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Anxiety Meaning in Urdu – Its Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment 

Anxiety Meaning in Urdu
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Are you worried? Perhaps you’re experiencing anxiety due to a boss conflict at work. You may also get stomach butterflies while you’re awaiting the results of your exams. Perhaps you have anxiety while driving home during rush hour due to the fast-moving traffic.

Everybody occasionally feels anxious in life. Adults and children are both included in this. Most people’s experiences with anxiety are fleeting, lasting only a short while. 

But for other people, these anxious feelings go beyond momentary concerns or a challenging day at work. For several weeks, months, or even years, your worry might not go away.

Over time, it may get worse, occasionally getting so bad that it interferes with your daily life. You are thought to have an anxiety condition if this occurs. 

To learn in detail about anxiety meaning in Urdu, its symptoms, and treatment recommendations, keep scrolling!!!

Anxiety meaning in Urdu

Anxiety meaning in Urdu is بے چینی, پریشانی. Some other anxiety in Urdu meanings are “Uljhan, Iztiraab”. 

It is a common feeling. It’s how your brain responds to stress and warns you of impending danger.

Everybody has occasional anxiety. Periodic anxiousness is OK. 

Anxiety disorders, however, are distinct. They are a set of mental conditions that produce unrelenting, intense worry and fear.

You may avoid activities such as work, school, family gatherings, and other social events because of your extreme anxiety because they could exacerbate your symptoms. 

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Types of anxiety disorders

Anxiety disorders come in a variety of forms:

Generalized anxiety disorder: You experience excessive, unjustified tension,  and concern for little to no reason.

Panic disorder:  You experience a panic attack as a result of sudden, overwhelming dread. A panic episode may cause you to sweat, have chest pain, and cause your heart to race (palpitations).

Social anxiety disorder: This condition, also known as social phobia, occurs when you have excruciating worry and self-consciousness about typical social situations.

Certain phobias: You have severe dread of a certain thing or circumstance, like heights or flying. The fear is excessive and could make you avoid commonplace situations.

Agoraphobia: Your fear of being somewhere where it would be difficult to flee or find aid in case of an emergency is quite strong. For instance, you might have panic or anxiety while flying, using public transportation, or waiting in a long queue. 

Separation phobia: Not just young children experience fear or anxiety when a loved one departs. Separation anxiety disorder can affect anyone.If you do, you’ll experience intense anxiety or terror whenever someone close to you leaves your sight.

Learn more about separation anxiety triggers and how to deal with it

Depression brought on by medication: Some symptoms of anxiety disorders can be brought on by the use of specific prescription medications, illegal drugs, or the withdrawal from specific drugs. 

Anxiety Symptoms in Urdu

Anxiety symptoms in Urdu mean, “پریشانی کی علامات”.

Even while each person’s symptoms of anxiety are unique, in general, anxiety causes a very particular response in the body.

According to Dr. Muhammad Imran Sharif, a well-known psychiatrist with eight years of experience, your body goes on high alert when you are concerned, scanning the environment for potential threats and triggering your fight or flight mechanisms. As a result, the following are some typical anxiety symptoms:

  • Nervousness
  • Being tense 
  • Increased heart rate
  • Feelings of panic
  • Rapid breathing 
  • Heavy sweating 
  • Trembling
  • Weakness
  • Lack of sleep 
  • Difficulty focusing 
  • Digestive problems, for example, constipation and diarrhea 

Anxiety causes

Now, after learning the anxiety meaning in Urdu and anxiety symptoms, let’s see what causes anxiety. 

What causes anxiety problems is a mystery to doctors, but some common causes include: 

  • Genetics
  • Brain chemistry 
  • A stressful environment
  • Childhood abuse and neglect
  • Drug abuse or withdrawal.
  • Medications 
  • Ailment conditions, such as heart, lung, and thyroid diseases 

Risk factors for anxiety disorder

Additionally, there are some factors that increase your risk of anxiety disorders. They are referred to as risk factors.

The following are risk factors for anxiety disorders:

  • A history of mental illness: Your chance of developing an anxiety disorder is increased if you also have a mental health condition like depression.
  • Sexual abuse of children: Childhood sexual, emotional, or physical abuse or neglect has been linked to anxiety disorders in adults.
  • Trauma: A traumatic experience raises the likelihood of developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which can result in panic episodes. 
  • Adverse incidents in life: Your risk of developing an anxiety disorder is increased by stressful or unfavorable life circumstances, such as losing a parent when you were a young child.
  • Severe ailment or ongoing medical issue: You may experience overwhelming stress and anxiety if you are constantly concerned about your health, the health of a loved one, or the needs of a sick person.
  • Addiction to drugs: Alcohol and illegal drug usage increase your risk of developing an anxiety condition.

Anxiety treatment at home

Anxiety can be treated with medicine and therapy sessions, but managing anxiety is a constant challenge. Fortunately, there are lots of easy lifestyle adjustments you can make at home to reduce your anxiety even more.

Some suggestions are given below. 

1- Get moving: Establishing a weekly workout schedule that you stick to can help you feel less stressed and anxious. If you are usually inactive, start off with a few things and gradually add more.

2- Avoid using recreational drugs and alcohol: Using drugs or alcohol can exacerbate your anxiousness. Consult your doctor if you’re having problems stopping, or look for support from a group. 

3- Try out some relaxing and stress-reduction methods: Yoga, meditation, mantra repetition, and visualization exercises can all help you unwind and calm down. To learn in detail about natural remedies for anxiety and depression, click here!

4- Getting adequate rest: Lack of sleep can make people feel more restless and anxious. Consult a doctor for assistance if you have difficulties falling asleep. 

5- Maintain a balanced diet: Consume a lot of fresh produce, healthy grains, and lean proteins like chicken and fish.

When to see a doctor?

It might be challenging to distinguish between worry caused by a significant medical condition and stress brought on by a poor day.

Your anxiety could not go away if you don’t get treatment, and it might even get worse. Early treatment is more effective than late treatment for anxiety and other mental health issues. 

Consult your doctor right away if you’re having following conditions:

  • If you feel like you’re worrying so much that it’s affecting your daily life, you should see a doctor
  • You experience distressing anxiety, fear, or worry that you find difficult to control, and you also experience depression
  • You believe a mental health condition is the root of your anxiety because you are having suicidal thoughts or acting suicidally

To consult with the best psychiatrist in town, you can make an appointment via Healthwire

The bottom line!

To have an anxiety disorder can be difficult and distressing. You can feel worn out and afraid due to your ongoing anxiety and panic.

If you’ve discussed your symptoms with a doctor, you’ve already taken the first step in letting go of the worry. However, finding the best treatment for you can sometimes take some time.

You may require a variety of treatments if you have many anxiety disorders. The best treatment for the majority of anxiety disorder sufferers is a mix of medication and counseling. You can learn how to control your symptoms and thrive if you receive the right care and therapy.

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