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Low Blood Pressure Treatment at Home – All That You Need to Know

Low Blood Pressure Treatment at Home
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Feeling dizzy, lightheaded, lethargic, or blurred vision, then you are probably suffering from low blood pressure. There are several low bp treatments at home that you can benefit from. But let us first discuss the basics.

What is Blood Pressure?

If you have to understand easily, blood pressure is a force with which blood tends to move in your vessels. It is usually measured in millimeters of mercury. 

It is measured in the given below manner.

Systolic Pressure – the pressure with which your heart pushes the blood out 

Diastolic Pressure – is the force with which your heart rests between the beats

Thus having a bp of 90/80 mm Hg means that your systolic pressure is 90 and your diastolic pressure is 80.

Blood Pressure Range

The blood pressure range statistics are given below

Dangerously low bp50 mmHg33 mm Hg
Too Low bp60 mm Hg40 mm Hg
Low blood pressure90 mm Hg60 mm Hg
Normal Bp120 mm Hg80 mm Hg

What is Low Blood Pressure?

Low blood pressure also known as hypotension is a serious medical condition. A typical and healthy blood pressure is about 120/80 mm Hg. When your blood pressure fluctuates and falls lower than this value, that is when you experience the above-mentioned symptoms. A blood pressure that is below 90/60 mm Hg is considered to be low blood pressure. 

Signs of Low Blood Pressure

Some common signs and symptoms of low blood pressure are as follows:

Causes of Low Blood Pressure

Medical complications or conditions can also lead to low bp.  Some common causes of low blood pressure include

Home Remedies for Low Blood Pressure

We have compiled some effective and impressive home remedies for low bp. Thus make sure to give it a read till the end.

Drink Plenty of Water

Have you ever wondered why doctors always recommend you to drink a lot of water if you have low bp? That is because dehydration is one of the primary reasons for low bp. 

Your body can lose a lot of water during certain conditions such as strenuous physical exercise, excessive sweating, diarrhea, vomiting, and fever. 

Several medications can also cause your body to dehydrate. Thus, if you are curious about how to raise bp, do this by drinking plenty of liquid. Keep a portable water bottle with you at all times.

You can also consult with your primary healthcare physician as to how many liters of water you should drink on a daily basis so that your bp stays within the normal levels. 

Eat a Healthy Diet

Low blood pressure is a perfect indication that your body is deprived of the necessary nutrients. If your body is lacking some pivotal nutrients such as folic acid and iron then it can lead to anemia.

Anemia is a medical condition in which a person suffers from low levels of red blood cells. This condition is a possible risk factor for low blood pressure and its recurrence. 

Thus, it is important for people to rely on a balanced diet so that their bp may stay within the normal range.

What Foods are Good for Low BP?

Foods which are high in vitamin B12 such as lean meats, eggs, milk, and milk products, and breakfast cereals are good for low bp. 

High folate foods such as green vegetables, fruits, beans, and seafood also help to raise blood pressure. 

Some of the good foods for low bp are as follows:

Consume Salty Foods

Sodium, which is the main component of salty foods, helps to raise blood pressure. But too much salt consumption can be damaging for the body because it can lead to heart issues and hypertension

Thus, avoid refined and processed sodium-rich foods. But you can add table salt to your whole and unprocessed foods for a change. It is a great and effective low blood pressure treatment at home. 

Wear Compression Stockings

Stockings or socks which are elastic can help to avoid all the blood pooling inside your lower limbs. This low bp treatment at home can help to relieve the effects of postural hypotension. 

Postural hypotension is a condition in which a person gets lightheaded because of sudden standing or sitting too much. 

Thus, if your doctor has recommended bed rest because of any underlying condition then you need to wear a pair of these compression stockings. It will help with all the symptoms of low bp.  

Caffeinated Drinks

If you are looking for low bp treatments at home that work instantly then this one is for you. When your blood pressure takes a dip suddenly, treat yourself with a cup of coffee or tea. The caffeine provides your body with the necessary boost which ultimately helps to improve your bp. 

Chew Tulsi Leaves

Chewing tulsi leaves is one of the ancient and granny-certified home remedies for low bp. Tulsi leaves are rich in various nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C. 

All of these nutrients work in close harmony to optimize the blood flow in the vessels. Furthermore, these leaves are also rich in antioxidant compounds which lower blood cholesterol levels aiding in low bp treatment at home. 

Sugarcane Juice

Sugarcane juice is rich in carbohydrates and also boasts a rich supply of sodium in the body. Thus if you feel like your bp is low, make sure to drink a refreshing glass of sugarcane juice as it will help to restore the nutritional balance in your body.

Furthermore, it will also give the sugar in your body a boost so that the normal levels of blood pressure are restored. 

Eat Raisins

Raisins are the dried form of grapes. These are full of dietary fibers and also contain just a few calories. They help in the detoxification of blood as well as improve digestion. 

In addition to fibers, raisins are also loaded with iron. Thus wondering what to do with low BP, try to drink raisin water. This beverage will provide your body with the necessary nutrient load and is an effective low bp treatment at home.

Low Blood Pressure Treatment at Home is Possible!

Yes, low blood pressure treatment at home is possible by following the above-mentioned home remedies. If you need further assistance, you can consult with general physicians via

In the meantime, make sure to drink a lot of water and eat a balanced diet!

People Also Ask

What Should We do When bp is Low?

One of the first things to do is to visit a doctor and if you are unable to do that then you can drink a glass of ors or water with one teaspoon salt in it. It will immediately elevate your bp levels. 

Can Low BP cause a Stroke?

Yes low bp is a serious medical condition that can lead to stroke and orthostatic hypotension

Is Banana Good for Low BP?

No, banana is good for high blood pressure. Its high potassium content is good for catering the excess sodium in the blood. Thus, make sure to avoid this fruit in low bp. 

What is the Fastest Way to Control Low BP at home?

Eating a boil egg is one of the fastest low bp treatment at home. You can also try to drink calci for this purpose.

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