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Zeegap Tablet Uses and Price in Pakistan

Zeegap Tablet Uses
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Nerve damage and other conditions may cause discomfort and pain. Doctors often suggest some medications containing anxiolytic properties. Zeegap is also an ant-epileptic medicine that results in pain relief from nerve damage.  Zeegap is also known as the Pregabalin tablet and its uses include the treatment of epilepsy. This medicine contains properties, including anti-convulsant and analgesics. 

Due to such properties, Zeegap tablets also involve the treatment of seizures and provide pain relief caused by spinal cord injury and nerve damage. You can order Zeegap Capsules in Pakistan from Healthwire pharmacy.

Researchers explain that Zeegap gives similar effects as an inhibitory neurotransmitter, known as GABA. It stands for gamma-aminobutyric acid.

Researchers call Pregabalin an analogue of the neurotransmitter GABA. It contains other beneficial properties, like anxiolytics which helps in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder.

What are the Zeegap Tablet Uses?

There are different uses of the Zeegap tablet, such as:

What Forms of Zeegap are Available in Pakistan?

Zeegap is available in capsule form in Pakistan. A Zeegap capsule contains 50mg of Pregabalin.

What are the Zeegap Tablet Side Effects?

People who are taking Zeegap may experience the following side effects:

The use of Zeegap inhibits the excitatory neurotransmitter release by binding to the protein subunit of the voltage-gated calcium channel.

What Risks and Warnings are Associated with Zeegap tablet uses?

The use of the Zeegap tablet is associated with the following risks and warnings:


Women during pregnancy should not take any type of medicine until the doctor prescribes them.


Zeegap ingredients may cause dizziness and sleepiness. Make sure that you avoid driving after taking Zeegap tablets.


People with kidney diseases should take the medicine with caution. You should consult with the doctor if you have such a condition.


Using Zeegap means that you should not consume alcohol. Studies say that it may lead to the impairment of motor skills.


You should consult your doctor before taking Zeegap. Generally, the medicine is safe for people with liver diseases.

How to Take a Zeegap Tablet?

Zeegap tablets should be taken by mouth. You can take this medicine with or without food. A glass of water is enough to take the Zeegap tablet. Do not use the spoon to measure the dose but go with a measuring device if you are going to use its liquid form.

Your doctor may prescribe you a low dose and will increase it over time gradually to prevent the side effects. Exprts from Maroof International Hospital suggest taking this medicine at the same time daily to get more effective results.

What Medications Can Interact with Zeegap?

Doctors suggest avoiding taking the Zeegap with the following tablets:

What to Do If You Overdose On This Medication?

People who overdose on this medicine should get medical help as they may experience the following symptoms:

What is the Price of Zeegap Capsules in Pakistan?

The prices of Zeegap are Below;

The Bottom Line!

People should not take the Zeegap tablet until your general physician prescribes you. Zeegap tablet uses include pain relief caused by the neuropathic, spinal cord, and injury treating epileptic seizures, dealing with generalized anxiety disorder, etc. 

You should not go driving after taking this tablet as it may cause seductive effects and lead to accidents. Consult with the doctor as soon as possible if you experience any type of side effect.

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