the body.  

Exercise during periods might sound nonsensical but it is so not. Apart from the things that you should avoid during periods, exercise is one thing that you should not. 

It is something that is extremely helpful and can put your mood and routine which is affected by all the bleeding back on track. 

Let us learn more about the many perks of exercise during periods. 

Best Exercises for Periods

Rather than spending your time crying your eyes out during periods, you should get on your feet and start these exercises for period pain.  

1. Walking

A simple act of walking can prove to be worthy during periods. Walking is a low-intensity aerobic exercise that not only improves the oxygen levels in your body but also helps with blood circulation. 

2. Yoga

The benefits of yoga are various and diverse. Yoga is a famous physical exercise for improved blood circulation and breathing. This aerobic exercise is known to have a significant impact on serious period issues such as bloating and cramps. 

You can try the given below yoga poses for that matter:

Yoga is a healthy activity as it improves the hormonal balance and is a great remedy to get rid of serious abdominal aches. 

3. Stretching

Women often seem to wonder if we can stretch during periods. 

The answer is yes!

If you are not accustomed to a morning routine workout session, then you can try this simple form of exercise. Are you a couch potato? Well, sit straight and stretch out your legs and arms. Then move around and bend at an angle of 45 degrees. 

This simple act of physical activity is a great exercise for period pains and can prove to be highly effective. 

4. Pilates

A new form of exercise, Pilates is quickly becoming a fan-favorite form of exercise. It does not only help you with your mood swings but is also a great way to soothe your sore muscles. 

This type of exercise involves the movement of a specific core of muscles. Therefore, it is important for increasing power and strength. 

5. Light Lifting

You do not have to rush to the gym for this one. Try light lifting training at home with the available resources and feel the difference. 

Light lifting and doing it in steps is a great way to rebuild all the lost strength due to inflammation and bloating. 

Advantages of Exercise During Periods

Get over the common misconception that exercise during periods leads to pain. Because it doesn’t!

On the flip side of the coin, if you are engaged in a routine workout session it can be quite beneficial for you as it helps you both mentally and physically. 

Wondering if it is okay to exercise during periods? 

Here are some key effects of exercise on periods:

1. For Strength and Power

Women often tend to be physically weak during their periods. Painful periods are a major inconvenience. But recent studies have concluded that physical exercises during periods can be extremely beneficial as they can help women to restore their strength. 

2. For Better Mood

According to the top reviewed gynecologist in Lahore, Dr. Zobia JawadExercise during periods is extremely beneficial as it improves overall blood circulation. Enhanced and improved circulation helps to alleviate cramps, headaches, and bad cramps.”

It also causes a boost in happy hormones, such as endorphins in the blood. Thus, making you feel better. 

3. For Reducing PMS Symptoms

Most of the time, women feel mood swings and fatigue before the onset of their periods. This is what you call PMS. But if you are opting for exercise during periods then you can reduce the signs of PMS. 

4. For Battling Painful Periods

Periods are often equated with womanhood. It is often considered to be healthy for your hymen But it does not mean that it is a smooth road because it is so not. Constant contraction of the womb can result in deadly cramps which are hard to ignore. 

Thus, it is not only okay to exercise during periods it is highly recommended as well. The physical exercise engages your mind and body and is highly effective for period pains. In addition to all this, there are some other home remedies to battle out period cramps.

Exercises During Periods – Start them Today!

There is no room for doubt that exercises during periods are a great way to reduce inflammation and regain lost strength. But you need to understand that you do not have to go overboard. 

Refrain from over-exercising because it can have detrimental effects on your period routine. Overexercising and strenuous activities can lead to irregular periods and their severe aftereffects. 

If you have any more queries you can consult the best gynecologists via healthwire.

People Also Ask

What is the Best Time to Exercise During Periods?

You should try to do exercise two or three days prior to your period’s date. This will significantly reduce cramps and will be effective to manage all mood swings. 

Can We do Stretching During Periods?

Yes, stretching during periods is highly recommended. From preventing sore muscles to improving blood circulation, stretching is highly effective during menstruation. 

Is Running During Periods Good or Bad?

Yes, running is a good aerobic exercise during periods. Do not engage yourself in a marathon and try to keep it as low profile as you can. 

Can We do Squats During Periods?

Yes, if you are habitual with this form of exercise then you can do squats during periods as well. But if not, then you should avoid them.

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