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5 Effective Tips to Increase Blood Oxygen Level

Tips to Increase Blood Oxygen Level
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You might have heard the word ‘oxygen saturation’ multiple times during the COVID-19 global pandemic. Let us educate you on what oxygen saturation is and what are the tips to increase blood oxygen levels. 

What is Oxygen Saturation or Blood Oxygen Level?

Oxygen saturation is a term that is used to indicate the level of oxygen that is present in your bloodstream. The right levels of oxygen in your blood are very necessary. 

Otherwise, it might affect your organs, tissues, and cells hence the overall working of your body is affected. 

Today we will be discussing the normal levels, diseases because of low levels of oxygen, and tips to increase blood oxygen levels. Stay tuned!

What Should Your Blood Oxygen Level be?

A normal range of oxygen in your blood level should be between 95 -100%. This range might vary from person to person depending upon any lung disease or any other underlying health complication. 

The level of oxygen in the blood that falls below 90% is considered to be low. This condition is also known as hypoxemia. In such cases, make sure to consult with a doctor as it might be an indication of COVID-19.

Ways to Increase Oxygen Saturation

Check out some of these easy ways if you are also wondering about how to increase blood oxygen level?

1. Prone Position

Proning is a doctor’s recommended position to elevate the level of oxygen in the body. The effectiveness of this posture has also been proved by science.

In this position, the person who is suffering from low oxygen levels is instructed to lie down on their belly with their chest raised with the help of pillows. 

For this purpose, you can place a pillow beneath the neck and two pillows beneath the shins. This posture helps you to lie down on your stomach. 

In addition to lying on your stomach, you can also try the fowler position. In this position, a person lies with a straight spine. The angle of the upper body is between 60 and 90 degrees. Make sure to rapidly breathe in both prone or fowler positions.  

If you notice a sudden decrease in your SpO2 (oxygen saturation) level then we would recommend you to lie on your stomach for at least two to three hours. 

This will improve the airflow in your respiratory organs such as the lungs. Hence the goal of improved oxygen saturation is achieved. 

2. Add Antioxidants to Your Food

Well, it has already been said multiple times but a balanced diet that is rich in antioxidants improves oxygen saturation in the body. Thus make sure to depend on those foods which are rich in antioxidants when you are planning a meal at home. If you are wondering how to improve your blood oxygen level. Here are the best food choices in this context:

In addition to these food choices, make sure to eat fiber-rich foods so that your hemoglobin can enjoy the much-needed boost. Good levels of hemoglobin are highly important because they are necessary for the supply of oxygen from the blood to the body organs. Iron-rich foods such as legumes, fish, and eggs are also a good way to improve the oxygen flow in your bloodstream.

Try to eat yogurt with raisins in it so that your blood oxygen levels are always up-to-the-notch!

3. Practice Slow Breathing

One thing that many people have no idea about is how we have accustomed to our breathing can have a major effect on our oxygen levels. Thus, by simply making some changes to your breathing pattern, you can provide the necessary boost to your blood oxygen levels.

According to doctors, those who breathe using their upper chest tend to accumulate less air and thus suffer from low blood oxygen levels. 

Thus, the correct breathing pattern according to experts involves deep inhaling. In this method, you draw air from your diaphragm, a small contractible muscle, and not your chest. This allows you to inhale as much air as is humanly possible. Furthermore, your body is able to get more oxygen. That is why deep and slow breathing is an effective tip to increase oxygen saturation in the blood. 

Moreover, breathing from your nose, rather than your mouth is always preferred.

4. Hydrate Your Body

The next tip to increase oxygen saturation in your body is hydration. When you drink a lot of fluids, the lungs are able to stay hydrated and this ultimately improves the process of oxygenation.

All this also aids in getting rid of the carbon dioxide from the body and thus improves the overall oxygen levels in your body.

Well if you are thinking about how to increase the oxygen levels in the body, try drinking two to three liters of water daily. 

Hydration is not only important for improved oxygen levels in the body, but it is also inevitable for temperature regulation. Drinking the right amount of water also helps with the immunity of your body. 

Thus do not shy away from drinking a plain old glass of water or some other immune-boosting drinks as it is important for the balanced levels of oxygen in your body.

5. Aerobic Exercises

Aerobic exercises are not only a way to a stable life but are also important for your blood circulation. If you are habitual of such physical exercises, then your body is adapted to a smooth metabolism and the right levels of oxygen in your blood.

This is because exercise helps your cells to obtain and utilize the right amount of oxygen hence improving the overall levels of oxygen in your blood. 

But make sure to consult with your doctor before you decide what exercise works for you and what doesn’t. 

For instance, if you are a COVID-19 positive, then you should abstain from any physical exercise that is enduring. You can then try to indulge in light exercises such as walking, jogging, and cycling so that you might enjoy the stable levels of oxygen in your body. 

Health Complications Due to Low Levels of Oxygen

Low levels of oxygen can put a person at the risk of the following diseases:

A Note from Healthwire!

As the world is starting to finally recover from the after-effects of COVID-19, the need to become aligned with wellness and health is more apparent than ever. 

Thus it is also important to learn the various tips to increase oxygen saturation. But in case you are suffering from drastically low levels of oxygen, then make sure to call medical help as soon as possible. You can book an appointment with the general physician via Healthwire.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

What is Saturation Level?

The percentage of oxygen in a person’s body is referred to as saturation levels. A range of 95-100% is considered to be healthy and safe. 

How to Check Oxygen Levels at Home?

A person can check their oxygen level at home with the help of a medical device also known as a pulse oximeter. It helps with a quick and fast detection of the oxygen levels in the blood. 

What does it mean when Your Saturation Level is Low?

It means that there is not enough oxygen in your blood. This can cause your body to malfunction. It can also lead to headaches and difficulty in breathing.

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