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Vaginal Discharge: Treat it With Some Effective Home Remedies

Vaginal Discharge
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Vaginal discharge is a fact in almost all women. You may not even think twice about it. But have you ever wondered why it happens, and how to tell if it’s normal or not? 

Keep on reading this article to find out why vaginal discharge is healthy and when you should worry about it. 

What is Vaginal Discharge? 

The vaginal discharge comes from the glands in your cervix and vagina. These glands produce small amounts of fluid, also called vaginal secretions. This fluid comes out of your vagina every day and helps in the cleaning of old cells that accumulate in the vaginal lining. 

This is a completely natural process. It’s your body’s way to keep your vagina healthy and clean. 

Normal vaginal discharge is clear or milky, usually colorless, odorless, or with a very mild odor that is not unpleasant. 

Vaginal discharge varies from woman to woman. Some experience it every day, some less often. It also changes throughout the menstrual cycle. These changes in color and consistency are due to ovulation and are completely natural. 

Types of Vaginal Discharge – Recognize Abnormal from Normal 

Sometimes, you can experience some symptoms which indicate there is a problem. The vaginal discharge may increase in amount, its color, smell, or texture may change. You may notice other symptoms as well e.g irritation, a burning sensation, itching in vagina, etc. 

Let’s understand different types of vaginal discharge through a chart:

Type of DischargeWhat It Could Be?Symptoms
Clear/Milky White DischargeNormalNo other symptoms
Thick White Discharge, resembling cheeseVaginal Yeast InfectionVaginal itching, burning, soreness, pain during sex
White/Yellow/GrayBacterial VaginosisFoul odor, itching, swelling
Thick Yellow/Green Discharge TrichomoniasisFoul smell
Brown/Bloody DischargeIrregular menstruationPelvic pain/vaginal bleeding
Cloudy Yellow DischargegonorrheaPelvic pain

When it’s not normal, and it happens quite frequently, that warrants a trip to the doctor’s clinic. 

Is it Normal to Have Vaginal Discharge in Pregnancy?

Yes. It is completely normal to have more vaginal discharge in pregnancy. This prevents infections from traveling up to the womb from the vagina.  

Towards the end of pregnancy, the amount of discharge increases further. In the last week or so of pregnancy, it may contain streaks of sticky, jelly-like pink mucus. This happens when the mucus in your cervix begins to come away. 

This is a sign that the body is preparing itself for labor. So, NO WORRIES! Pregnancy discharge is normal. 

Home Remedies for Vaginal Discharge – Is There a Way Out? 

Of all the types of vaginal discharge, white discharge is the most common. It happens due to unhygienic habits, over-anxiousness, and nutritional deficiencies. 

But hey! Desi kitchen got your back! 

There are some very simple home remedies that you can try to get rid of white discharge:

Drink Fenugreek Chai

Who hasn’t heard about the reproductive health effect of fenugreek seeds? It’s seeds are blessed with the richness of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that boost your health. 

If you are facing the problem of white discharge, this remedy is for you. Take some fenugreek seeds, and boil them in 500 ml water, until the water is reduced to half. Cool down this drink, and gulp it. 

You will feel relief from the white discharge.

Eat More Lady Fingers

Favorite vegetable of many, lady fingers benefits your health in several ways. One of them is treating the white discharge. 

Boil some ladyfingers in water. Churn them in a mixer. Consume this at an empty stomach. 

You can also soak ladyfingers in yogurt and then consume it. 

Consume Tulsi

Tulsi is a common ingredient in your kitchen. 

Grind some tulsi with water. Add some honey to it. Drink this twice a day to get rid of vaginal discharge

Another way of using tulsi is consuming it with milk.

Drink Rice Starch

This is an extremely easy and beneficial remedy. 

Take rice starch which is the water in which you boil the rice. Drink this rice starch regularly to eradicate vaginal discharge. 

Add More Yogurt to Your Diet

Yogurt contains the bacteria which are essential to creating a healthy environment in your vagina. If an imbalance occurs, these bacterias help treat it. 

Studies show that eating yogurt increases the microbiomes in your digestive tract, which reduces yeast in the body. White vaginal discharge is a yeast infection. If you add more yogurt to your diet, you can get rid of this excessive discharge. 

Use Coconut Oil

Derived from the flesh of coconut, coconut oil has immense benefits. It has antifungal properties, making it one of the most effective home remedies for vaginal discharge.

Be sure to buy pure, organic coconut oil. Apply this oil directly on and around the vaginal area. 

Take a Bath With Guava Tea

If you experience yellow/green vaginal discharge with a bad odor, or milk white cheese like discharge, use guava tea made from the guava leaves. 

Heat the water up until it boils, then turn off the stove .Add the guava leaves and allow to soak for 3-5 minutes. Strain and take a sitz bath with this tea, carefully washing all the genital area. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times a day.

This guava leaves bath will help treat vaginal discharge caused by bacterial and yeast infections. 

The Last Word!

You may think what to eat to stop white discharge. Well, the sitz bath along with a healthy diet can help you a lot. You should avoid processed foods as much as possible and eat foods such as fruits, vegetables, natural yogurt, chicory, cabbage, lemon, melon or pomegranate, for example.
These types of foods alter the pH level in your blood and genital area, promoting the restoration of normal vaginal flora. If you feel that this discharge is not getting better even after home remedies, consult a well-known gynecologist to get this condition treated. You may book an appointment via or call at (042) 32500989.

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