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What Helps Settle Your Stomach After Eating Spicy Food? Home Remedies for Relief

What Helps Settle Your Stomach After Eating Spicy Food
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Our taste buds may like a spicy dinner, but our stomachs don’t always agree!

Are you also the one whose life is often disturbed by an upset stomach? 

I know how it feels to be at a long-awaited party with your favourite food, but you don’t want to look at them since your stomach is burning.

I have also been the one always struggling to know the cure of stomach pain after eating spicy food. Instead of spending a lot of money on it, I got rid of stomach burning by using numerous home remedies.

You also want to know, ‘What helps settle your stomach after eating spicy food?’. Here are some home remedies that I found effective in my case. 

But first let’s see what are the causes and symptoms of having an upset stomach. 

What Causes an Upset Stomach?  

In today’s world, indigestion or an upset stomach is fairly common! This happens to everyone at some point in their lives. Also, nothing is more inconvenient than an unsettled stomach.

Here are some of the factors that are behind an upset stomach:

What Are The Symptoms of Upset Stomach? 

Before knowing,  what helps settle your stomach after eating spicy food, here is the list of symptoms. Those that indicate an upset stomach accompanied by stomach burning after eating spicy food. 

Treatment at home is an option if the symptoms are mild to moderate. If the symptoms are severe, such as frequent vomiting or severe abdominal discomfort, you should see the best gastroenterologists right away. 

Stomach Pain After Spicy Food Remedies 

The best method to avoid stomach pain is to avoid hot and spicy foods two to three hours before bedtime.

If you don’t want to give them up entirely, then what helps settle your stomach after eating spicy food? There are several alternatives that can help you cope with an upset stomach. 

Here are some home remedies for an upset stomach or stomach pain after spicy foods.

Let’s see them. 

1- Eat Banana 

Banana is a wonderful natural cure for acid reflux since it can relieve the burning sensation in your stomach over time. Acid reflux can be relieved quickly by eating bananas on a regular basis.

It’s because bananas are high in antacids, which help to relieve stomach aches and pains.

2- Drink Lemon Water  

Another thing what helps settle your stomach after eating spicy food is drinking lemon water. When we have stomach pains, lemon water is an excellent choice. Lemon’s alkaline action aids in the relief of excess acidity in the stomach.

How can you consume lemon water for an upset stomach? 

To a glass of hot water, add one spoonful of organic lemon juice. On an empty stomach, drink this drink.

This cocktail can be consumed first thing in the morning before eating anything. It helps to relieve acid reflux in the stomach caused by last night’s overeating of spicy food.

Read further about home remedies for stomach ache.

3- Drink Cold Milk 

After eating, drink a glass of cool milk to relieve acid reflux and prevent acidity as an answer to what helps settle your stomach after eating spicy food.

Cold milk helps you get rid of acidity by neutralising the gastric acids in your stomach. Also, milk contains a variety of nutrients that help to reduce the pace at which stomach acids are produced.

4- Apple Cider Vinegar for Upset Stomach After Spicy Food 

You might be surprised to learn that consuming more acid will assist to calm the acids in your stomach.

Dr. Bilal bin Mukhtar who is one of the top gastroenterologists in Pakistan says that It helps to maintain an acid balance in your stomach, which relieves the burning sensation.

To use apple cider vinegar for stomach burning:

In one cup of lukewarm water, dissolve two or three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon honey. Mix everything up and then guzzle it down.

What helps settle your stomach after eating spicy food then? This particular drink can be consumed whenever acid reflux strikes. If the cure does not immediately relieve your symptoms, wait 2 hours before drinking another cup of this mixture.

5- Aloe Vera Gel, Of course! 

Aloe vera gel possesses anthraquinones. Anthraquinones have a laxative action in the intestines. It increases the amount of water in your intestines and allows for more natural movements of faeces helping you get relief from burning sensation in the stomach. 

How to use aloe vera gel to help settle your stomach after eating spicy food? 

Swallow half a cup of aloe vera gel before eating anything. You can take it whenever you feel a burning sensation in your stomach and consider it an answer to, what helps settle your stomach after eating spicy food.

6- Mint

Mint – an excellent stomach pain after a spicy food remedy!

Mint leaves contain menthol, which soothes your stomach and helps to relieve indigestion. It also relieves pain by lessening muscular spasms in the intestines. 

In Asian cultures, mint is used as a traditional indigestion remedy. You can use the leaves of the mint plant raw or cooked. You can also use them to brew tea with cardamom or mixed with other beverages. 

7- Use Ginger

Ginger has been used for common colds, nausea, pain, and vomiting since ancient times. It contains substances known as gingerols and shogaols. These compounds can aid in the speeding up of stomach contractions, resulting in a reduction in abdominal pain.

What helps settle your stomach after eating spicy food? Well, the answer is yes, if you can stand the pungent ginger smell. You can peel and cut raw ginger root to prepare chews. You can also put them in drinks or cuisine.

Also, know about the benefits of ginger

8- Next is, Cinnamon 

Experts at Hameed Latif Hospital say that stomach pain after having spicy food can be made better with cinnamon. Camphor, linalool, cinnamaldehyde, and eugenol are all antioxidants found in cinnamon sticks. 

It makes it easier for your stomach to digest food. It aids in the treatment of bloating, nausea, and abdominal fullness.

If you have an upset stomach, try adding 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder or one small stick of cinnamon to your meal.

9- Last But Not The Least, Cumin!

When you need immediate relief from an upset stomach and need an answer to what helps settle your stomach after eating spicy food, cumin seeds are one of the greatest options. It aids in the reduction of hyperacidity, abdominal gaseous distention, and pain.

Take a teaspoon of cumin seeds, a handful of dried coconut, and two garlic cloves in a bowl. Combine them and eat them all at once. It will immediately alleviate the unpleasant stomach feelings after eating spicy food. 

Take Away!

After reading the above-mentioned home remedies, I am sure you must have found the answer of, ‘What helps settle your stomach after eating spicy food?’.  Go ahead! Try these remedies to get rid of your stomach pain or burning sensation.  However, if your stomach ache persists for more than a few days with no indications of recovery, get medical assistance immediately. This could be a sign of a more serious ailment that necessitates emergency medical attention.

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