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Difference Between Heart Rate and Pulse Rate – Is There Any Similarity?

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When a heart beats, the blood gets pushed and changes the blood pressure and the pulse in the arteries. People who are healthy have a synchronized heart rate and pulse. Although heart rate and pulse rate are technically two different rates. 

While looking at the difference between heart rate and pulse rate, it is observed that the heart rate measures the heart beats of the heart and pulse rate measures the noticeable increase in the blood pressure throughout the body. 

For healthy individuals, who don’t suffer from heart conditions the blood is pushed through the body efficiently like an unhealthy person. An unhealthy person usually has a pulse rate that is lower than the heart rate. But there are a number of factors that contribute to affecting pulse rate and heart rate. The most common ones include: 

Difference Between Pulse Rate and Blood Pressure

Pulse rate is actually the number of times heart beat is observed in a minute. And blood pressure on the other hand measures with how much pressure your blood vessels and heart pump blood to the rest of the body. 

So, there is clearly a difference between the two. Unlike the difference between heart rate and pulse rate  Now, let’s learn more about heart rate and pulse rate for better understanding. 

What is Heart Rate? 

Heart rate is the number of times the heart beats or contracts in a minute. The heart rate is not the same for every individual but in reality it varies from individual to individual and other factors. The other factors that can cause differences in heart rate are the medical conditions i.e heart attack, age, and physical condition. If we look at the heart rate on the basis of age, here is what you need to know about the heart beat normal range that is not a dangerous heart rate at all.

So, the normal pulse for adults also ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute.

The difference between heart rate and pulse rate is further explained below for your better knowledge. So, you better keep on reading. 

How to Monitor Heart Rate?

It is very easy to monitor heart rate manually by just sitting at home. This can be done by simply placing your index finger along with the second and third finger on the wrist (at the palm side). Another way to check the heart rate is by putting the index finger and second finger on the wind pipe and feel the heart beating. 

Apart from manual ways, another best way to monitor the heart rate is by using an electrocardiogram (ECG) machine. This tool not only provides help with heart rate monitoring, but also provides extra information about the heart. Now, the difference between heart rate and pulse rate measurement is also noteworthy.  

What is Pulse Rate? 

As a result of the contraction of the heart, the rushing of blood through the capillaries can create the pulse. Pulse rate is actually the mechanical vibration and beating throughout the body. 

Unlike the heart rate, people can feel their pulse rate in various areas of their body such as wrist, arms, ankles, neck, and knees. 

How to Measure Pulse Rate? 

While comparing pulse rate vs. heart rate, there is no big difference between the two. Pulse rate can be measured by using the same methods as for heart rate. The pulse rate of a person is quite similar to the heart rate. So, to know the measurement methods, go and read above the similar ways to measure the heart rate. 

Pulse Rate Vs. Heart Rate – What’s the Similarity? 

It is a very common question often asked by individuals that what is the major difference between heart rate and pulse rate. The answer to this question is very precise and to the point. It’s YES. Both of these provide the same information and measure the exact same thing.

There is only a technical difference between the two. Heart rate estimates the heartbeats per minute. And on the other hand pulse rate measures the pressure and frequency with which the heart pumps blood to different parts of the body. 

As far as the difference between pulse rate and blood pressure is concerned, it is already explained above. It must be understood that a heartbeat pushes the blood in the human body. This creates a change in the blood pressure and the pulse rate in the main arteries. 

Maintenance of a Normal Heart Rate

To protect cardiac health, it is necessary to keep your heart rate healthy. Besides exercise, there are other steps that can be taken in order to protect heart health. These include: 

Weight Loss: More weight on the body means that there are more chances that the heart has to work harder to pump the blood to all the areas of the body. In order to manage heart health, manage your appetite naturally.

Reducing Stress: Stress can cause an increase in the blood pressure and heart rate. There are a lot of ways that can be used to reduce stress. These can include meditation, yoga, deep breathing and mindfulness. 

Stay Away from Tobacco: Smoking can increase the risk of higher heart rate. So, staying away and quitting this habit can reduce the chances of heart rate reaching to a normal level. 

Take Away Note

The difference between heart rate and pulse rate  is often confused by people. But let me assure you that these two are just technically different. However, to measure these two the methods are also similar. There are a number of heart healthy foods that can help in maintaining a healthy heart and also other ways are there to keep the pulse rate and heart rate at normal readings. 
In case of any emergency or queries, make sure you visit the best cardiologists near you make sure to visit

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