Bursitis (Bursa)

Overview of Bursitis (Bursa)

The bones, tendons and muscles near the joints are cushioned by the bursa sac. Bursa sacs are small fluid-filled sacs. These sacs help to ease rubbing and friction between the tissues. Bursitis (گِلٹی کی سوزَش /Gilti ki Sozish) is a painful condition in which bursa sacs are inflamed. This condition is common around joints like the shoulder, elbow, hips and knees.
Bursitis can be treated by resting the affected joint and protecting it from another trauma. In most cases, bursitis pain can subside within a few weeks with proper treatment. However, recurrent flare-ups of bursitis are common.
Bursitis is more common in adults, especially above age 40.

Signs and Symptoms of Bursitis (Bursa)

The most common symptom of bursitis is pain. It can be sudden and severe. Your joint might also be:

  • Stiff
  • Red
  • Swollen
  • Fever (over 102)°F
  • General illness or more than one area that hurts
  • Swelling, redness, and warmth in the area
  • Trouble moving the joint

Types of Bursitis (Bursa)

Bursitis might affect your:

  • Shoulder
  • Elbow
  • Buttocks
  • Hip or thigh
  • Knee
  • Achilles tendon or heel

Causes of Bursitis (Bursa)

Bursitis is usually caused by

  • Repeated pressure on an area
  • Overuse of a join

Risk Factors of Bursitis (Bursa)

The risk of bursitis can be increased by:

  • Gardening
  • Carpentry
  • Raking
  • Scrubbing
  • Shovelling
  • Painting
  • Skiing
  • Tennis
  • Golf
  • Wrong sitting or standing posture
  • Throwing
  • Sudden injury
  • Age (with age tendons become less elastic and can’t handle stress)
  • Arthritis
  • Certain medications



All types of bursitis can’t be prevented however, the risks can be reduced by changing the routine activities. Examples include:

  • Lifting Properly: While lifting, bend your knees. Improper lifting puts extra stress on the bursae in your hips.
  • Using Kneeling Pads: You can reduce pressure on your knees by using some type of padding.
  • Take Frequent Breaks: Perform repetitive tasks with frequent breaks or other activities.
  • Wheeling Heavy Loads: You can reduce stress on the bursae in your shoulders by using a wheeled cart.
  • Healthy Weight: Try to lose weight because weight puts stress on your joints.
  • Exercising: Make your muscles strong by regular exercise. It can help to protect your affected joint.


Bursitis is diagnosed in the following manner:

  • Physical Examination: Your doctor will inquire about your symptoms and perform a physical examination to check if the joint is swollen. The doctor will recommend the following tests such as:
  • Imaging Tests: Through X-rays, other problems that might be inducing pain can be ruled out. MRI Scan and ultrasound provide a detailed image of your joint.
  • Lab Tests: In lab tests, a small amount of fluid is taken from the bursa by using a needle. Further, the sample is tested for signs of infection.

Treatment of Bursitis (Bursa) | When to Consult a Doctor

Usually, bursitis recovers on its own. Mostly, home treatments can be useful for its recovery. Here is how you can get bursitis treated.

  • Home Treatment

At home, bursitis can be treated by:

  • Proper rest
  • Ice compression to reduce pain and swelling
  • Use of pain reliever
  • Medication

If the cause of inflammation in your bursa is an infection,  your doctor might prescribe an antibiotic.

  • Physical Therapy

Through physical therapy muscles in the affected area can be strengthened. This therapy can help to ease pain and prevent a recurrence.

  • Injections

To relieve pain and inflammation a corticosteroid drug is injected into the bursa. This treatment usually works quickly and, in many cases, only one injection is required.

  • Assistive Device

Pressure on the affected area can be reduced by using a temporary cane or other walking devices.

  • Surgery

In some rare cases, it becomes necessary to surgically drain the inflamed bursa.
If you experience pain while grasping, moving, and lifting objects and other work-related problems you need to visit a general physician