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Find Out Effective Ways To Deal With Adrenal Fatigue!

Adrenal Fatigue
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Our body systems and organs are regulated by different hormones. There are different glands in the body that are doing their functions to keep our body’s functions stable.

One of these glands is the adrenal gland. This small gland is available in the form of a pair and each is present above each kidney.

The adrenal gland though smaller in size has a lot of functions to perform in the body. The most important function of the adrenal gland out of many other functions includes the availability of energy to the body.

But in many cases, the adrenal gland may suffer some abnormality in its functions induced by stress and anxiety.

The gland will not be able to make necessary amounts of hormones thus leading to a poor metabolic system.

Therefore in this blog, we will be dealing with the functions of adrenal glands and we will also be discussing the major concern of adrenal fatigue. We will also try to suggest ways to deal with adrenal fatigue. So let us jump into the discussion of our topic of concern.


The adrenal gland as described above is a small gland right above the kidney. 

The main secretions of adrenal glands include hormones like adrenaline and noradrenaline. The adrenal gland is the major producer of stress hormones so it plays a very crucial role in our lives.

There are some other hormones secreted by the adrenal gland and those hormones are primarily concerned with balancing minerals and glucose amounts in the body.

The major functions performed by the adrenal gland, therefore, include the following:

Besides the aforementioned functions, the adrenal gland has plenty of other functions to perform in the body. 

So what is adrenal fatigue then?

Adrenal fatigue is the term that relates to a theory presented and coined for the very first time by James Wilson in 1998.

He described it as a group of related signs and symptoms in which the adrenal glands function below the necessary level. 

The other major symptom that he associated with this term was the feeling of unexplained fatigue and lethargy that doesn’t get better even with proper sleep.

Later on, it was discovered that adrenal fatigue was induced in the body due to high levels of stress. It was found to be a common ailment for people suffering from bronchitis and pneumonia.

The point that needs to be understood properly is that adrenal fatigue and adrenal insufficiency are different terms that are interchangeably used by the masses.

Adrenal insufficiency is a medical condition where the adrenal glands are not making enough hormones. It is not always caused due to stress. It can be caused due to physiological and pathological reasons. 

On the other hand, adrenal fatigue is not a medically recognized disease. But it can lead to adrenal insufficiency in the future. 

Causes of Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal fatigue is caused by some other underlying health issues which may cause a sharp decrease in one of the hormones of the adrenal gland called cortisol

The other health issues which are possibly the main cause of adrenal fatigue include the followings:

Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

Before arriving at the ways to deal with adrenal fatigue, it is indispensable to review the symptoms of adrenal fatigue. 

The symptoms of adrenal fatigue are often vague and you may not be able to diagnose them. But on a baseline, here are a few symptoms of adrenal fatigue :

Side Note: read these 11 ways to beat brain fog

There are no specific tests that can indicate adrenal fatigue but sometimes a blood test can hint at adrenal fatigue. Low levels of hormones produced by the adrenal gland might help in detecting adrenal fatigue.


The doctors will try to rule out any other possible cause of low energy and daytime fatigue. 

There are a bunch of diseases that have more or less the same symptoms as that adrenal fatigue. 

So at first doctors will try to eradicate all such concerns. The diseases which you might get checked for include the following:

When the doctor rules out every possible reason, then they will suggest different methods to cope up with the adrenal fatigue. The methods vary from a simple dietary modification to a more active lifestyle.

Ways to Deal With Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal fatigue treatments often include basic changes in the lifestyle. The changes serve as the best way to deal with adrenal fatigue. The description of adrenal fatigue treatments is as follows:

1- Dietary Modifications

Dietary modifications are one of the best ways to deal with adrenal fatigue. Your diet should include plenty of fruits and vegetables. 

Try to consume food items that can help in treating inflammation. Also, try to add more meat content to the diet. You should inculcate nuts and beans in the diet as an alternative to meat. The consumption of dietary fibres should be increased. 

Cutting down on sugar will also serve as the best adrenal fatigue treatment.

If you want to consume sugar then consider using natural sources of sugar like jaggery and honey. Sugar in the diet will lead to inflammation of the adrenal gland. Find out harmful effects of white sugar on your health.

In addition to the above-mentioned things, it is also necessary to limit or abandon smoking. Smoking has detrimental effects on your overall health. 

Furthermore, to deal with insomnia and sleep problems, it is essential to cut down on the caffeine in your diet. 

Making the aforementioned dietary changes will prove to be the best way to deal with adrenal fatigue. 

2- Adopt a Healthy and Active Lifestyle 

Make sure to stay active by infusing activity into your daily routine. Don’t overdo yourself initially. Start with small changes which can even include walking. As per recent studies, exercise is found to be a potent factor in reducing hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. 

Walking will ensure the health of your body. This is because walking helps in lowering blood pressure. Also, it will keep the positivity levels up. 

To read more on the benefits of walking, read this article!

3- Manage Sleep Cycle

Managing your sleep cycles will also prove to be an effective adrenal fatigue treatment. Sleeping and waking up at proper times will help to keep the hormones in a balance. 

So in view of this thing, the adrenal gland will also be able to adjust its secretions. Avoid sleep disturbances and try to get a night time sleep. This will also help to keep the normal circadian rhythm of the body in a balance.

Related: Try these relaxation techniques for sleep

4- Stay Positive

The adrenal gland is also referred to as the stress gland which makes secretions when you are in stressful conditions. So if you remain under stressful conditions then it will make your adrenal gland hyperactive. 

Hence it is essential to keep positivity in life. Anything that helps to alleviate your mood should be adopted. It can vary from person to person. On a baseline, try to socialize and keep yourself engaged in healthy activities. 

Side Read: discover the benefits of optimism!

5- Adopt Hygienic Measures

Hygienic measures will keep the infections at bay. This will also aid the body’s general defence system. As stated earlier, the adrenal gland is hyperactive under stressful conditions, so it is essential to prevent infections and diseases as much as one can. Doing this will give enough time to your body to readjust itself with the secretion of hormones. 

The Final Takeaway

Adrenal fatigue is a treatable condition. A proper dietary regime along with necessary changes in lifestyle will help to keep your adrenal gland functioning normally. If you are still facing difficulty in managing symptoms of adrenal fatigue then make an appointment today with the best general physician

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