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Immunity-Boosting Drinks – Make Some Immunity Juices for Yourself!

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You may not think much of your immune system, but it is constantly at work. With immunity-boosting drinks, it can work even better.

The better your immune system works, the less likely you are to become ill, and the faster you will recover if you do.

It’s important to consider what you’re putting into your body if you want to keep your immune system in peak shape.

There are a variety of foods that can help your immune system, but if you don’t feel like chewing on raw broccoli or garlic, try one of the fancy health drinks. A nutritious immunity drink is not only delicious, but it’s also easier for your body to digest and absorb because it’s in liquid form.

The best thing is, you can make some quick immunity-boosting drinks for yourself at home.

10 Immunity Boosting Drinks that Support Your Immune System

Drink to your health during cold and flu season and load up on nutrients including protein, vitamins A, C, and E, and zinc, that your immune system needs to function properly. These healthy drink recipes will get you started. Each drink contains two or more of these nutrients.

Here’s a list of some of the best immunity-boosting drinks:

Green Apple, Carrot, and Orange Drink – One of the Best Immunity-Boosting Drinks

Carrots, apples, and oranges are a great mix for helping your body fight illnesses and defend itself.

Vitamin C is found in apples and oranges.

Carrots include vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene. Studies show that vitamin A is important for a healthy immune system.

Vitamin B-6, which is found in carrots, is vital for immune cell proliferation and antibody synthesis.

Chop apples, carrots, and oranges into small chunks. Grind them into juice. Add black salt and pepper, if you like. A great-tasting juice is ready. 

The green apples’ acidity cuts right through the richness of the carrots and oranges.

Hot Lemon and Ginger Tea

Lemon and ginger are both high in antioxidants and vitamins. Lemons and ginger can both assist to enhance blood circulation and reduce inflammation. Their richness in antioxidants compounds also helps in increasing your blood oxygen levels.

Drinking a cup of lemon-ginger tea every day can help your immune system.

Sprinkle some cinnamon on top for further assistance; cinnamon slows germs in your system, preventing it from replicating as quickly.

Apple Cider Drink

Make immunity-boosting drinks with apple cider vinegar, pinches of turmeric, and ginger extracts. 

This drink has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities. 

Apple cider vinegar encourages the formation of beneficial gut bacteria while inhibiting the growth of pathogens that are harmful to your health.

Turmeric is a natural healer, while ginger is believed to boost the number of white blood cells in the body.

Boil a spoon of apple cider vinegar, a pinch of turmeric, ginger, and honey to taste in water for 5-10 minutes to make the healthy drink.

Watermelon and Mint Smoothie

If you enjoy smoothies, try creating your own with a couple of slices of watermelon and a sprig of mint.

Because it includes lycopene, watermelon is an immune-boosting food.

Dr. Kinza Khan, a qualified nutritionist, says because of menthol, the mint will help you breathe more readily if your nose is congested.

Take some 300g diced seedless watermelon, a little sugar, 4 fresh mint leaves, and crushed ice. Add them to a grinding jar and prepare a delicious-looking watermelon-mint smoothie for you. 

Make a Turmeric Latte

Turmeric latte. Fancy, right?

Turmeric contains the active component curcumin, which has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body and helps the body fight disease. One approach for boosting your immunity is to drink a turmeric latte.

Boil two tbsp of water, two tulsi leaves, and 200 ml milk until it reaches half the volume. Take 1 elaichi, 1 clove, 2 strands of kesar saffron, and 1 black peppercorn, fresh cut, and add it to the mix. Cook for 7-8 minutes on low heat. 

A delicious turmeric latte is ready. 

Masala Tea

You may only have heard about the fancy Masala tea on television. It’s time to make one and drink.

Immunity booster Masala tea contains the goodness of healthy ingredients such as grated ginger, cloves, cardamoms, peppercorns, and tulsi. 

The healthy mixture has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties along with compounds that avert infections.

A Berry Smoothie

Berries are extremely healthy since they include all of the vitamins that your body requires.

For an immunity-boosting drink of berries, combine strawberries with raspberries and blueberries, or mix it up with different types of fruit. Make a smoothie and enjoy. 

Strawberries and kiwis are the best to include in a vitamin C-packed drink.

Green Juice

Is there anything that appears to be healthier than green juice? Because it is!

Green juices are high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, all of which can aid in the immune system’s support.

You can use any green leafy vegetable to make one. Here’s a green juice recipe to get you started.

Take coconut water, yogurt, kale, spinach, sliced cucumber, broccoli, chopped celery, green grapes, diced green apples, fresh pineapple chunks, and ice cubes. Blend them into a green juice that is booming with immunity richness. 

Take the quantities of these green vegetables and fruits according to your needs. 

Green Tea and Mango Splash

Feel the beech breeze, sipping on this delicious immunity-boosting drink. 

Take strongly brewed green tea and mango nectar. Blend them into juice. Add mint for garnishing. 

This drink will provide you with a richness of vitamins and minerals, as well as freshness. Read more about green tea benefits for weight loss

Strawberry Almond Smoothie

This is a simple and satisfying smoothie.

With the amazing taste of strawberries and the healthy deliciousness of almond milk, this smoothie gives you instant energy and well-being.

Simply put sliced strawberries and almond milk in a blending jar. Blend it into a smoothie, and enjoy. 

Putting it All Together!!!

Stay healthy with instant immunity-boosting drinks. 

Making juices, smoothies, and nutritional drinks is one of the tastier ways to stay healthy. No matter which one you like, you can always add other superfoods such as chia seeds and wheat germ for more health benefits.

Other ways to keep your immune system strong include practicing good hygiene, staying hydrated, sleeping well, reducing stress, and exercising frequently.

Consult with a well-known nutritionist/dietician to know more about foods and drinks that help you in boosting your immunity. Make an appointment via Healthwire or call (042) 32500989. 

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