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Diarrhea – Everything You Need to Know

need to know about diarrhea
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The majority of people get diarrhea a few times a year. You’ll have loose, watery stools if you have diarrhea. Diarrhea caused by different reasons. Bacteria is the most common cause. 

Most of the time, it resolves on its own after a few days. A hazardous side effect of diarrhoea is dehydration. 

To learn more about what is diarrhea, its symptoms, causes, treatment, and preventive measure, keep reading further!

What is Diarrhea?

What is diarrhea in Urdu? Diarrhea in Urdu is called “اسہال”

Diarrhea occurs when you experience loose and watery stool. Such a condition makes you feel an urgent need to go to the bathroom multiple times a day. Causing factors can lead to both types of diarrhea, including chronic and acute.

Gastroenterologists say that it is commonly associated with other symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, weight loss, etc. Irritable bowel movement or inflammatory bowel disease can cause chronic illness that lasts up to a few weeks. In this case, you need to consult a doctor for diarrhea treatment. 

People often ask:

How to stop diarrhea fast?

Drink plenty of water and prefer low-sugar beverages that help to fulfill the deficiency of the fluids lost due to diarrhea. Take rest and avoid the stress that can reduce the illness. Some gastroenterologists suggest ispaghol to cure this illness.

How to know if it’s diarrhea?

You may experience some other symptoms as well along with loose and watery stools.

What is the difference between diarrhea and dysentery?

Differences between diarrhea and dysenteryDysentery is an intestinal inflammation, particularly in the colon, that can cause severe diarrhea with mucus or blood in the feces. On the other hand, diarrhea is a disorder marked by the regular passing of loose or watery stools. 

Symptoms of Diarrhea

You may experience the followings signs and symptoms:

Keep a record of any additional symptoms you may encounter. It’s best to phone your healthcare physician if you have the following symptoms. 

Should I be Concerned if My Diarrhea is A Certain Colour?

Your stool (poop) can be any hue. The color of the food you eat can have an impact on the color of your stool. Typically, you shouldn’t be concerned about this.

However, if you ever notice red (blood) in your stool or experience a black bowel movement, it may indicate a more serious condition.

Observe any bowel movements that:

What Causes Diarrhea?

You may experience diarrhea due to different conditions and diseases, including:

1- Bacteria and Parasites

Contaminated foods and water can cause watery stools. Foods that contain pathogenic bacteria lead to loose and watery stools. People who travel a lot should be aware of the traveler’s diarrhea. It occurs when a person eats foods or drinks beverages from a different country that contains bacteria and parasites. 

During hospitalization, you may experience this condition along with some other symptoms. People who use antibiotics are also prone to diarrhea.

2- Lactose Intolerance 

Some people have lactose digestion difficulty, which causes watery and loose stools or nausea. It is a type of sugar that is present in milk and other dairy products. 

Aging is also a risk factor that increases lactose intolerance. As you get older, the level of enzymes drops (that help to digest lactose).

Get to know in detail about lactose intolerance in children

3- Artificial Sweeteners

Some nonabsorbable sugars can cause diarrhea, which means artificial sweeteners. These include erythritol, mannitol, and sorbitol. Such artificial sweeteners are found in sugar-free products or bubble gums. The use of these sugars can cause watery stools even in some people.

Read in detail about artificial sweeteners’ side effects

4- Cancer-Related Causes

Some of its types occur due to serious health conditions. Cancer is also a condition that causes neoplastic diarrhea.

5- Drugs 

Some drugs can cause loose motion. Studies say that antibiotics deal with infection as they kill bacteria but also destroy good bacteria. When there is no balanced level of bacteria, it leads to other infections or may upset your stomach. Anti-cancer anti-acid drugs cause diarrhea as well.

6- Fructose 

In fruits and honey, there is a sugar found, known as fructose. Many people use it while making beverages. Some people have difficulty digesting fructose which can upset your stomach.

7- Other Causes of Diarrhea 

Doctors always diagnose the cause before starting the treatment as it helps to reduce the symptoms. After learning about the cause, you need to find out how to cure diarrhea.

When to Visit A Doctor?

Although diarrhea frequently goes away without medical intervention, it is crucial to get checked out when there is:

Anyone who has diarrhea following surgery, a stay in the hospital, or the use of antibiotics should also visit a doctor.

Adults who experience insomnia as a result of diarrhea should also consult a doctor as soon as possible because this is frequently an indication of more serious problems. 

If a child has had more than five episodes of diarrhea or has puked more than twice in 24 hours, they should consult a doctor as soon as possible. You can make an appointment with the gastroenterologist near you by visiting our website Healthwire

Diarrhea Diagnosis

Your doctor will inquire about your health history, current medications, and recent dietary intake addition to your medical history. Your physical will be examined to check for symptoms of dehydration or abdominal pain.

The following tests can assist determine the reason behind your diarrhea:

Diarrhea Treatment 

If you are experiencing mild diarrhea, you can take over-the-counter medicines. Due to loose and watery stools, you lose the fluids from your body that you need to replace. Make sure that you drink clear beverages and at least 8-ounce glasses every day. 

Doctors suggest avoiding caffeine intake as it can trigger the condition.

You can also take a warm bath for burning relief that comes as a result of bowel movement.

Petroleum jelly is also a good solution to apply for burning relief.

You need to choose some home remedies for diarrhea that are chronic or persistent.

1- Antidiarrheal Medication 

You can take antidiarrheal medications that can stop diarrhea. You should ask your doctor before taking any medicine as there may be other health conditions that cause loose and watery stools. These medications help in removing the bacteria that can upset your stomach.

Read more about lomotil tablet uses.

2- Rehydration 

It does not matter if the diarrhea is mild or severe, rehydration is a must for every person. Replacing fluids is possible when you drink more water or clear beverages. Intravenous fluids are for those with severe cases. You can also consider ORS water benefits to treat nonsevere diarrhea cases. You can also have broth to fulfill the deficiency which occurs due to multiple bowel movements. 

3- Antibiotics 

You can treat this sickness with antibiotics that occur due to bacterial infections. Some examples of antibiotics include ciprofloxacin, rifaximin, and novidat tablet for diarrhea, etc. to learn more about novidat tablets for diarrhea uses, click here!

NOTE: Make sure that you consult with your doctor before taking any antibiotics. Because your doctor will ask about your medical history before prescribing you antibiotics.

4- Foods for Diarrhea 

One of the best ways to deal with this illness is to learn what you should eat and drink.

What Foods You Should Avoid

Some foods can make your diarrhea worse and cause burning in the stomach, such as:

5- Probiotics

Researchers claim that probiotics play an important role in preventing traveler’s diarrhea. You should not take any probiotics until your doctor prescribes you.

How can I ease the agony that diarrhea has produced in my lower rectal area?

A lot of times, diarrhea necessitates repeated bathroom visits. Itching, burning and having bowel movements that hurt is one of the uneasy effects of this.

There are a few things you can do to alleviate any of these discomforts, including:

How to Prevent Diarrhea?

You can protect yourself from getting sick:

Wrapping Up

Young children and adults are at risk of dehydration that leads to life-threatening conditions if they do not seek diarrhea treatment. Most diarrhea cases are easy to treat at home, and you do not rush to the doctor. But if you experience watery and loose stools for more than 2 days, get medical help.

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