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Dicloran Tablet Uses – A Complete Guide on this Anti-Inflammatory Drug

Dicloran Tablet Uses
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Dicloran is a widely used painkiller that interferes with pain sensations. Dicloran tablets are made up of diclofenac sodium. This material boasts anti-inflammatory properties. Dicloran tablet works by interfering with the pain receptors and thus does not allow your body to register it. 

Dicloran tablet uses also extend as it targets the inflammation-causing compounds in the body. Our immune system is normally designed to attack external pathogens. But sometimes, the immune system can act out and attack the normal cells. This results in inflammation which causes pain in the body. 

What is Dicloran Formula?

Dicloran tablets are made up of the chemical compound Diclofenac Sodium. 

What are the Available Forms of Dicloran in Pakistan?

In Pakistan, Dicloran tablets are available in the given below forms such as:

What is Dicloran Tablet Uses Dosage and Strength?

Dicloran tablets are generally available in two different strengths:

Your doctor might also recommend dicloran in injection form with a concentration of 25 mg/3ml. 

What are Dicloran Tablet Uses?

Dicloran tablet uses as an anti-inflammatory tablet are given below:

What are the Dicloran Tablet Side Effects?

Dicloran tablet side effects are given below:

What are Dicloran Tablet Risk Factors?

Just like any other drug, dicloran tablet uses are not risk-free. Some of the risk factors you need to keep an eye on are given below: 

Cardiac Issues

Patients with a history of heart diseases or complications should be cautious about dicloran tablet uses. This is because dicloran tablet use can lead to the release of chemicals damaging the heart. Therefore make sure to consult with a doctor before taking these medications. 


The compound present in Dicloran can increase the chances of stroke in people with a history of stroke. 

Allergy to Dicloran Tablet

Make sure to consult a doctor before taking the dicloran tablet as it contains Diclofenac. It is a compound that can lead to mild allergies. It can lead to wheezing and rashes. But if you are not cautious, these tablets might also result in a severe allergic reaction.

This is also known as anaphylactic shock. If not catered right, the anaphylactic shock might lead to rashes, nausea and vomiting. 


Another side effect of dicloran tablets is edema. Edema is a condition that is aggravated by water retention. As Dicloran tablet uses lead to fluid retention, people should be extra cautious while taking it. 

Renal Issues

Dicloran side effects are that it can cause impaired kidney functionality if used over the long term. Always consult a doctor before taking this medicine so you might not suffer from kidney issues in the long run. 

Asthma and Respiratory Diseases

Dicloran tablet uses can result in worsening existing asthma. Therefore remember to take it with extreme caution. 

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Pregnant women should avoid dicloran under all circumstances until and until prescribed by a gynaecologist. Dicloran tablet uses can have a negative impact on the baby’s health, especially on cardiac health. Women who are in their third trimester should avoid it at all costs. 

Secondly, women who are breastfeeding their children should consult with their doctor before using dicloran. 

How to get Dicloran Tablets in Pakistan?

Dicloran tablet is a prescription medicine. You need to get an authorised prescription. Then present the prescription before a pharmacist to buy Dicloran. 

What are the Precautions of Dicloran Tablet Uses?

Consultation with a doctor is highly important because dicloran tablets can also interact with other drugs. Given below are some of the drugs that can interact with dicloran: 

Make sure to provide your primary healthcare provider with a detailed history of medications and complications so that they can prescribe dicloran accordingly. 

What is Dicloran Tablet Price in Pakistan?

One tablet of Dicloran is around Rs. 15/-

One packet of injection of Dicloran is around Rs. 180/-

A Note from Healthwire

Pain, in any part of the body, can be a source of extreme agony and discomfort. From mild period cramps to serious fractures, it is highly essential to remedy the pain so that you can continue with your everyday life. 

Chronic pain can make day-to-day tasks a hard nut to crack if left unattended. Dicloran is one such pain killer that is an excellent remedy to battle out pain. 

One of the primary dicloran uses is for joint pain such as arthritis, backache and muscle pain. 

But make sure to consult with the general physicians via Healthwire. They will guide you properly in such matters as Dicloran tablet uses. 


Is Dicloran Used for Painkillers?

The Dicloran tablet is used as a painkiller, especially for musculoskeletal pains. 

Does Dicloran Make You Sleepy?

Dicloran tablet uses may cause blurred vision, dizziness and sleepiness. 

Can We Use Dicloran for Headache?

Typically used for joint pain, Dicloran can also be used to treat headaches and migraine as well. 

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